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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 17 hours ago, VBF said:

    The post Office tell me that a pre-paid Special Delivery envelope suitable for a passport will cost me £6.75


    I received a reply to my email to the London Embassy that basically just said "look at the website" :annoyed:


    Replied to it asking for clarity and, despite previous failed attempts, phoned them....and got an answer straight away - a feat hitherto unknown at the London Embassy!!!!

    The lady said to send the passport, form and pictures (as usual) and confirmed I can either send a pre-paid Special Delivery envelope OR a £10 note

    One of those "up to you" answers that actually helps.:thumbsup:


    Oh, and apparently turnaround is about 5 days (as it says on the website)

    Sorted! :smile:


       I am quite amazed about how you can find such a simple thing to do , so difficult

  2. 2 hours ago, Toknarok said:


          Therefore for the sake of not discounting (not giving free) the price of a maximum of 200 pizzas the Pizza Company  potentially loses the custom of foreigners who read about this  discriminatory practice on forums such as this. Not very sound business sense IMO but there again I'm sure they don't care.


       No foreigner is going to boycott the Pizza company.

    The O.P still had a pizza there and then without a discount , so, no one will boycott the company 

  3. 10 hours ago, bandito said:


    With no nationality is he stateless. He can go to basic school for 6 years, but he can not participate in any school functions or school trips.

    He also won't be accepted  at a college or university.

    Will not be drafted for militairy service.

    He will be a pariah in Thailand with no rights.


        Stateless people are treated like all other kids in the school , in the school that my families stateless members go to anyway .

       One of the stateless kids obtained Thai ID when he turned 16 .

    Prayruth also recently stated that ALL children in Thai schools shall be given Thai ID

  4. 8 hours ago, MikeyIdea said:


    If you do that again on a blank passport and without the mother today, then you will be denied with the new rules that has been implemented


    And I think it is great that Thailand is enforcing child abduction controls nowadays



        What are the new rules ?


  5. 3 minutes ago, JackThompson said:



    I think he means, does Chang Mai fine people for not reporting their address and/or the owner of the house (or wife?) for not reporting the presence of an alien at the residence.  Someone familiar with that office can advise.


        Its the owners responsibility to report who is staying at their place , it only becomes the stayers responsibility if they stay longer than three months .

  6. 19 minutes ago, Grubster said:

    So from there forward your nationality is    Not a Thai national      Strange but I guess I believe it.


       They are classified as "Aliens", Stateless people .

    There are an estimated 3 million stateless people living in Thailand , mostly living close to the borders in the north , they re legally allowed to live in Thailand but they have severe restrictions 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Grubster said:

    I meant to say in the west.   The doctor fills these out there and if they do here I'm sure they would put what you wanted if not Thai. Did you discuss this with you doctor?


      Whatever happens in any other Country is quite irrelevant to what happened in Thailand .

       Doctors /Hospitals do not give out Birth Certificates , you have to go a Government office to get a B/C .

       The mother has to show her Thai I/D, which is then written on the B/C .

    No Thai I/D then Not  a Thai national .

  8. 2 minutes ago, Grubster said:

    If you came here with your pregnant girlfriend from any country and she gave birth, when the two of you had to go back to work you could not take the baby with you. Sorry I'm not buying that. Maybe it is just a birth certificate screw up and needs to be changed to Mayanmar  or whatever his nationality is. 


       You must understand that this is quite a complex subject, because there are so many variables and vague laws of which some are not enforced .

       Some people living here in Thailand , live here legally, but they dont have citizenship , but they do have certain rights .

       A pregnant female coming to Thailand and giving birth and then leaving to go home would be in a different situation to an adult  female born in Thailand and living here without citizenship and her giving birth .

       There are so many variables that you cannot compare two different situations.

    Anyway, from the example that you gave : The mother would have legal custody over the child, so, there would be no issue with the mother going abroad with that child.

       Also, Birth certificates state WHERE you were born , which Country , you cannot write "Myanmar" on a Thai birth certificate 

  9. 36 minutes ago, HooHaa said:


    absolutely nothing, child's name in passport matched mine, they stamped us through.

    i did have a letter from the mother, passport and id copies of hers signed and child's thai birth cert,  and ability to contact her for verification if necessary, but never produced it as was not asked. as a caveat this was bout 5 years ago and child was 4.


       Thanks for the info .

    I did get my info from a lawyer and from Immigration themselves , but I suppose that they would be obliged to tell me the law, rather than the reality .


  10. Just now, Deepinthailand said:

    Now I was under the impression from various sources that all that is needed for a thai ID card is a birth certificate. With that everything else comes easy. So surley if the child has a thai birth certificate it follows said child when old enough can apply for and get a thai ID card


      Nope, that is incorrect , A Thai birth certificate doesnt give you a right to Thai Citizenship/ID card or anything at all .

       The OP has stated that his child B/C has "Non Thai" written on it , so the child isnt eligible for subsidized hospital treatment .

       Although it is possible for non Thai born people born in Thailand to obtain Thai citizenship at a future date , if they can prove that they were born here, went to school here and have never been abroad, although its possible to obtain Thai citizenship this way, it isnt guaranteed  

  11. 3 minutes ago, Grubster said:

    I think you may be right or wrong on this, perhaps the poster can enlighten us later.


       I do know that I am correct when I state the law .

    But as we all know, some laws in Thailand are not adhered too .

    Taking a child without the legal guardians permission is child abduction , but it seems that immigration are not concerned by this 

  12. 13 minutes ago, HooHaa said:



    why, i did it with mine. born to a thai national, thai bith cert, no thai passport issued, left country on Canada passport 3 days after it was received.

    i am proudly unmarried by the way.


        What did immigration say at the border when you turned up with the child with an empty passport (without an  entry stamp)?

       Was it an issue ?

    Did you have to show any legal documents or permission from the Mother?

  13. 3 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    So my first child born in Malta to UK Father, lybian mother. Maltese birth certificate. now UK and Lybian Passports. Now I understand from authorities in UK she is also entitled to a Maltese passport. I've heard of dual nationally but never triple. She is going to apply and see what happens.

    This could easily happen here UK father Cambodian mother Thai birth certificate ? ?


       Apart from you need at least one Thai parent for the child to be able to obtain Thai citizenship/ID .

       Simply being born in Thailand doesnt make you a Thai and you wouldnt have any rights to obtain  Thai nationality

  14. 1 hour ago, Grubster said:

    I believe the PO said that the child has his surname on the birth certificate does this not make a difference? I think the laws may very well be different when No Thai is involved. He may well have every right to the child.


        Having the same surname isnt legally binding also children born in Thailand are subject to Thai laws , whichever their Nationality .

       Thai law states that unmarried fathers no absolutely no rights to the child at all , so, to get those legal rights, he would have either have to have gotten the mothers permission and/or gone to a Court of law to obtain them

  15. 13 minutes ago, VodkaWizard said:

    Sanemax,  Are you sure that is the case for all laos borders?  say he said he arrived from vietnam to Laos and then lost hes passport in Laos, do you really think they have all records in a database from every single remote border in that country?  And even then ,how to tell if there weren't a computer breakdown at the time he entered? With a new passport I doubt they will throw you in jail anyway


       If he had lost bhis PP in Laos, then he wouldnt have been able to enter Thailand legally , he would have to report his PP lost in Laos and then get a new one there

       All borders that I now of have computers and they take your photo and all your entries and exits are stored on the computer .

      You also have to fill out an entry card, which they keep .

  16. 11 minutes ago, VodkaWizard said:




    Do you have any knowledge of which borders that would be best for a this kind of bribe (in exchange for a exit stamp)?


       You will have to contact a lawyer to make "arrangements" .

    Its about 50 000 Baht to avoid getting a ban , although they may not be able to assist you, because you have no Burma exit stamp or Thai entry stamp

  17. 30 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

    Because, under the existing rules, you're not going to get a SETV in Vietianne IF you've already got a number of SETVs in your passport from Vietianne.  :smile:



       OK, you stated that he got a visa in London , so that suggested that he hadnt been to Vientiane before .

       But if he had been ti Vientiane numerous times, he could just go to Savanakhet consulate to get a Thai visa

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