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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 5 minutes ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:


    .  Spotlight is now closing at 4am.    And many many more.



       Spotlight closes about 1 AM  and thats a Go-go bar , not for most people to enjoy a drink .

       Which other bars stay open in CM legally until 4 AM ? Let alone 4 AM , which bars stay open legally after 2 AM ?



  2. 1 minute ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:



    Just in the tourist area there are 4-5 places that open very very late (early).  It's well and truly light when I still see some people stumble out of there.  Spotlight is now closing at 4am.  There's a new dance club (renovated Lucky Bar/Club) that stays open super late and is right on the moat.  


        For a few nights Lucky bar stayed open late , I had high hopes for it .

    Two nights ago it got "raided" by the RTP at 1.30 AM and everyone got turfed out


  3. Mikes Pizza was a reasonable place for a feed, frequented by Families and backpackers , they then expanded and got the premises next door and knocked it into one and had a bar one  one side and Pizzas on the other , a group of bar girls also sat at the bar, working .

       Not a good combination, who wants to take their family for a pizza with bargirls plying their trade?

        It closed down soon after .


  4. 13 minutes ago, marcusd said:

    So  what the heck are police doing owning bars and patrolling too.  so cortupt.   Thailand is doomed and the next generation comining will ensure  Thailand is again the world's laughing stock and most corrupt nation.


    Police worry about  their image?  what a pathetic rant.  stop your corrupt practices and EARN RESPECT.  you can.only demand instant words not hold dear thoughts


        This report states that the Police were NOT the owners of the bar

  5. 1 hour ago, Pomthai said:

    Probably as reliable as a chocolate tea pot.


    This thread can't be serious surely.


      It is . A few weeks ago I met a Thai friend and I asked how she was and she was quite upset, her son had a car accident and unfortunately died .

        I offered her my complete condolences and I also offered my services if she wanted a replacement , which she agreed to .

        I dont want to go into detail, but afterwards , ........well , I just wondered about a bum guns effectiveness and why she would do it 



    if you are living in the city , there is a free bus to the Prominada at 11 55 PM from the Le Meridien hotel .

       You will arrive at Prominada during their lunch break , so enough time for a KFC ,I mean a Dukes .

      Fill out two forms, one fully and the other partially .

    Have two photos to attach to one of the forms .

    Have your full CM address handy

    Hand it in with the money and wait for an hour or so

    Pick up your PP and then get a free bus back

    Best to go on Wednesday or Thursday

  7. 11 minutes ago, madusa said:

    Jesus, they just beat him to death like a stray dog. Is this going to go on and on?

    Why are the Farangs not awaken to the fact that they don't like you there, otherwise why the hell they beat up Farang as if it is a normal thing to do, and with the blessing of the police who keep saying it is suicide or natural death, heart attack and threaten to do harm to people who want to investigate further.

    Thailand certainly doesn't love Farang that's for sure. My sympathy for this gentleman who died such a cruel death.


       I am not sure whether you are serious or trolling .

  8. 23 minutes ago, sambum said:


    However, when someone "cherry picks" part of your, or any one else's comments unfairly, I feel morally bound to point it out to that person, and the very fact that you do not even acknowledge that, and just go back on the offensive again goes some way to explain my standpoint. 




       If you make various different points in one post, some irrelevant , I will just delete the irrelevant bits and reply to a certain point that you made , nothing has been taken out of context and I have made my opinion quite clear on all aspects of this story.

       If I have already replied to a point that you made and you make the same point again, I feel that theres no need for my to reply again

  9. 10 minutes ago, sambum said:


    My comment was directed to NanLaew, as I have already told you 3 times already, I consider the dialogue between you and me pointless, and the subject is:mfr_closed1: 








       Listen, you can either talk to me or you dont talk to me , all this "someone" "A certain poster" gets confusing, especially when you quote me and reply to someone else .

      You can either talk to me or you dont, you cannot have it both ways .

    I would just like to point out that there have been no reports of him fighting or having an altercation with anyone , someone did state that he had a fight with someone or he was beaten and I replied to that assuming it was true, but when I looked back through the thread , there was no mention of him having any altercation with anyone, they must have made that up and I believed at the time that it was a true statement and that is why I replied to it

  10. 28 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    The school doesn't want bad publicity and if they had a staff member with a history of behaving in a way that could make them liable, I am pretty sure they would have let him go. But they didn't so that's their problem.




       No it wouldnt make them liable at all !!!!!!

    Teachers are expected to be professional , respectable and reliable .

    Having one of the schools teachers going AWOL and just not turning up for work one day without explanation is a bad reflection on the schools professionalism 

  11. 18 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    I have not implied he was murdered. That is the remit of others. I consider for someone who was well loved and respected at his place of employment, his initial disappearance was kept very low-key, the subsequent discovery of his body even less commented and the actions of his employers and rush to cremation just a bit questionable.




        His disappearance was headline news, it wasnt "very low key" , his death was also headline news , not sure how you can claim that headline news is "very low key"

       Bodies are usually cremated after three days , nothing rushed about his cremation either

  12. 28 minutes ago, sambum said:




    And by the way, I see no evidence that the person concerned had been fighting - evidence that he had probably been beaten up - but apparently according to a certain poster these injuries were caused by him falling down after sustaining a heart attack, and was dead before he hit the ground - or was it because he'd been "drinking and fighting and dying"? I'm confused! 

    His black eyes and a cut to his head were most probably caused by him falling as he died . The scrathes to his legs were from a few days previously and they bare unexplained (Maybe a motorbike accident , dogs?)

      Black eyes a cut to the head do not cause death

    There is no evidence that he had either been fighting or that he had been beaten .

    No on has claimed that he was either fighting or he had been beaten by anyone .

       He had scratches on his legs from unknown,, he had a heart attack , fell over and hit his head


  13. 9 minutes ago, jspill said:



    Just re-entered today, not a word spoken to me by the IO. 


    Actually I think he gave me another visa exemption and didn't notice the tourist visa because it was on a later page after a half empty page before the vietnam visa sticker.


    Can I use the tourist visa next time since it's valid til Feb 13th?  I'll start another thread about that maybe it can help somebody else, I did a search and couldn't find anything




        You should have written your Visa number on the arrival card, then the IO would have noticed your Visa

  14. 11 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


    Just like the Hua Hin police and TAT.


        The teacher didnt work for the Police , so they wouldnt get any bad publicity .and it wouldnt effect TAT .

        If you are still implying that he was actually murdered , you are not backing your opinion up with anything credible as deviance .

        You ust think that he was, even though all the evidence points to that he wasnt , but you just think that he was and thats good enough "evidence" for you

  15. 4 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    Pitty Sing stated, "I am a worker at the uni..."


    The bit about the acting Rector summonsing certain concerned staff and coercing them to sign 'cease and desist' statements regards the pictures. Not your usual school business now is it?


         That was because they didnt want his photos being passed around amongst the pupils at the School , which is quite understandable .

      The School also didnt want bad publicity about one of their teachers going AWOL and drinking fighting and dying



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  16. 10 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


    If Pitty Sings post is an example of the 'media writing' as taught at WUT, then the Thai media and what passes for journalism here is still safely in a dark age. I am not saying that certain persons at WUT colluded with the local police but their haste to 'do the right thing' for one of their apparently more respected lecturers doesn't really do him or his family any favors at all.


       Pitty Sing didnt state his/her status , although it appeared he/she is involved with WUT in some capacity .

       What are you suggesting the "right thing to do" is ?

    Keep on investigating until the "real" cause of death was found ?

    It very much appears to be a clean cut case and no suspicious circumstances .


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