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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Someone thinks this post is funny. Maybe they can say why? 1,000,000 tests all up in the UK in one day and now we don't know how many tests in Thailand because they changed that to % of positives to tests but do show only 1,357 community tests in one day. I'm not sure what's funny about this. As for reclassification we know this happened for recovered. They said it themselves. People are being sent home still needing care so not recovered. As for deaths I'm posing a question. Has this been reclassified? Can't see anything here that warrants the laughing emoji.
  2. The thing with ATK testing is how many are doing this at home and are not reporting positives. Along with this are false negatives where someone might be symptomatic, gets a negative result because of the testing equipment or incorrect use and think they're fine. Having said this ICU and ventilator numbers are coming down as are deaths. I wonder if they have reclassified what counts as a covid death. They reclassified recovered so it's a possibility. One can also see that there were 1,357 community tests. For a country of 70 million this is just incredible. UK is doing 1,00,000 a day.
  3. Problem is people keep going out and spreading it. The vector for this virus are humans. South Australia and Western Australia who do fast hard lockdowns for now have the virus under control.
  4. Just look for yourself from April 1st. Simple really. It hasn't been good. 14k+ deaths here in this period compared to 7k+ deaths in the UK. This is fact. Start worldometer from April 1st this year and I'll bet Thailand would be right up there. As it is for new deaths Thailand sits number 11.
  5. Again. You keep saying this but every expert in the world says DELTA is a totally different thing. Like a new pandemic in it's own right. From April 1st this year I'm pretty sure Thailand would not be ranked 124th. I have previously posted a comparison between the UK and Thailand with deaths attributed to B.1.617 from Apr 1st to Sept 15. Thailand has almost double the deaths in this period.
  6. I agree. The thing is if they test more as in true mass community testing which has never happened from the very beginning the numbers of infections would be very high which doesn't suit the lie the "govt." is pushing. Everybody knows this or should know it. Very low testing = under reporting. Now add the home ATK tests and the numbers are even more under reported. In this world sadly many can have the wool pulled over their eyes.
  7. I'm aware that 80% + is what is now being said. Things move quickly with the delta variant. This is like a totally different pandemic.
  8. Well I guess we were thinking that infections wouldn't be hidden by ATK tests which are not included (and how many thousands are not reported) and that Thailand should wait until 70-80% of the population were fully vaccinated.
  9. There have now been 10's of thousands. they do not get included. To include them would obviously make the numbers higher and again obviously the "govt." does not want this.
  10. I'm just saying what I've been seeing. Maybe it has something to do with the recommended 12 wk gap between shots. Israel used mNRA and they are having problems with waning. I heard that they are contemplating another lockdown.
  11. It's interesting because now some are starting to say AZ is better because it doesn't wane as quickly as mRNA vax. mRNA protection is better initially but it drops off quicker.
  12. Did you not see a healthy one year old is included in the death figures. Young people are dying. Pregnant women are dying. Babies are dying.
  13. I might be wrong but I think I rememder it being said that all students would be vaccinated by the end of September with Pfizer. I wonder how that's going.
  14. UK Apr 1, 126,800 deaths. Sept 15, 134,647. An increase of 7,847. Thailand Apr 1. 94 deaths. Sept 15 14,765. An increase of 14,671. This reflects Delta fatalities.
  15. It would be nice to see some chart in relation to deaths due to the Delta variant. I think this might show a different story in relation to other countries.
  16. Active case finding that doesn't get added to the daily total. One reason I would say that has seen the drop in numbers from the mid 20k. There is also the factor of false negatives.
  17. More fully vaccinated died than single shot vaccinated according to the figures. I would have thought it would be the other way around. I understand that most were unvaccinated this is happening globally.
  18. Maybe it's what they've been jabbed with? Double jabbed dying at a higher rate than single jabbed?
  19. So from this figure of over 84% (not sure what over actually means in numbers/%) unvaccinated and 7.2% with one jab died then around 8.8% with two jabs have died. Sorry this doesn't make sense.
  20. I also notice walkins are going down. Vaccines probably account for this but also people with some symptoms who would have previously gone to hospital for testing are doing ATK at home. If positive maybe not be reported. Maybe get a false negative and think they're ok and continue to move within the community. It was as you say @sapsonrunning at around 30% and now 2 days later has decreased almost 50%. Bit like the recovered which increased 50% almost overnight.
  21. The uptick may be because mass testing is being conducted in Klong Toey by Bangkok Community Help Foundation. The 1st 1000 they tested came back with 5% infection rate. For me this seems low for the conditions in the Klong Toey slum.
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