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Posts posted by DrPhibes

  1. The first e-mail addresses I tried to sign up with (where the website bombed and would not let me go further saying the e-mail was already taken) had the next step e-mail to register show up 3 hrs after I tried to register originally with those first e-mail addresses.  Was successful with another e-mail so not responding.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

    I can't get on. with this site. I entered my email address on the first page....and then waited and waited before trying again. At the next try I had an error message saying that my email address was already taken by someone. So I tried again with another email address, with exactly the same result. 

    Anyone have any bright ideas???

    I had to use different e-mail addresses, have teens and a thai wife so tons of them until the site took.  It was the 4th e-mail address that got me in.  Have a pic of your passport picture section and your visa/extension ready to drop and add in as part of the sign up.

    • Like 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, SooKee said:

    Unlike the old Intervac site this one doesn't allow you to select a vaccination location, the downside with the Intervac site was that the links would open up then quickly fill up and close. The only option I wouldn't fancy is Bang Sue.  Luck of the draw I guess, unless they mail you a link to select one from a number of sites available on your appointment date, managing it centrally rather than leaving to each hospital.  All sounds far to well organised, time will tell.


    For those that aren't aware, this registration needs you to upload a copy of your passport details page and your current permission to stay in Thailand (visa / extension) so you need to have those ready.

    Saw the passport copy request, did not see the Visa extension.  Hope that does not disqualify me.

  4. 6 minutes ago, FridgeMagnet1 said:

    11:00 tomorrow 


    “According to Khun @NatapanuN, the new vaccination registration site to be launched on Sunday will be for “expats of all ages in all provinces who still have not been vaccinated to date”. To be clear here, if you’ve already had one shot, you cannot use this to get your 2nd shot.”



    Will be up early tomorrow!  But will walk away from Sinovac.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, grain said:

    Good info, thanks. I have my appointment next Sat, so like you I'll email the hospital tomorrow to confirm the appointment. I definitely want AZ as Australian PM just announced on TV that Chinese vaccines are not recognized, and I want to return in 2022 as fully vaxed. 

    Hoping for this shot and then a Moderna shot scheduled for Oct which would be just right as I need to head back to the US at the beginning of Jan. for work.

    • Like 1
  6. Have an appt about mid month also.  Driving down from CM and stop before going into a deep red zone and spend the night.  Get up and drive the rest of the way, get the shot, and get the heck out of BKK.  Reports are the way MedPark is handling things is much more organized with distancing and such as oppose to Bang Sue (would never go to such a cattle call during a pandemic).  E-mailed MedPark today to confirm again appt date and time and what shot.  They e-mailed back quickly saying appt is good and the shot is AZ. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, greenmonkey said:

    Ha ha yes if my mother-in-law stays she will sleep in my son's room because she is scared of ghosts too! Craziness... absolute craziness.

    Actually the ghost thing is a thing.  My brother-in-law's GF who is our nanny and maid-ish is really uncomfortable sleeping alone in a new place (like a hotel room when on vacation) due to ghosts.  Luckily, the 3yr old is perfectly happy to sleep with her while the wife and I have a real vacation!


    3yr old sleeps with us, big bed.  Actually pretty nice in the dark to have the kid calmed down and spelling and doing numbers, laughing and such until he knocks out on the other side of the wife.  Have a small bed adjacent to our bed that we have told him he will eventually be sleeping in when he is ready.  Will go to the store and have him pick out sheets and pillowcase so that he knows it's his bed.  From there to the spare room that will be his room that he will help decorate.  Worked for the first 2 kids like a charm, out of our room by 5.  Once he is asleep, he is pretty solid out so a pillow on each side and off the spare room for some quick deed doing then back to bed for a solid sleep ourselves.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

    I don't understand the part of your post "it will allow overseas travel in a shorter timeframe" to take Sinovac as opposed to AZ.


    Why? If you have a choice of either vaccine, how would it affect travel?


    I am not sure the EU, USA and UK recognize Sinovac as acceptable for entry?


    I may be wrong.

    Canada I know does not recognize Sinovac at this time, the US has a quarantine/test system in place.

    • Thanks 1
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