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Posts posted by DrPhibes

  1. Did the same thing a couple of days ago also.  One side note is I had the wife call the hospital but after several calls and no one picking up, gave up.  was trying to find out what vaccine.  Will post any details if we can get through.

  2. On 7/7/2021 at 11:21 PM, khunPer said:

    Samui+ sandbox...














    Thanks to Nicha for an amazing informative work.
    You can follow Samui Info by Nicha on Facebook HERE.

    Who in the world would go through all of this for a vacation in a country where the main hub of the country is deep red with covid, vaccines in short supply, and rules changing daily?  

  3. 52 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    If you're going to post like that, you really should post details every time. From another post you said it was based on a Thai I.D. number on Mor Phrom. That was back in June too, right? How does that help people with passports NOW?

    There is a great opportunity now in Bangkok at MedPark for expats with PASSPORTS but I'm not sure that most expats outside of Bangkok are going to be able to deal with the travel restrictions / potential quarantines to access that.


    Covid19 Vaccine Expats - MedPark Hospital

    I was able to register and get a date/time but was not given a choice of vaccine, anyone know what their dishing out?

  4. 1 hour ago, TigerandDog said:

    Not correct. The ONLY way to check whether your registration was successful is by entering whichever form of identification you used to register, viz. either passport number or pink id card number. Several weeks ago I input the 13 digit number and received the same response as you. As I used my pink id card to register I then did another check using that and was advised of the date, time & hospital to attend for my AZ vaccination. My friends who do not have a pink id card registered using their passport numbers. They both input their passport numbers to check their registrations and also received date, time & hospital. We've all received our first AZ jabs. If the system is saying you're not registered when you input your passport number, register again ( it won't reject you saying you've already registered ) and then when you finish the registration check the registration inputting whichever form of identification you used to register.

    My registration was successful way back when and received the 13 digit code.  When I go back to check status and input my passport number it says not registered, it is requesting specifically the 13 digit code which I already have and have a queue number associated with it.  I don't know what else to say.



  5. 3 hours ago, thaicookingchef said:


    the problem is that you do not know how to read correctly, right ?


    until now only people over 55 have been vaccinated by french embassy.


    i know that this website is full of krap and useless fake news, but at least this one is correct !



    Sorry, have had 2 posts today where I thought I read the whole OP and posted on what I read.  Have an energetic 3yr old that is keeping me distracted while the wife is out on a day of errands.  I'll be more cautious and thorough in the future.  Thanks for catching that.

    • Like 1
  6. On 7/15/2021 at 9:26 AM, TigerandDog said:

    I registered on CM Wall the day registrations opened and I've had my first jab. Have you been back into CM Wall and selected the link to check your registration?  If your registration was successful then the date, time & hospital for your appointment will be displayed. Hopefully you haven't missed your appointment.

    Looked at Wall of CM again today and it still just shows a queue number and a message that your vaccine is not available at this time.  I registered when it first opened and am over 60.  Seems little reason on how these shots are handed out.

  7. 27 minutes ago, TigerandDog said:

    when you checked your registration, which reference did you use, the 13 digit number or your passport #/pink ID card # ( whichever you used to register)? If you used the 13 digit # then you received a default response. 

    You can only check using your 13 digit number.  Mine still shows the queue number and the "Your vaccine is not available yet".  Tried putting in my passport number 1st as you recommended and it said you are not registered in the system.

  8. 24 minutes ago, NancyL said:

    I am not looking forward to ASQ quarantine in Bangkok.  No direct flights to Phuket from this part of the world.  The rules for Bangkok ASQ make no sense for someone who has been vaccinated and tests negative. 


    No outside contact.  No ordering in food, but can be delivered by family (?) , sure like Hubby will come from Chiang Mai.  No laundry service, no housekeeping service, limited menu choices served in wasteful disposable plastic during limited serving hours.  No alcohol.  No leaving the room for fresh air, exercise, swimming.  After the freedom of Guam this is going to be a long two weeks.  At least my Netflix and mobile will work in Bangkok.

    Have you tried Skyscanner for a flight to Phuket?  There are ones as low as $715 USD but take 34hrs and ones at $2470 but get you there in about 24hrs.  They all seem to leave Singapore as the last leg to get to Phuket which makes it a direct flight from an international location.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, utalkin2me said:

    That is the most confusing op I have ever seen

    Ya, sorry, I should have arranged it a bit better logically.  Trying to rush the post before the electrical storm here in Chiang Mai knocked power out again.  It was a post to the US State Dept of a reply I made to a US House Rep assistant who completely missed the mark replying to my original e-mail regarding a spectrum of vaccine sitting in Guam that could be here in a day and how it is almost impossible to get a shot here.    I'll do better in the future.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, BobinBKK said:

      Other than blatant racism and segregation, there is absolutely no reason what-so-ever that any foreign national should be turned away from any vaccination location at anytime to register and/or be vaccinated in Thailand. No one should be told, overhear or see signs with the words “THAI ONLY”. We are all equal and everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.


       According to the current Thai constitution and the agreements Thailand signed with the WTO (referenced below), Thai citizens and foreign nationals are to be treated equally, period. Not holding up to ones commitments and agreements gives the appearance that the Thai constitution isn't worth the paper it's written on and that signed agreements or treaties with any organization or country mean absolutely nothing.


       The US State Department confirmed on April 20th that it has sent to each U.S. embassy sufficient vaccines to administer to all American employees. There's absolutely NO excuse why US citizens could not have be included in that plan to countries where foreign nationals are put at the end of the line. If China and France can do it, then so can America, which obviously has the financial means to do so. Without going into details, we are all very aware of why the delay in the vaccine rollout occurred here. Obviously this is why both China and France stepped in specifically to help their own citizens living in Thailand.


       In a bid to win friends in the South China Sea dispute with China, the US government will vaccinate members of the South Korean Military, citizens of The Philippines (under threats from the Philippines president), Taiwan and Thailand.


       The American government has absolutely NO right to accuse any country of human rights violations when they willfully abandon their own citizen during a global health crisis. Speaking as a tax paying American citizen, I have every right to call my own government shameful and a global disgrace!


       American citizens living in Thailand aren’t asking our government to provide us with health care (even though we were all forced to pay into the Medicare system), we are asking for “life saving” Covid-19 vaccines because THIS IS A GOLBAL PANDEMIC!!!


    Note: Thailand is a member of the World Trade Organization. National treatment is an integral part of many World Trade Organization (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Organization) agreements. It requires equal treatment of foreigners (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_(law) and locals.


       Under national treatment, a state (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_state) that grants particular rights, benefits or privileges to its own citizens (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen) must also grant those advantages to the citizens of other states while they are in that country. Together with the most favored nation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Most_favoured_nation) principle, national treatment is one of the cornerstones of WTO.

    You pretty much mirrored a post I did about 48hrs ago.  Now please copy your post and send to various media outlets and the State Dept:




    I did.  There is a ground swell movement in Congress to address our plight.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Crossy said:


    Can anyone get jabbed in Guam? Or is it just US citizens?

    I posted a whole article  a while ago on Guam (a US territory) sitting on a spectrum of vaccines and how they are now soliciting non-US citizens vaccine vacations to come get vaccinated.  Those vaccines could be coming here.  I don't know how to look at all the articles I have posted and welcome the info on how to do it so I could point you to it.


    Here is the vaccine tourism website




    For all that want to come, not just US citizens.

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, NancyL said:

    Greetings from Guam, where America's day begins. 


    I got so fed up with inaction on the part of the governments of Thailand, Chiang Mai and the U.S. Embassy in Thailand that I put together a trip for myself to Guam.  It's a wonderful place and the Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are available for free at a local mall.  There is no need to quarantine if you arrive with a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours of your international departure.


    I received approval for a COE from the Thai Consulate in Los Angeles within a couple days of applying.  Stupidly, I still have to do 14 days quarantine in Bangkok.  Phuket isn't an option because there aren't any direct flights to Phuket from this part of the world.


    Like the OP, I had written to my representatives in Congress and the Senate.  Only one replied and she just didn't understand the problem either.  She gave me the link to the U.S. Embassy Bangkok's website about how they don't supply medical care to Americans in Thailand.  Just didn't get it, did she?


    When I went to get my PCR test at Bangkok Hospital-Chiang Mai, I also asked to talk with a psychiatrist.  I was so angry at the Thai and U.S. governments that I needed to talk with someone about it.  He said the Thai people are justifiably angry, too.


    That's GREAT to hear!  We all would love a bit of details on cost and flight lengths and which flights.  Problem for some of us is the fact that we have jobs and family here in Thailand.  Unless it is a J&J shot, you will need 2 shots about 3 to 4 weeks apart depending on shot so you are talking at least a month in Guam (unless J&J shot) and 2 weeks of quarantine in Thailand.  Thailand quarantine runs about 45-70,000 baht on average, were you required to stay in a special hotel (Dusit Thani Guam Resort, Grand Plaza Hotel, Guam Reef Hotel, Hotel Nikko Guam, Hyatt Regency Guam, LeoPalace Resort, Lotte Hotel, Pacific Islands Club, Royal Orchid Hotel, and the Tsubaki Tower) and roughly what is that costing you?  I checked the Guam Reef Hotel (I think about the cheapest) and it was about $5,000 USD for a month.  A round trip flight out of Bangkok is about $3,000 to $5,000 USD unless you want to wait until August 2nd when it drops to $1,500-ish USD.  Shortest flight is 11hrs 35 min total and only 1 flight combo for that otherwise about 20hrs one way.  This of course does not take into consideration the money you would spend if having to stay a month.  For those interested in details:




    Please let us know some details when you can and thanks for posting!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 18 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

    I know a lot of people think that doing these things is a waste of time but I have done just what you have done becuase I think that sometimes this is how grass-root movements get started, and besides...how long does it take to fire off some emails.  Well worth the efforts IMO, and at least you know you did something positive about a situation that is just plain wrong no matter how you look at it.

    Just responded a few minutes ago to a response I got back from the US government rep, you are welcome to lift the body of the text to send to news and gov organizations:


    Hi Armando,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Don't know why you sent me information on the Philippines or why the VA is involved.  Thailand is not the Philippines and I sent you an e-mail about US citizens, not just veterans.

    It is almost impossible for US citizens to get vaccinated here in Thailand.  The rollout in Thailand has been a disaster.  The registration systems for a shot, if you get on before the few slots are filled, go nowhere .  What few have been vaccinated were lucky to show up at the right time where shots were being administered and they had extra, got lucky on website registrations that are open for mere minutes before closing, or were well connected.

    Meanwhile, a stockpile of vaccine is sitting in Guam (a US territory) where the government of Guam is promoting foreigners to come and get vaccinated for a price and could be in Thailand in a day.


    How is it Guam has vaccines to sell and none to get out to US citizens in Southeast Asia?  Traveling to Guam from Thailand is very difficult with weeks of quarantine involved between the two countries (or to the US for that matter) even if vaccinated.

    There is a shipment of 1.5 million doses of Pfizer being donated by the US to Thailand very soon with none reserved for Americans living here. The US embassy here in Thailand has our information or can easily acquire it via a website sign up.

    China has been able to vaccinate their citizens in Thailand, hell even the French have done it already!  There is no logistical reason why the US can not get vaccines from Guam to Thailand or reserve vaccines coming to Thailand and set up vaccination centers at hospitals to meet it's promise to vaccinate every American citizen.  We vote, we pay our US taxes, we are American citizens, why are we not being treated as such?  I can not relay to you just how angry we US citizens here in Thailand are at how we are being ignored by our own country during this pandemic disaster.

    This very recent article sums up the frustration of not just Australian citizens but us US citizens are well.


    On 7/15/2021 7:02 AM, Armando Gonzalez wrote:

    Hello Mr. ------,

    We reached out to the VA and below you will find their response.

    Thank you so much for reaching out to GLA. As per our conversation, the Manila VA Outpatient Clinic in the Philippines has limited supply of the COVID19 vaccine and the process for getting the vaccine is difficult. VISN21 Deputy Network Director, which oversees the Manila VA Outpatient Clinic, suggested for Mr. Evans to go through the Foreign Medical Program (FMP) – Community Care. Below is the link

    Foreign Medical Program (FMP) - Community Care (va.gov)

    I hope this information is helpful.



    Armando Gonzalez

  14. 34 minutes ago, FridgeMagnet1 said:

    Keep trying, keep monitoring things and don’t let anyone tell you “it can’t be done”


    It can be; but you really need to keep on top of it, as they certainly don’t make it easy 

    Here in Chiang Mai, have registered with wallofCM right when the registration page opened up and several other hospitals.  Over 60, high blood pressure, but no appt.  So what kind of "stay on top of it" are you talking about?  The Wall of Cm site is the only one still working for me and it still says wait for e-mail or SMS. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. 3 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    They will deem it a success and say that all bookings were filled.




    We are sorry online registration is now closed due to popular demand, we have reached our quota, please visit our website tomorrow.

    Filled prior to releasing to the website you mean.  They want to look like they are being fair.

  16. On 7/8/2021 at 4:17 PM, CM Dad said:

    My wife and I are still waiting to even receive notification of a date,  We both registered on the Chiang Mai Wall web site more than a month ago.

    Same here, over a month, right when it opened.  I even had put a Topic in the CM forum asking if anyone had been given a shot yet after registering on WallofCM site, not one so far.  It does show me registered.

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