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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. "a" checkpoint.... singular ?
  2. They did, and now you're nicked..
  3. If they were found operating illegally confiscate the jet-skies. The message will get soon around it doesn't pay.
  4. Teflon Tony is playing the game, at the moment he seems to be the master.
  5. It's scary out there...
  6. Talking of which, I wonder how he's spending his time these days?
  7. A willing pawn, he could have gone to the police/customs and stated all this before the trip. Whether they wanted to let him continue the journey and liaise with Thai authorities with a tip-off or just cancel the trip.
  8. You don't mean "bribe" perish the thought.
  9. While breaking the record were you adding to the problem?
  10. They take the revenue with open arms but do they put anything back-in or just let the locals do all the work?
  11. The chain gang moniker... will it catch on?
  12. Indeed... as the quote goes "over-priced and over-here"
  13. You are so correct.... remove the hurdles and let them in easily to work.
  14. That's not chump change..
  15. Inform the hospital to send the bill to the temple. Not force the relatives to get a loan from a shark
  16. Time Thailand was put at the highest level on the list of human trafficking.... shame on Thailand
  17. 3's a crowd.... beware
  18. News flash.... they're not friends.
  19. Kick her out... ohhhh, you are both getting kicked out. Best find separate accommodation, she's a rotten egg.

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