You know you are in Thailand when you sneak through on an orange light and look in the mirror and see four cars come through behind you. By then it's red of course.
Good to see the KNU being recognized as representing the Karen people who sided with the allies after old Churchill handed Burma over to those that sided with the nippers.
I went back to the old style with removable blades. I find it to be way better than any modern junk. I spied some blades in the 10
Bhat shop so I tried them and am super pleased with the result. They give an awsome shave and last a long time. You should try it you will not be disappointed.
The biggest problem is nobody wants to go with the flow. They all want to go at their own speed anywhere from 30 kmh to 130 kmh. So you are always having to pass somebody or have someone on your tail waiting for a chance to pass you. So driving here is not a relaxing experience you are always breaking or accelerating watching all three mirrors all the time.
A lot of products have huge mark ups. Footware made in Cambodia for $!0 selling for $100 a pair. Handbags made for $20 selling for $2000. So as long as they are selling brand names not products there will always be lots of room to slide in with knock off products.
I don't understand how giving money to the government reduces carbon. Less money to buy fags booze and groceries? which emit carbon. If you have to travel you will whatever the price of fuel.
Nonsense ,when they first came out nobody knew what they were so nobody would accept them. Banks prefered a drivers licence now they prefer a pink card. I can use it at the hospital for almost free dental treatment. I used it at a clinic when i needed a few stitches ,got the Thai rate. Getting more usefull every day.
Canada has three pensions, don't forget the Supplement that brings it up to about $2000 per month but you need to reside in Canada 26 weeks plus a day to get this. I have no problem accessing healthcare when needed. Sounds like you have been taken in by the propaganda US insurance companies put out.
Thaksin has obviously made a deal with someone of power. Dare not speculate or say who without getting into trouble, that is why there is very little comment. from the press or opposition.
The USA is nasty,you can't even transit through a US airport without some kind of visa . I see lots of cheap flights that transit through the US but my old lady can't use them..
I would replace the word "fake" with "imitation". Anybody that buys a Rolex watch for $50 ,unless he is stupid, knows he is getting an imitation. Why do these high price suppliers feel threatened , maybe the cheap stuff is just as good?
The people of Taiwan are Chinese . When it benefits them to align with mainland China they will. All China has to do is wait and it will be theirs for free. All the American guns and bombs will not make a difference.