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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. Can anybody name a country the US has invaded to impose democracy where they have succeeded ? I know that in Chile and Iran they knocked off the democratically elected leaders because they did not like them and they are prepared to cosy up to devils like the Saudies if there is a dollar to be made. Democracy is not serving the USA well with a choice between a senile encumbant and a crook.
  2. Lions are wild animals ,they look cute when they are small but when they grow up they can eat you. Why would you want such a creature, like keeping a poisonous snake or a crocodile, stupid ?
  3. Got in a scrap with some gypsies . There were half a dozen of them and ten of us . I was last of our side out of the pub door with four of them thumping on me. I was lucky that it was not one or two as being four none of them could get a good punch in. Anyway I saw in the paper later that the same lot had got into a fight with a platoon of soldiers and given them a licking. They were charged and when they went to court the judge told the soldiers that they should be ashamed to call themselves British soldiers if they couldn't handle this scruffy crew of gypsies and threw the case out.
  4. Weed puts people to sleep booze makes them fight.
  5. The Canadian health service is fine . Don't believe the propagander put out by US insurance companies. I can't see how having a for profit company between the doctor and his patient can be better. I had a hip replacement ,didn't cost a dime. If I need a doctors appointment I just give them a call "what day would you like to come in?" "morning or afternoon?" no problem and free again. Also I am over 65 so all my pills are free.
  6. About a year ago I put on 20lbs ,eat the same food as I have eaten all my life ,no more no less. When I asked the doctor he said my metabolism had slowed down due to aging. Was not burning up the calories any more so it was going to fat. Another problem is my old lady keeps shoving food in front of me.
  7. In my younger days got a dose of crabs. I bought a can of RAID. The girl at the store counter could not understand why I was buying RAID in January but the store manager walked by and he had a wicked grin ,he knew what was going on. I sprayed it on and my nuts were on fire so I filled the bathtub and jumped in. All the nasties floated up and I drained the tub never to see them again.Maybe that would work for you?
  8. Udon used to have a flight to Singapore.
  9. If those bar girls find out you have a big stash you are done for. They are very good at what they do, they make old guys feel young, they make bald guys feel hairy, they make fat guys feel thin and they make every guy believe he is a stud. It might take a few years but sooner or later you will fall for one. " Only been here a week ,you are the first guy I have gone with". " I don't want to do this but need to help my ailing mother". Of course she will be different from all the other bar girls as she will be interested in you not your money may not even charge for the first romp. Called playing the long game. Lookout you have been warned.
  10. At least they will be able to bring their own rifle when they go join the Shan State Army or the KNU.
  11. Ahha,Brexit coming home to roost?
  12. Ganja mellows you out. If he did too much he would not be able to get out of his chair and walk only sit there and smile.Sounds to me that he popped the wrong kind of pill combined with too many cocktails
  13. Fifty years ago they were calling Japanese cars junk. Maybe the earlier models were but it did not take them long to capture the market. I think the same thing will happen with Chinese products.
  14. They kill the beef at around 5am and it's hanging up for sale an hour or two later. So you don't have to worry about storage. That's why it's as tough as old boots and they have to chop it up small so they can get it down.
  15. When the second amendment was added to the constitution they did not have automatic weapons or RPG's. To be true to the constitution everyone should be allowed a single shot black powder gun and a sword. Shotguns and rifles for qualified hunters OK also. All the hand guns and military weapons need to be removed from society. You don't just take them from bad guys you take them from everybody the less guns in circulation the less shootings you will have.
  16. Could have made a few pairs of cowboy boots and a case for my pool cue.
  17. Jail should be for crooks not idiots. It's expensive to feed and water people who are incarcerated. US taxpayers don't seem to mind paying but every where else in the world does.
  18. I don't trust credit cards over here I always make sure I have enough cash in my pocket in case there is a problem. So I will not trust this app till it is proven to work for a while..Also I wonder how much you will get hammered on the exchange rate.
  19. Those fancy outfits will spend a long time trying to flog you expensive frames but very little time on the eye examination. I get a new set of lenses every couple of years from the guy in Big C Nadee Udon Thani. He charges three or four thousand for bifocals. Just a small stall nothing fancy and no eye candy.
  20. I too have an old Fino 45,000 on it when the speedo quit about five years ago. My old lady went and bought a new Filano I don't know what she paid for it but it is quite nice. The center of gravity on Hondas seems to be higher making them a little more unstable.Go for a Filano.
  21. Something you can wipe your feet on ?
  22. I know a fellow had a bar, told me it cost B3000 a day to operate. So if he makes B20 on a beer he has to sell 150 before he can slide any change into his pocket. Not a good deal if you ask me.
  23. And always remember if a deal looks too good to be true then the odds are that isn't true.
  24. Where I live nothing within 4 kms only a couple of mom and pop shops not tech savvy. I can see some sharp young guy setting up a shell company with a QR code and buying credits for cash at a heavily discounted rate. This will get ugly when the Thai mafia get involved and these sites pop up all over. Thais like quick cash I can't see anyone spreading benefits over six months if they can get instant cash even at a discounted rate,so city businesses will be buying up credits rather than delivering goods. The whole thing is unworkable.
  25. This idea that the Yanks have about instilling democracy on nations is very selective. It doesn't apply to the Saudies or any of those rich Arab countries. Egypt's democratically elected government was run off and Africa is full of people originally voted in but won't leave when their time is up. Thailand and Cambodia are another pair of basket cases when it comes to democracy. So why are they not speaking up about these countries? China has a one party system that suits them well with elected representatives. The haven't been communist for years since Deng Chao Ping. A lot of Ukrainians are pro Russian choosing the Russians over the Yanks but those numbers are concealed from us.
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