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The Old Bull

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Everything posted by The Old Bull

  1. Maybe they are Ukrainians that don't want to fight.
  2. When I use the ATM I take out 900 ฿ instead of 1000 ฿ if I think making change anywhere is going to be a problem.
  3. Remember don't answer any questions with the word YES ,if they try to confirm your name say something like "it is" or just say "mmm" even if it is a legitimate call if not hang up.
  4. Sounds like the BS they feed the Americans to justify their system. I have never had to wait at emergency went right in every time. In BC I had to wait about 10 minutes for a doctor to show up.
  5. This is old news, it is common knowledge that these places the toffs sent their kids were hotbeds of pedophiles and queers.
  6. A weak attempt to demonize China by calling them communist. Deng Xiaoping's reforms moved them away from Marxism. What they have is a one party system set up so the rich cannot buy the election like in the US.
  7. I don't think the United Fruit company were socialist. The reason central American countries are screwed up and they are coming to America.
  8. NATO should have been disbanded years ago it only gives the US a chance to interfere in European business. No western media outlet mentions the amount of support Russia has in the Ukraine. Most Ukrainians only care about how much cash they have in their pocket not who's picture is on it and will support whoever puts the most in their pocket.
  9. Lets get this one straight there is no left in the US. You only have right and extreme right. Both have had a go at fixing things and both have failed so they blame each other. For starters they should stop building jails and try to get to the root cause why there is so much crime ,maybe poverty and lack of education. It behooves any nation to have a healthy and well educated population to compete in the world market. Maybe that would be a good place to start. Negativity will not fix anything.
  10. Send them to Belgium quick before the lawyers gather to feed on government loot.
  11. Toffee noses hiding behind the disabled trying to save money, disgusting.
  12. The BBC the CBC and the ABC are state supported so we can expect them to toe the line on issues like the Ukraine . That means you take what they say with a grain of salt. It's the corporate news outlets that pretend to be independent we have to be wary off.
  13. A year ago my old lady's boys took me on a two day trip. Paid for the hotel and food.stops and did all the driving. This was the first time in over sixty five years that I did not have to do any organizing. There was ten of us and I enjoyed the trip.
  14. Dogs are honest, cats are sly sneaky things.
  15. I was attacked by a Pitbull once. I was walking with a cane that had a brass horses head handle. It took many hard whacks on the nose before he decided he had enough and backed off. He went after my ancles and since I was wearing boots I was OK. You wouldn't stand a chance against four.
  16. No doubt he is rotten but a $148 million judgement is absurd.
  17. I took engineering at university and could not help but notice most of the Masters and PHD students were from India, That is because they came from rich families. All of us with Bachelors degrees were tired of being broke and couldn't wait to get a job ,earn some money buy a car , chase women ,catch up to those that left school early to take up a trade. The Indian students had no wish to chase women, one of them told me when I want to get married my parents will find me wife so I don't have to look.
  18. The UK must respond to the disease of Islam. First you stop them coming then you deal with those already in the UK. People that trade 13 year old girls for goats do not belong.
  19. Sounds like what they were saying about Japanese vehicles in the 70's
  20. Lack of power, it takes a while for them to get up to speed and then they don't want to slow down.
  21. Stupid, could have dumped out the booze and put water in the bottle ,how would anyone know if he was doing it on line.
  22. It all depends on who the agent gives the brown envelope too. If he is high in the chain then he will be OK.
  23. I don't understand why any woman boxer would enter the ring with him. They should totally boycott anything he is associated with.
  24. Islam should be banned outright. An evil medieval cult. It's spreading like some kind of evil pox , stop it before it infects more of the world.
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