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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. "Your saying you can't....555+" I am saying nothing of the sort!???? Folks can come in on a 30/45 day exempt and convert to a Non imm-0, quite legally, but it can only be done in Bangkok, so lets say you are in Pattaya, your passport is sent to Bangkok, takes a few weeks, however there are conditions?
  2. I do recall the agents with the false stamps, but I what i said is accurate. the agents with false stamps, had 'false stamps' and the data base which holds the records was obviously not updated, and again the stamp was not issued at an immigration office and signed by the head IO! An IO in Thailand cannot issue visas, that can only be carried outside of Thailand at an embassy or consul, so any 'visas' issued in Thailand would be false and illegal and probably useless? My point was if you use an agent that goes to the IO, or you go to the IO yourself, the extension stamp will be the same and when you exit or enter Thailand the IO at the airport will only see the valid stamp and correct data base entry.
  3. Correct, the extensions of stay stamped in your passport, if done at an immigration office are valid and legal, whether you go thru an agent or if you go personally. The stamps are genuine as are the signature on it and its in the immigration data base. As you say if they weren't the IO's at the airport would pick them up. Visas I believe can only be obtained outside of Thailand, at an Embassy or Consul?
  4. Don't know how long ago when you were last in Jomtien soi 5 immigration, but over the last few months the lines have been very long. Sometimes the line snakes down the soi, in the hot sun. There has been a huge influx of Russians and very recently Chinese and could be set to continue?
  5. Excellent, I couldn't have said better Myself! The young lady does look happy?????
  6. You are correct, in earlier posts on this very subject a few weeks ago it said Chinese gray businessman!
  7. I would think the airlines are trying to make up for the shortfall they have had over the past two years?
  8. I didn't say anything of the sort. You need to get your facts right. I actually said Posted 18 hours ago (edited) The picture very clearly indicates that that police officers had something to do with 'finding' the person who had overstayed. Its no stretch it is obvious!
  9. Yes, what goes around comes around, as they say!????
  10. Quite, seems a waste of resources for 5 or 6 officers to catch a couple of folks on short overstays, admittedly the third one on 188 days overstay is a different kettle of fish?
  11. Correct, one of the cop guys appears to be in the picture with the woman, but with the masks it hard to tell!
  12. It doesn't 'say' how many, but looking at the pictures, it would appear it took 4 for the woman and 6 for the Italian guy, one would assume as they are in the picture they had something to do with the investigation?
  13. So do they stop all the 'foreigners' and ask for passports etc?
  14. Thing he has been arrested and when he has finished his sentence, if any, in Thailand he will be deported, back to Russia? Maybe by then the 'war' will be over?
  15. "The first, Leonid, 50, from Russia had been in Thailand 188 days past the end of his visa." OK, fair enough, deport him and ban/blacklist him! But the other two, 6 days and nine days overstay? Hardly 'major criminals'? It takes 5 police to find them? WoW????
  16. It wasn't a scam. He got assaulted by a 'bouncer' he complained, quite rightly and he got a settlement of 50,000 baht. What are you struggling to understand? I would say he was lucky in this case to get anything, but if you don't try you won't find out! Good for him!
  17. I am not suggesting anyone would get compensated, or get criminal charges pressed, in Thailand, What planet are you on?
  18. "sexcapital of the universe" I think maybe you are exaggerating a teeny bit?????
  19. If anyone 'pokes' you, bouncer, cop, its an assault. If the bouncer had asked nicely to pay for the water, this would not have happened?
  20. So a Russian man and previously an Indian man seemingly entered Thailand without going thru immigration, but were caught attempting to leave Thailand? Surely if they knew they didn't have the correct stamp in their passports, they knew they would be apprehended? Something is definitely missing here?
  21. Definitely looks like it. The agents will be happy?
  22. Agreed, but at what cost? ???? Thailand only thinks about one thing, money, money, money?
  23. I thought it was funny. Unfortunately some folk take everything much too literally?
  24. Correct, but it doesn't look like its going to end soon, in fact quite the opposite? Maybe when their money runs out?
  25. Many of the Russians have, or are, 'purchasing' ED visas?
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