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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. Not at all offensive as it is an incomplete statement. For who's benefit does he want no contact? Does he believe blacks will benefit by staying away from whites or does he believe whites will benefit by staying away from blacks?
  2. The more sewage the more algae.
  3. Good to see Thailand cooperating, cars that go to Nigeria have been identified but the Nigerian government refuses to cooperate. They go over in containers,as very few are checked
  4. That's not news, it happens all the time, even to Thais, everywhere in Thailand.
  5. Canada more expensive, Japan and Switzerland free.
  6. Confiscate them for sure. The renters should be informed where they can use them and that should be the responsibility of the rental operators.
  7. From what I see of the Thai military they spend more time pointing weapons at their own people than they do at Laos or Cambodia. Any planes are good enough for that.
  8. People invent gods to explain what they don't understand. When leaders cannot explain things to the peasants they cannot admit to their own ignorance so they need gods as an excuse.
  9. Isn't a 38 caliber the same as a 9mm?
  10. If you drink beer you will have lots of expat friends, if you want to stay in a village you will have to drink Lao Khaw to have lots of Thai friends.
  11. I don't take cigarettes into the bedroom, i remove them from my pocket first. Learned that from my grandfather over sixty years ago.
  12. I cut the cable about five years ago didn't want that rubbish in my house.
  13. Doesn't the US have private for profit jails? Putting people in jail over there is a business ,that looks corrupt to me.
  14. They must have a good union because online booking costs ฿250 more than going to a station to book.
  15. I have two SIM cards in my phone one from Thailand and one from Canada. Because I get free SMS's on my Thai number all my banking OTP's go to my Thai number . I had to go into my Canadian bank to set this up . Also my Thai SIM works in Canada but my Canadian SIM does not work in Thailand.
  16. Citizens of Switzerland and Japan do not pay for visas.
  17. Usually not a problem if out in the open but if you are routing around under the dash take off rings for sure. I briefly touched a live wire under the dash had my ring heat up instantly not enough to burn but I learned my lesson.
  18. I would definitely check out various options as a difference of one or two percent is a large hunk of cash.
  19. I shared a ships cabin with an ex Hong Kong policeman fifty years ago .He told me that the job of customs chief had to be bid on starting price 1,000,000HKD
  20. You know you are in Thailand if you end up going through a red light, feeling a little guilty, look in your rear view mirror and see three guys come through behind you.
  21. What about that fellow that comes through the village trading plastic buckets for dogs? I think they go through Laos to Vietnam. Unless a bunch of doo gooders from Bangkok show up the Thai border people look the other way as they don't want to be stuck feeding 100 dogs.
  22. If one of those things bit me it would get a beer bottle hamburger over the wall in the middle of the night,
  23. You reap what you sow. If the US had not interfered in the central american countries they would not be coming. Goes back to the United Fruit Company.
  24. Never drive anywhere at night you haven't driven in the daytime. That way you will know where all the pot holes are.
  25. They tried to get me twice in one week. I went to buy a computer as they were on sale. When I went to pay they said the sale was over and I had to pay the full price. However they made no effort to take the sign down. So I told them to stuff it and went to the next shop. I let them know what happened and they honoured the advertised sale price. Second time I went to buy a cheap shirt and pants. Same thing they wanted more than advertised saying the larger sizes used more cloth. My wife was holding the cash and paid them so I lost out on that one as I would have told them to stuff it.
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