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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. No, I have used the Ombudsman, many years ago, around 1998, for a claim I made on my travel insurance. My wife had money stolen, around 1000USD, the insurance company refused to pay, because she was 'careless'. Ombudsmen came down in our favor, insurance had no choice to pay out, but it took several weeks. I don't think this guy can hang around in hospital, while the bills pile up?
  2. At the Bangkok Hospital in Phuket, maybe a 'push'? Problem here is he is accumulating daily expenses ta the Hospital whilst the Insurance Company deliberates. Why is the Insurance Company taking so long, without knowing more facts its difficult to make any kind of educated guess?
  3. Edit: I hope the dog is OK!
  4. Problem is what is bad language considered to be? There are obvious words, but many are in a kind of gray area?
  5. Yes it seem personal responsibility is lacking in Thailand and is rubbing off on to foreigners! I am shocked that so many posters agree that denying the accident happened is the best course of action!
  6. Make sure you have 20,000 baht or equivalent in cash!
  7. So you cannot smoke E cigarettes, because there is a small chance they may be harmful, but you can smoke real cigarette that are proven to cause lung cancer amongst other things and do kill people? What planet is this guy on?
  8. If she had told him the truth, as you say, it is certainly most unlikely he would have sent any money?
  9. Agree it would have taken a few years, but probably may have ended up worse off in the long run? Giving yourself up voluntarily will certainly be more favorable in the eyes of the court?
  10. Right, but there have been many reports that many of them are 'purchasing' ED visas for around 50,000 Baht a pop to enable their 'extended stay' Need to get BJ on the case?
  11. I didn't realize 'Sex Dolls' were illegal in Thailand until I read this. Its a very strange place where things you would expect to be legal aren't and vice versa?????
  12. I can't find any update. I'm sure if she had returned to Michigan we would have news of it?
  13. You may be right? But it could also be something like: 'I can see, the engines on fire'?
  14. Quite so, if they forget about safety, what's next?
  15. Possibly, but maybe you are missing the point, of the call light?????
  16. I think Covid 'escaped' ?????
  17. They definitely will accept cash for the common fees, a friend of mine who stays there paid cash no problem! You can send the money from a Thai or Foreign Bank, from a Foreign Bank you would probably need to send Thai Baht?
  18. Obviously he can't figure out how to tax the importation of E Cigs and the fluid etc? Yet everywhere in Thailand you can buy these devices for a few hundred baht, so someone is importing them?
  19. As far as I know yes, all cops out on the street wear body cams, plus all cop cars have dash cams and when the cop car stops behind you, for some reason, everything is recorded?
  20. I believe she has already said she will return to the USA? "Tubtim “Sue” Howson — who reportedly admitted to striking Benjamin Kable, 22, in the early hours of Jan. 1 — will likely return to Oakland Township by Sunday, Thai officials said at a Wednesday press conference." https://nypost.com/2023/02/15/thai-woman-who-fled-after-killing-michigan-student-will-return-to-us/
  21. Absolutely no question there is, however I was answering a question on bribing police and the chance of who would get arrested for the 'crime'. Trying to bribe a cop in the USA is not going to turn out very well?
  22. I would think most English speakers can 'read' German, the question is do they understand it?????
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