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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Does she have a recipe for restless hands? asking for a friend
  2. Japan uses Thailand for cheap auto manufacturing, if the labour costs go up much they will pull the plug on Thailand... that will cripple Thailand.
  3. Or the so important helmet.. Thais don't need them anyway.
  4. How about some car-parks? Multi story places going up everywhere with no parking facilities to match the number of occupants or customers? City planning is zero.
  5. It will be interesting to see when Prayut remains in office and thousands of protesting students take to the streets they will be swept away to jail under the emergency decree, yet bars will be allowed to remain open till 4am? Can't have it both ways...
  6. If I wanted to live in a place like Vegas I'd live there, I don't thanks. Why do people come here and want to make it like somewhere else?
  7. So the extra couple of hours is going to save the country? BS
  8. A marriage visa means a lower financial input and you can have a WP. But the application process is more detailed than retirement. I also believe the annual extension thereafter is more detailed as apposed to a retirement extension.
  9. Indian tourists behaving badly.... oh what to do?
  10. Apart from that everything's rosy... Prayuts done an outstanding job. Enjoy your retirement... hopefully you'll be gone next week.
  11. The constitutional court seems to be taking a back seat on this one... they are going to be unpopular whichever way it goes. Government will want a positive outcome for Prayut, they people want him out of office. If he stays expect students back on the streets.
  12. He took the prime minister rule when he took office in 2014. Not from when the charter was signed.
  13. Prayut decides for himself and I'm sure he won't be stepping down voluntarily.
  14. Mostly they don't even bother with a hole.
  15. Yes and no... sometimes they are the victims, sometimes they are the perpetrators.
  16. A so called professional fisherman who didn't ask the first question everyone should ask: IS IT LEGAL TO FISH HERE AND DO I NEED A SPECIAL LICENCE? I also ask while the news is all about this guy is the Captain of the boat also arrested? Thought not.
  17. Monthly checks are done, even at Mountain B... it's just spelt differently CHEQUES.
  18. I'm sure they made their presence know before the fire... each month. just a shame they weren't checking things properly instead of collecting rent. Lives might have been saved.
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