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Posts posted by DrPhibes

  1. Very, very detailed.  Thank you very much for the effort!  Just to question for completeness: 


    How early before previous extension expiration can you put in the application for the next one?


    Is the 400k seasoning two months before submitting paperwork for the next extension or the previous extension expiration date? Able to use all of the 400k after next extension granted, correct?


    Thank you again for your time on this.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, DrPhibes said:

    Anyone have a recent list of what Chiang Mai is requiring for extension based on marriage using seasoned money these days.  How early before extension expires to apply, 400k 60 days before extension expiration or before putting in application, can't touch until extension granted still correct, etc...


    Thanks in advance!

    Never mind, changed my search words and found a recent list for Chiang Mai.  Thanks.

  3. Should be, I get each of these at the lowest level from my local pharm then cut them in 1/2 and take 1x a day.  Have been doing this for 2 years and blood pressure completely dialed in to 120/80 or better with no discernible side effects.  Here are the amounts I take:


    telmisartan (20 milligrams), amlodipine (2.5 milligrams), and chlorthalidone (12.5 milligrams)


    Why this is not already in a single pill form surprises me given the results and write ups it got a few years back.  Not enough profit probably ????


    Costs about $.45 a day.  Here is one of the articles:




    You should consult your Dr if considering this and see your physician (and thank medical science) for an erection lasting more than 4 hrs ????

    • Like 2
  4. 11 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

    Antibodies from Sinovac's COVID-19 shot fade after about 6 months, booster helps - study




    Mixed AstraZeneca-Pfizer shot boosts COVID antibody level - study


    My goal is to get an AZ shot followed by a Moderns but it seems vaccine is going to deep red and not red like here in Chiang Mai.

  5. 53 minutes ago, jossthaifarang said:

    You obviously have no idea what the efficacy numbers even mean. Regardless, It will keep you out of the hospital, and possible death, thats good enough for me. 

    Already corrected my error in another post as it was stated earlier in the article that the 33% had been allocated.  You only get so much time to correct a post before you can't so had to add another post.  BTW, degrees in Chemistry, Medical Technology, and Chemical Engineering, the latter degree from UC Santa Barbara.

  6. 5 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

    The Pfizer doses are a gift to Thailand from America.  I can think of no greater purpose than the frontline medical workers here—even if used as a booster.  Retired American expats could also benefit from this gift—but that’s up to the Thai government to distribute as they wish.

    Agree, but not up to the Thai government on the US ex-pats here.  That should have been a condition of the donation.  None of us US citizens here are happy on how our government, to whom we still have to pay taxes to no matter how long you live outside of the country, are being treated.

    • Like 1
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  7. Just read an article on the plan that was approved by the Prime Minister.  For public universities, it is a 50% reduction on the 1st 50,000 baht of tuition, 30% reduction the next 50,000, then 10% reduction on the rest.  The government will pay 60% of the reduction to the university.  The rest of the reduction, the university has to suck up.  Plan for private universities on reimbursement of reduced tuition (if they do it) has yet to be figured out.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 35 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    Makes the scratch my head when Westerners go to Asia and take advantage of the young females available , actively seeking the youngest , shortest , lightest weighing  ones they can find and all congregate in the same area and then they complain about Asians going to their Country and seeking out similar females and all congregating in the same area

    Thanks, that was exactly the description I was trying to come up with for my Thaicupid ad for a mia noi!

  9. If it was not for the fact the the older son is starting KMUTT (online from home for now) and the daughter has one more yr in HS and then off to KMUTT also, we would be gone.  Will try to hang around for 2 more years from now before leaving the teens 1/2 a world away.   Then back to Fort Collins CO to raise the now 3yr old (yes, all 3 mine by the same woman!).  Predict the teens will do their 1st 2 years at KMUTT then off to Digipen in Washington State to finish their respective degrees in Digital programming (video game programming essentially) and Digital Design (video game design).  Wife is of the opinion that if things don't change, she never wants to come back unless to fight with the resistance.

  10. 3 hours ago, Greenwich Boy said:

    Don't know when your flight is. One option currently is to fly CM to U Tapao and then taxi to BKK. Nok Air are flying once a day starting some time this week.

    I'm considering the U tapao way to go, have a couple of hospital reservations for a shot in BKK but no appt date set yet.  If the BKK appt gets here before I get a shot here in CM, I'm going then isolate in CM for 14 days once I return.  Not going anywhere anyway these days.

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