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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. China Airlines gave me a voucher to go in the quick line but I didn't need it as i am over 70 and can use the line for old duffers, much shorter.
  2. That will give the Russians something to shoot at. Right now they can't stage an all out offensive as 45% of Ukranians are pro Russian , a fact western news media ignores.
  3. Same through Vancouver.
  4. I thought she had a divorce from the BBC.
  5. Last year I had an application in for a Thai Pass before they changed the quarantine from one day to one week. However they wanted the insurance to show USD not TBT. The insurance company replied real quick but the Thai govt. closed all the email and phones so I could not submit it. Second time I used an agent, the Thai Pass that was supposed to take 2-7 days took 2 hours and the agent cost ฿ 3000, I should have done this first time I would have saved over$4000.
  6. The village I live in the headman has little power. His main job is acting as a notary signing documents for a 100฿ tip. If the villagers heard him promoting any candidate ,there first question would be " how much was he paid? " and " if they want my vote they should pay me ,not the headman."
  7. Good luck, unless it's hard wired . Some Thai will come along when you are not watching and plug your 110V device into the 220V and that will be the end of that. Been there done it.
  8. A lot of Ukrainiens are pro Russian ,that is why it's a strange war. Putin can not stage an all out offensive .otherwise he would have won a long time ago. It's a shame Zalenski and the mafia that keep him in power are sending young men to die.
  9. Thailand is not a good place to hide out. Should have gone somewhere with no extradition. When his father was arrested should have took off.
  10. Corruption was the cause of Brexit. The moneyed elite promoted the pull out because the EU was going to start digging into offshore bank accounts.
  11. It's not just Thai weather that influences travelers. Some people come to escape the -40's at home and when that season passes they are quite happy to return home.
  12. If they are smart they will hire a Dutch company. They have all the right gear and could raise up that ship in no time flat. However the contract will most probably go to friends of the friends and will be a debacle.
  13. A lot of Ukrainians prefer Russia to Zalenski and the crooks that back him. This is why it's a strange war. Putin can't steamroller over the Ukraine without harming his own supporters. Western media totally refuse to mention this fact,
  14. The Chinese most probably have one already. However it's the software that makes them unique. They will most probably get approved for a dumbd down version, looks the same but with a lot of features missing.
  15. Be careful they are addictive, You always need one more to balance them out. I have three and need one more. After that I will most probably need more so I stopped .
  16. Don't you need an ATM card to deposit cash in one of those machines?
  17. I got screwed on the Thai Pass last year so used an agent second time I applied. Advertised time was 2 to 7 days. I had mine in 3 hours cost B3000 . I should have used them first time.
  18. Canada and the US took their time allowing craft brewers, but their time has come. It will come in Thailand too but when?
  19. My wife comes from a large family. Everyone that owns a house has it because they went overseas to work, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan etc. Couldn't make it in Thailand.
  20. The Amari hotel at Don Muang has a real good breakfast.
  21. That would be the wise way to go but you have lots of opposition. Crooks want it illegal as that keeps the price up. Cops want it illegal as it keeps the cash flowing " war on drugs". Owners of private jails in the US need lots of inmates to keep the cash flowing etc. Dope a medical problem not a criminal one and should be treated as such.
  22. MSN messenger works the same.
  23. I wonder if this is the <deleted> that stole the cable to my house 200m of copper. I replaced it with aluminium but you have to ask for it as they hide it in the back of the store owing to it being many times cheaper than copper.
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