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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. NOK Air will need to see the card you paid with.
  2. Trump had nothing to do with 9/11 but he did ban all kinds of Arabs from coming to the US except Saudies.
  3. Most of the 911 operatives were Saudie but Trump banned every other kind of Arab but not the Saudies. Am I the only one to find this strange?
  4. Pissed off with Thai airways since they took over Thai Smile and cancelled the senior discount.
  5. Being of the male gender it's something I don't worry about.
  6. Orban is the only one that has any sense. NATO should have been disbanded years ago it only serves to maintain US influence in Europe.
  7. Didn't do to good in Vietnam and Afghanistan. If the people don't want you there you will not win . Take all your guns and bombs and go home. The Russians went home years ago . WWII has been over eighty years and the US still has not left Germany and Japan so who are the real war mongers.
  8. Nothing a sharp knife could not fix, or better still a dull one. Cut the works off so every time he has to sit down to piss he can contemplate his crimes.
  9. I was by one of those outfits in Laos . I heard a pile of birds squawking and when I looked over a wall I saw a cage with a few birds and a huge pile of bird seed inside , about a dozen birds outside trying to get in to the bird seed were doing all the squawking.
  10. You could go via Kho Phii Phii
  11. I live in an Isaan village and know lots of bar girls. When they show up with the love of their life they always introduce me so I can join the party. I am not a snitcher so I don't tell them that last week it was Fritz from Germany and the week before it was Dave from the UK. So I get along just fine with them.
  12. Not desperate, stupid.
  13. Remember grey haired old men give up control of girls bodies when they are 16 in the UK unlike 'the land of the free" where they have to be 18 . What I find stranger in the US is that you can join the military at 18 and they will put a gun in your hand and send you to kill people but you can't have a beer till you are 21, democrats still too far right for me.
  14. It works both ways, in rural Thailand people could avoid loan sharks by getting a better price from a farang, when they want to pull out some equity. The problem it caused by people buying condos as investments ,they sit empty while there is a housing shortage. That's a big problem in Vancouver so they have put a tax on unoccupied units but it needs to be ten times as much to change anything. They missed the boat as the prices have risen to unaffordable levels.
  15. No doubt he was a dirty old man but i don't believe his so called victims were really victims. Private jets to private islands large cash payments for "massages". I can't believe that they did not know they would be called upon to share some skin. They may have been young but did not lack experience in matters of the flesh.
  16. Nice but the mosquitos will eat you alive.
  17. Cameron is a dangerous man and being a warmonger is a greater threat than the Russians the Chinese or the Iranians or any one else that will not dance when the US pulls the strings.
  18. Jet boats use more fuel so will not catch on for sure.
  19. One thing the commies got right "religion is the opium of the people". It's about making the poor people content with their lot so they don't go after the rich to share.
  20. I want three volunteers , you, you and you.
  21. You have freedom and democracy only as long as you conform.
  22. Why are the Yanks bothering Sweeden. They have enough of these nut bars in the USA why don't they go after them?
  23. The democratic system the Yanks are so proud of does not serve them well. One is senile the other is crazy.
  24. They should deal with what exists, the tories, not what might be.
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