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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Jabs are now going well. Shame it didn't start earlier. You have still not responded to my question. Will Thailand be at the 70-80% fully vaccinated by years end? That was the target wasn't it? Looking at what @Bkk Brianposted above around 30% got their 1st jab today. Not sure if it's possible to do this in 7 wks.
  2. I will give credit. My vaccination process went well. 12 wks between AZ jabs and now I'm meant to be good for around another six months. Part of this going well for me was the governor of my province who went against the govt. I believe and opened walk in jabs to the community. Everyone. Not just Thais. Nicely done. I now have my bit of paper to state I'm double vaxed. I am in the minority in this country.
  3. How many fully vaccinated? You keep saying key areas. Myself I think the key areas are the people of the entire nation. Seems like those of us who were saying this nation will not be fully vaccinated until sometime next year were correct with more than 50% of the country not double jabbed or triple jabbed if they had 2 Sinovac. 7 weeks to go to have the country at least 70% fully covered. Will it happen? The govt said all 12 to 16 (16?) yr. old students would be vaccinated last month nation wide. Didn't happen. There's no hindsight to this as you say, it's factual.
  4. Always nice to hear from you. Simple fact is the vaccination process here was botched and the testing regime is amongst the lowest in the world. By the way my school cut my pay. I have a family. I'm struggling so don't assume you know how other people are going. That's just rude.
  5. Agree. It's not about the health of the population. Just more grandiosing.
  6. Guess they should start now. 8,000 without including ATK will be around 32,000. Go out and find. Get positives then test the surrounds not just close contacts. Proactive not reactive. Fairly sure those with any sense have been saying this for 19 months.
  7. Again countries classify Covid-19 deaths differently. The UK changed how they classified and the historical death toll went up. I wonder if Thailand has reclassified it's way of classifying Covid-19 deaths. Deaths from Covid-19 to deaths with covid-19. The UK changed from deaths with to deaths from. This I would say is bourne out in excess death numbers. Deaths with doesn't count.
  8. Maybe but personally I can't see that they would drop numbers to make things look worse in relation to vaccination numbers. They started jabbing people with AZ or mix jabs 3 wks apart to bolster the numbers.
  9. Interesting. Ourworldindata 45.36% as of Nov 3. 10% difference is massive.
  10. Amazing. It's now November and they're talking about 1st jabs. If administered as per manufacture's guidelines these people if they got their AZ shot today will not be fully vaccinated until mid April next year. This will not be the case I would think and instead of the recommended 12 wks between jabs it will be 3 for another AZ or Pfizer. In Israel now you must show that it has been less than 6 months since your 2nd jab and if it's more you must show you have had your 3rd or booster shot to be considered fully vaccinated. Here they are talking about administering 1st shots with less than 50% of the nation (12yrs+ I assume) considered fully vaccinated.
  11. Officially 5,000,000 have died. Estimates go up to 15,000,000 deaths due to under-reporting, false cause of death or simply no reporting of the death. All available data shows vaccinations to be the way out. It's been 19 months and you still compare this to the flu. Those that don't realise they have it can spread it. That's why mass proactive testing is necessary. Yes, we will need to live with it and this is achieved through vaccination be it via injection as it is now or into the future pills or nasal sprays. It's still uncertain how long this virus will continue into the future. All up we don't have to take our chances. We need governments that can get their act together. This one here has failed at this.
  12. That's it then. Back to the old faulty body temp thermometers. Country is opening up. Most people aren't fully vaccinated. Must stop infections happening therefore must stop testing. Not really that far to go to have zero testing from the amount being done here. Sorry. Being cynical. People's lives are being put at risk due to a completely botched vaccination regime by a completely corrupt and inept military government. Experts warn a high level of caution at 70 even 80% of the entire population being double vaccinated before openning. Not here. Reminds me of the big flood. US navy here in Thailand. US navy says we can help. Thailand says we do not need your help. Thailand goes under water. 800 or so people died and thousands of homes were lost.
  13. It will all come down to who has the most money to buy people off. Bit like the last 'democratic and fair election'.
  14. Unfortunately many do not even know that you can still catch and spread SarS-CoV-2 once you have been fully vaccinated.
  15. They should know. It was exactly this which was encouraged by Prayut that accelerated the whole Delta spread to every province or most provinces. Look how that went. Now with less than 50% fully jabbed and many of those needing an mRNA booster I wonder how things will turn out this time round.
  16. I did not say that. I said those that had 2 jabs of sinovac need an mRNA booster. As for Israel they started vaccinations early and many are now 6 months since their 2nd jab and require a booster.
  17. What about the families they take it back to. If Thailand was 80% double jabbed then the situation would be more manageable. It isn't. It's not even 50% double jabbed and I will say again many of those double jabbed need a 3rd jab because their 1st two were Sinovac. What comes 1st is the question. Children's education or people's lives? More than half of the population is not properly vaccinated. People are rightfully concerned about possible transmissions from schools to families.
  18. If you call around 16 million rice farmers a handfull what would you call a lot. "Of the 40% of Thais who work in agriculture, 16 million of them are rice farmers by one estimate. Thailand has a strong tradition of rice production. It has the fifth-largest amount of land under rice cultivation in the world and is the world's second largest exporter of rice." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice_production_in_Thailand#:~:text=Of the 40% of Thais,second largest exporter of rice.
  19. Fields can be mechanically cleared but it gets expensive because the ploughing discs get damaged and or broken.
  20. I know that teachers that had 2 of the Chinese juice got a shot of Pfizer as a 3rd.
  21. If you look above you can see my responses to this.
  22. And here we ago again. Quite simply vaccination rates nationally are too low. As I have posted my wife went to another another province for jabs. Both her mother and my kids teacher have told her to stay put as the covid situation in the home province is not good. 7 in her village. Last wk 50 in Global House.
  23. It seems that it's the 1st AZ and the 2nd Pfizer that have the worst side effects.
  24. My wife (Thai) went to another province to get her 2nd jab (1st Sinovac 2nd AZ) because she said it was easier than the home province. The kid (12 yr) also got jabbed there with Pfizer because it hasn't been organised at her school yet. Myself I am now double dosed with AZ. Pfizer booster in 6 months. Funny I can remember more than 12 wks ago saying I want 2 AZ this yr and Pfizer booster nxt yr. Someone said I was dreaming.
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