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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. The elephant in the room that western media ignores is that Russia has a lot of support in Ukraine. That is why Putin can't steamroller over them . I know somebody recently returned from the Donbass says the majority support Russia over Zalenski and his crooks.
  2. Obviously someone else was using the banking app. If she had checked it freequently she could have nipped this in the bud.
  3. Gilbeys Gin on old UK brand sold cheap at Lotus. I wondered why till I took a look at the label "made in Vietnam"
  4. I have been coming to Thailand over twenty years. I have never had a newbie ask for my opinion or advice so I never give it although I have seen many come with seemingly unlimited funds and loose everything. I live in an Isan village and see many bar girls bring back trophies, Wayne from the USA, Fritz from Germany etc. The girls know I am not a snitcher so I am always invited to meet their latest true love even if he is the third this month and share in the bounty , grub and booze. I might even get hired to drive them around.
  5. Stay out of them vans, you will be jammed in like a sardine, can die in those things. Take the ferry across to Butterworth it drops you right in the station, then take the train. It stops at the border to do the immigration stuff. I believe the ferry is free going to the mainland.
  6. Americans like to shoot things. Thats their favorite way to solve problems , with a gun. Remember when the USSR shot down the U2 spy plane, they are all at it. What I don't understand is how do you send a balloon anywhere , doesn't it only go where the wind takes it?
  7. What is freedom? Nobody can do anything they want there will always be rules or limits. The way I see it is you are free when what you wish to do coincides with what you are allowed to do. BRW90324B17937B_000612.pdf
  8. They are good at what they do, they make bald guys feel hairy, they make fat guys feel thin , they make old guys feel young and they make everyone believe he is s stud. That's what you pay for, just enjoy.
  9. I find my Yamaha FINO has a lower center of gravity than a Honda CLICK and makes it more stable and easier to drive.
  10. Another favorite scam is when hiring busses for school trips. The bus owners like to get paid in cash so there is no paper trail they can be taxed on. The organiser gets 15000 pays the bus owner 10000. They got me once on a two day English camp teaching deal. They had me sign a paper in Thai saying I was paid. I can read enough Thai to know what the document was but not enough to brace them on it. Schools have to be one of the highest sources of corruption.
  11. I have a Nat West account with a Canadian address , no problems yet.
  12. When the pink card first came out nobody knew what it was. Now I find it to be accepted in more places. I have never been asked for a residence certificate usually a copy of my yellow book or pink card is OK.
  13. Never had a problem in twenty years.The only times I have been stopped is when I have made a mistake such as driving in a bus lane. The ticket is written and I pay the bill. if they demand too much ask for the ticket and the price will come down to about ฿400.
  14. In developed countries vehicles emitting masses of black smoke would be shut down immediately. They would have to be towed to a repair facility and not allowed back on the road till fixed. I can't see this ever happening in Thailand.
  15. The war on drugs has been a failure. Time to remove the funds used for enforcement and spend them elsewhere on treatment and education. May not work but spending more on something that has failed is ludicrous and spending more is crazyer.
  16. Brexit was a con job sold to the UK public because the EU was threatening to go after offshore money hidden in Jersey and the Cayman Islands etc. The elites did a good job of selling Brexit to the great unwashed.
  17. You can't fire people that have information that can do you in.
  18. Not how it works. The loot would be distributer according to rank with the top guy getting the biggest slice
  19. The problem is when you set up the "ministry of truth" the temptation to use it for political purposes is hard to resist.
  20. You know you are in Thailand if you run a red light and look in the mirror and see three cars come through behind you.
  21. Apparently they had all the Thai women dress as men and stand on the cliff tops. So it appeared to the Burmese that the Thai forces where twice as big as they figured. They turned around and sailed away.
  22. Low hanging fruit again. Not enough cash flow to fill brown envelopes.
  23. That's the real question but it will never be answered as long as they keep going after the low hanging fruit.
  24. The reward of Brexit. You voted for it so don't complain. Because the EU was threatening to look into offshore bank accounts big money was able to mount an effective campaign aimed at ordinary people.
  25. As long as the demand exists so will the supply. Same with all dope, going after the supply is a failed tactic.If you can curb the demand the supply will cease to exist but you would have to take away the enforcement money from the police and spend it on education and social programs. Unfortunately that is a non starter because the results would not be as dramatic as a truck load of confiscated dope.
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