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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 8 minutes ago, TheGhostWithin said:

    I tried to read the article however it is in Thai.


    I note from the English OP that there does not appear to be any attempt to contact Mum, who is Thai (and assumed either is herself or has family close by). So why dad and not mum?  


        Just because it wasnt written, that isnt to say that it hasnt happened .

    He quite possibly is in contact with his mother

  2. 5 minutes ago, bangkok2013 said:

    If you had ever been raped You would understand it is the most terrible breach of destroying a person's self dignity ,and cannot be repaired. They will carry this horrible experience for the rest of their lives . rape is the worst crime that exist .

    China has good laws ,and people are more careful to commit crimes ,because the punishments are severe ,and their lives are ruined . So they are cautious . If you run over a pedestrian over there ,you are in deep shit . In Thailand motorcycles are better than pedestrians , and cars are before than both ,so you better watch your arse in Thailand ,because you can die very easily. Why? ,because they don't have Laws protecting people !. Rape is rampant in Thailand as well , but you never hear because people are too ashamed to speak .  They got Buddhism, but there are a lot of wild people here . And the respect of humanity means nothing to them . You can pay someone to shoot someone for a mere ten thousand Bht . In the south where people are super hot tempered ,Murder is very common .  Yeah ,Thailand is not the peaceful place people think it is . Specially if you don't speak the language , shit can happen very easily. i met a german man who got stabbed in Chiang Rai mountains ,just walking minding his own business ,because they wanted to rob him . This man will never return to Thailand sure !. And they call Thailand the land of smiles .....what a joke.....i get along here because i know everything about that country.., but people who don't know have to watch out !. i came here in 2000 ,and at that time ,how many people treated us like shit ,and willing to cheat us ..... Now that poor woman on this subject is not able to walk properly because she got attacked by some retarded <deleted> and she tried to run away ,broke her back ,then got raped .....Ohhhhh that's just great .......  


       What a terrible place Thailand is.  I am going to go and live in a Country where there is no crime and where everyone is very nice .


  3. 4 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    As I told you I read all the posts.


    The sentence of yours that we are now discussing was a repulsive thing to say.


       It wasnt a repulsive thing to say , it was statement of fact .

    Once again, if you find someone injured, whether you caused it or not , there is no law stating that you must assist them .

       Yes, it would be repulsive to just walk away , but it wouldnt be a chargeable offence as the law stands .


  4. 1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

    He was and was found guilty and was given 10 years [too lenient but there you go]


    This piece of filth should serve more than 5 years.


    Any so glib they try to minimise what happened by saying it's not a crime to walk away from someone seriously injured should be ashamed.


    Still searching...



       You are either not reading my posts, or you just do not understand what I mean or say .

    Please read my post 346 .

       I do think that theres no point in me trying to explain things anymore , I wrote it numerous times and still you cannot understand .

      Its better to end this discussion


  5. 5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    To save you time why not read all the post before replying




    However so far have found that a fleeing the scene of a crime [and this was the case here, no accident at all] is seen as an admission of guilt in Thai courts.


       It doesnt really matter about the smaller crimes committed, because this is usually reflected in the sentence.

       If you had read all the posts , you would have seen that it was questioned why he got a lenient sentence and he got his 10/5 year sentence for the crimes he committed .

        He could have only received a higher sentence , if he could have been charged with more serious crimes .

        If, as has been reported that he tried to strangle her, then he could and should have been tried for attempted murder .

       Which is a more serious crime 

  6. 20 minutes ago, sanook 1 said:

    is it possible to have one of the touts to fill in the form(they have it?) Before they open the doors at the consulate?


    20 minutes ago, sanook 1 said:

    is it possible to have one of the touts to fill in the form(they have it?) Before they open the doors at the consulate?


      It is yes, but unless you are first in the queue, you will have plenty of time to fill the form in yourslef whilst you are waiting 

    • Like 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    See my last post


    Just found this so far.


    Fleeing the scene of a car accident is illegal under section 78 of Thai traffic law, which carries a maximum penalty of three months in prison.


    Continuing to search.


    Never fear I will get back to you


        Traffic accident ?

    Why are you quoting traffic laws when no roads or cars were involved and thus do not apply ?


    (DM07 : The posts that got deleted were from people posting laws from other Countries, which do not apply to Thailand )

  8. 9 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    He did not just find her there.


    He was responsible for her being there in the first place, due to his actions. 


      YES , I know that !!!!!

    But we are talking about actual laws .

    That is why he cannot get prosecuted for leaving her there, because it isnt against the law .

    We arent not talking about what is right or wrong , we are talking about the law .

    Maybe you didnt follow the discussion, because some posts have been deleted .

    It was mentioned that he should have been charged with more offenses

    Walking away and leaving her, for exaple

    My point was that it wasnt illegal to do so and thus he couldnt be charged with it

  9. 2 hours ago, farcanell said:

    and it's not about what they could charge him with, it's about what they bothered to charge him with


        Well yeah, its about what they did charge him with and what they didnt charge him with .

    And why didnt they charge him with more serious crimes ?

    Whist what he did was terrible, what he did were not actually serious crimes .

    Walking away and leaving someone laying there , isnt actually a crime

  10. 1 minute ago, farcanell said:

    Max..... it wasn't me who said you were mental..... nor was it me, that insinuated, in any way, that the perp was mentally challenged....


       I think that he was probably uneducated and from a poor background and poor conditions .

    Low intelligence , no morals , no conciseness and do not know the difference between right and wrong

    Unfortunately there are a number men like him .

    They are like cavemen .

    Animal instincts .

    Woman > Sex


  11. “Mr Apai was convicted at Krabi Provincial Court on October 17 for committing sexual assault as well as ‘assault causing serious injury’


        I would have thought that the prosecution could have found more serious offences to charge him with .

       If that was all they could charge him with , then thats the reason why his sentence seems light .

    Although he acted horrifically and caused his victim extreme suffering, he doesnt seem to have broken many laws .

       What he did after she fell was horrendous, but no more serious crimes were committed, (than the ones that he was charged with) .

       If it was a crime to act despicably, he would have gotton a life term . 

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