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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. If youve been together for 11 years , she must have taken out the loan, or at least knew about it when you were together . She should have discussed it with you previously and not waiting until the banks want the property back .

       This also could be one last scam from her , she probably knows that you intend coming to live in the house in the future , she may not want you to go and live with her . 

       She may be looking for one last big pay day, before she breaks all contact with you ?

  2. 3 hours ago, piewarmer said:

    If a bar wants to renew their annual alcohol license in Chiang Mai they now refer to a map and measure 300m from schools before approval.

    Its really happening, not just talk anymore.

    I suppose slipping a brown envelope under the table would/could cause an error in measurement. 



       There is the Metro Technology school just behind Loi Kroh, down Soi 1 . I havent measured the distance from the School to the Loi Kroh bars , but it seems to be within 300 meters and if it indeed is and the rules are enforced, then it would take all the bars out down at the moat end of LK .

       The huge problem with the brown envelope way of avoiding being closed down, is that its so blatantly obvious .

       Anyone can get a map and see how far bars are away from schools and with the present climate of the Army policing the Police , the people who issue bar licences will adhere to the rules  & regulations .

       Also, one of the reasons for the midnight clampdowm in CM is/was pressure from the Monks , Monks have campaigned for a long time to get the bars to either close down to have their opening times limited , which was the initial reason for the bars having to close at 2 AM (a few years ago )

  3. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I have been in C M for a month, and most nights I walk along Loi Kroh, which has to be the largest bar area in C M. It is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD. It just doesn't know it, yet. For anyone been to Pattaya or Bkk, it's pathetic.


       It isnt really just a bar area, its a specific area, its an area where people go to pick up prostitutes .

       There are numerous places in CM that have live music , the Zoe corner has four different bars with live music , as do a few other bars along that street .

       Loi Kroh is a bit like Soho in London, once a thriving seedy area  ,.now just a crumbling relic of the past


  4. 1 minute ago, paradox4450 said:

    In Australia if you gain your citizenship then you are considered Australian by law, undetermined by what race you derive from. For example if you were of Thai decent and moved from Thailand to Australia, you would be referred to as a 'Thai-Australian'. But of course in Thailand if you come from any heritage other than a direct decendant of a Thai, then you will never be referred to as Thai in any way, shape, form or manner. Neither will you be referred to as a Australian-Thai etc. This in its very essence is racism by definition and of course it creates a mentality of; 'us and them', xenophobia, exclusionism, supremanistic identity etc. Naturally the promotion, and/or advocacy of exlusionism, supremanistic values etc, are sociopathic traits by nature and as such should be advocated against wherever possible, to prevent any potential for unnecessary civil unrest. But thankfully not all Thai embrace such anti-social values


      Thailand has never been a Country that either wanted or encouraged immigration . Thailand is a Country for Thai people, it states clearly in the Thai national anthem

       Thailand isnt a Country where people from far off shores can decide to go and live and want to be Thai

  5. On 12/7/2016 at 1:03 PM, Bob12345 said:

    Borrows = got it with permission.


    Nowhere in the article it becomes clear the granddad actually handed the boy the gun or gave him permission to use it.


        Now you are just being intentionally difficult and fault finding ,.

    You know very well what was meant 

    Maybe "borrow" was the wrong word to use , but its quite obvious what happened

    Or do you really need everything spelled out and explained to you ?

  6. 4 minutes ago, Argus Tuft said:


    The Binotti affair was only 2 months ago more or less, and a far far different situation.


    My question was about the OP's friend, and why did he leave Myanmar illegally, and why can he not return there?  (not for an instant do I condone returning illegally when he left there illegally in the first place)


        Yes , I know , hows this for a possible scenario :

    Binotti was in Myanmar, where he allegedly killed someone .

    He got himself a stolen passport with a Myanmar entry from three years ago .

    He crossed into Thailand avoiding both immigrations

    He is now in Thailand,  trying to get out of Thailand on the stolen PP

    The only problem being he doesnt hare a valid Thai visa or entry stamp ?

  7. 10 minutes ago, Argus Tuft said:


    Please do tell - why can 'he' not go to Myanmar?  Your explanation is very vague about 'the situation with business dealings in that country'


       It must have been something more than business dispute , if the Myanmar authorities wanted to question him and he felt that he couldnt go through Myanmar immigration 

    HHmmm  http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/739343/Scots-suspect-Harris-Binotti-Myanmar-murder-Gary-Ferguson-not-Thailand


    "Deputy national police spokesman, Colonel Krissana Pattanacharoen, said: "Binotti left Thailand in mid-October. We have no record of him re-entering Thailand after that incident."

  8. I do question those figures .

    Before when you could do back to back visa exempt stamps

    There was always a queue at the Maesai border, with people hoping over and coming back and getting a VES , probably about 500 people per day , leaving and coming straight back in again, these would have been counted as "arrivals" .

       500 people everyday equates to 180 000 arrivals per year , and thats just at one border crossing , if it was the same at other border crossings, the figure could well have been 2 million arrivals per year , simply people doing visa runs 

       So, there would have been 2 million less arrivals since they stopped issuing back to back VES

  9. 1 minute ago, Vermor said:

    My ex-thai girlfriend was selling Papaya Salad ( Som Tam) on the streets of Patong. ( Phuket)
    She always charge double price to Foreigner, and I was so angry against that....she didn't understand that she is ruining her own business by acting like that. 
    Her answer was : "Yes but we give more". Fact is that Farang are no so stupid and most of them knows the real price ( on the streets). And she wasn't giving so much more compare to the price.
    SO yes I agree, it happen everywhere in Thailand, in everything...but how to make them understand that they are not helping themselves ?!


       So, because your GF charges foreigners more money, even though she gives bigger portions , this proves that over charging happens everywhere and with everything in Thailand ?

       ONE street seller is indicative of a whole nation ?

  10. 4 hours ago, teacherpaul said:

    Yes, it is racist and no, most countries would not do the same. Doing well, aren't you. Next.


      Race doesnt even come into it, so it isnt racism .

    You must understand that everyone is different and only certain people are eligible for certain things .

       Thai people do not need a Visa to stay in Thailand where as Non Thais do need a Visa to stay in Thailand .

       Do you consider that to be racist ?

  11. 2 minutes ago, VBF said:


    If you read my previous posts you'd realise that it's the Embassy that confuses it by contradicting themselves on different parts of their own website. It's incredibly simple, thank you (and is now all sorted, as i said) but when one is given 2 opposing sets of of instructions, one likes to know which one to follow. That way, one's passport is returned with the desired visa. I do hope that's clear to you.


        But I do think that they would have sent you back your passport whichever option you would have chosen ,  without you having to hassle people and waste their time phoning them and asking pointless questions, let alone posting about your "difficult" experience on TV

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