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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. I remember about 60 years ago in Cyprus somebody tossed a grenade through the mess hall window. Killed a couple and injured a few. They chased after him ,caught him and dragged him back. They hung him right there in the mess hall, got in a bit of <deleted> but not much,
  2. I rented a room out to a guy who spent his summer savings on 2000 hits of acid he bought from a US preacher passing through. He was selling it for a living. I would not let him keep it in the house so he had it buried in the snow around town. In the spring when the snow melted he had a pile of the stuff to deal with so he got into it ,one a day for a week then seven at one shot. That did it he went up and never came down. He threw out all his possessions, nice cameras etc. and would sit all day in the bath tub. He stopped eating regular food saying honey had everything a body needs till I told him it had no vitamin C so he bought a case of oranges. Anyway he spooked my girlfriend so I had to run him off so I could get laid. The last thing I heard about him was that they put him in the nut house but he climbed over the wall and escaped.
  3. Smoked up a bunch of hash one night. Same effect the road was flying by at a great speed but I was only going 25mph.
  4. In Canada we pay every time we drink a beer , fuel up the car or smoke a cigarette. That's better than being hit with a huge bill that includes the insurance company cut.
  5. What, and give up beer and bacon?
  6. The problem is not about sharing the weiner , it's about sharing the wealth when the wealth is limited.
  7. I was taking Amlodipine 10mg a day for high blood pressure for a couple of years till my feet swelled up , I dropped it to 5mg and they went down, That was two years ago and they are still good.
  8. If I go driving on a beach first I make sure the tide is out. Second I make sure I am following existing tyre tracks. Never had a problem yet
  9. What scares me most are the rabid Christians and Muslims that think they are going to wake up in a better place when they die. Less incentive to not go to war.
  10. Foreign aid does not arrive in the form of cash. It goes to friends of the friends with a boot factory or a bomb factory . They get a rich contracts and the goods are shipped not cash. Also the military will get rid of worn out stuff like old F-18 s at a great price of course, that way they can buy new stuff and the government gets brownie points for helping the Ukers
  11. Fifteen hundred Jews murdered ,thirty thousand Arabs murdered. Time the government took a look at the numbers and stopped sending guns and bombs to Israel.No wonder the Palestinians are angry. Isn't being complicit to murder a crime?
  12. At 81 l find temptation easier to resist.
  13. They don't want to work themselves out of a job by catching the financiers. Stick to the low hanging fruit and they will have work forever.
  14. Busses so underpowered once they get going at a good lick they don't want to slow down..You can tell because even the slightest grade slows them down. One time I was sitting in a restaurant in Surattani. Outside there were busses loading passengers.The drivers were sitting at a table chugging a few cold ones. Glad I was taking the train.
  15. In Thailand you had better look both ways.,could be someone overtaking or just going on the right.
  16. You need the purple car passport ,you need your blue book to get that.Pay a bit for insurance when you get there.
  17. When I try my lap top it wants me to enter my card in that thing they sent and get the password. I tried my phone app and it opens up right away.
  18. If the guy is into hunting having a few stay bullets at the bottom of his bag would not be out of the ordinary. However coming to a foreign country and not checking that they had all been removed is not smart. I had a couple of 300 win mag I forgot in my bag. When I was in London ,my cousin that worked for BA security grabbed them and gave me a telling off. I was a little pissed off because they were 220 grain soft points I had loaded myself, hard to find in the store. That was a long time ago just when the laws were starting to stiffen , until then ammunition was not a problem in a checked bag.
  19. If it's anything like the drivers license medical they will have the paperwork for medical cannabis under the counter already signed . Just fill in your name pay the money and you are good to go.
  20. They always go for the low hanging fruit. That's the Thai way, that way they don't work themselves out of a job.
  21. Lots of time till the new year.Things can change when a strong cannabis lobby gets in gear.
  22. Yes, but they are not doing it.
  23. It reminds me of the story about the old lady that called the police and said "it's disgusting the people in the apartment across the street are having sex with the curtains open" When the cop showed up he said" I can't see anything". The old lady said "you have to go in the bathroom ,stand on the toilet seat grab the window sill and pull yourself up"
  24. Been here in Udon Thani three months haven't seen any cops. They are usually out harassing school kids for no helmets. The number of drivers turning right at traffic lights from the wrong lane and cutting in or going straight through from the left turning lane is starting to piss me off. I have even seen some old cars with no plates.The number of motor cycles with no tail light riding on a dark road is crazy people risking their life to save paying 10B for a light bulb. Time the cops got out and did their job.
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