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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. "Lamestream reality deniers." Not sure what lamestream is. Deluded? As for the deluded they have of course added the laughing emojis to my post saying the Kursk incursion is collapsing. They add these emojis and never respond with any rational discourse because they lack the required intellect to do so. Having said this they do have the required intellect to think Harris should have been POTUS, The required intellect to think DEI is a good thing, men should compete against women in women's sports AND the open border policy was great for the US of A..
  2. Trump: "Excuse me Dictator Putin will you please leave Ukraine so we can end this war." Dictator Putin: "Sure. Happy to oblige." Chances of this happening? ZERO.
  3. It's a fair point so why weren't the Russians pushed straight back into Russia at this time. Could've been just needed the support from the West. It didn't come. The West wanted the war to continue.
  4. The Kursk incursion is in imminent danger of collapse. This is massive for Ukraine. They'll lose their only card on the negotiation table along with massive amounts of top tier troops and equipment. Russia is on the move even faster now as winter draws to an end an it's time for Zelenskyy to see the writing on the wall. This is a non emotive assessment based on what's actually happening. Not taking sides just being rational. I wonder how many rational responses I'll get. Probably lots of negative emojis from those on here that lack any ability to rationally argue against this.
  5. Democrat. He is just trying to add more fuel to the anti-Trump fire coming from the cry baby idiots now in opposition who are obviously suffering from some sort of mental disorder. To not stand up in Congress on so many occasions when respect was called for and wave little signs like some uneducated undergraduate was disgusting. The woke radical left in the USA is now on life support. As I said get back to us in 30-90 days. Anyone who legit gets social security will continue to get their social security. The next 30-90 days will prove if you or I are correct.
  6. I'm starting to wonder if this crackdown is permanent. I'm seeing vape shops as showing permanently closed online. Were showing temporarily closed. You can smoke cigarettes and dope but you can't vape. Madness. Legalize, tax and control. 10 months without a cig because of vaping now it's back to getting my nicotine from one of, if not the worst product for your health LEGALY available for purchase and consumption. This is Thaksin and others protecting the tobacco monopoly. Nothing, I repeat nothing to do with health.
  7. I believe the fine is indeed Bt5000 and the same for vaping. Smoking in a non smoking area is Bt2000 but I have this niggling feeling I saw a no smoking sign Bt5000 fine. Can't quite remember.
  8. This guy adopted Thaksin's war on drugs approach. He gets arrested for extrajudicial killings and Thaksin's de facto running ruining a country.
  9. Former U.S. Social Security head says benefits could be interrupted in 30 to 90 days Former; so no grudge to bear; could so could be also be won't and; what does interrupted actually mean. Get back to us in 30 to 90 days with your update.
  10. You'll find a BIB crackdown on helmet compliance for Thais on or just after Thai payday. It's tea money time of the month.
  11. Agree. They sprout health issues and protecting children and youth but as you rightly point out it's about profits and taxes. I'll guarantee there's been a spike in cigarette sales since this huge vape crackdown started last week.
  12. Exactly what I did but unfortunately the market has been closed down for now nation wide. Trying to protect kids from vaping. Those kids who now are more than likely addicted to nicotine to some extent will now buy cigs if they can't get hold of a vape. This is once again a knee jerk reaction to that 14 year old girl dying a couple of weeks ago. I still don't understand how a 12 year old girl can vape so much in two years that her lungs fail. That's a lot of vaping in a day, a week, a month, a year, two years. Very expensive. A very isolated incident that has closed down the entire market (for now). Vaping should be legal.
  13. Spot on. These people are idiots with no respect. I'm not sure there's anywhere in the world you can just walk around smoking a joint whenever or wherever you want.
  14. What have tourist police got to do with it. These guys are BIB. Outside of a 711 with a friend the other day and he was having a cig. Some Thais warned us about police crackdown on smoking in public places. Same police that for the majority of time ignore the fact that some people riding bikes aren't wearing helmets. Again nothing to do with tourist police.
  15. I doubt it but I'd be very careful about having a puff.
  16. Typical puerile comment. Putin's a dictator. Despise the man. Fact is he's taken 20% of Ukraine and will in all likelihood keep the majority of it.
  17. Soon to be Russian citizens in Russia.
  18. Ethnically distinct from Ukrainians. What's so difficult about this to understand. It can be said they're Russian Ukrainians just like it's acceptable to say Irish American or Chinese Australian. Ethnicity. Look it up as you either do not know what it means or are you simply trolling.
  19. It is possible to be a citizen of a country yet be ethnically different. Your argument is moot. Eastern regions of Ukraine have/had large populations of ethnic Russians. This cannot be disputed.
  20. Only being that the regions they live/lived in were within Ukraine. Being ethnic Russian has a specific meaning.
  21. You make an interesting point without knowing it. Regions taken are somewhat ethnically Russian and controlling these areas will be easier to do as opposed to all of Ukraine. This is why Putin doesn't want all of Ukraine.
  22. Like the old cigarette butt trap in BKK. A Thai could discard the butt anywhere even if standing next to a cop but a foreigner will get the Bt2000 fine.
  23. You are obviously unaware that there has been and seems to be a continuing nation wide crackdown on selling vapes, vaping and smoking dope and cigs in public areas. The road safety thing is a comparison of what is more important in "maintaining order". I'm not surprised though that you one; fail know about a nation wide crackdown and two; understand the road safety comparison.
  24. The military assistance needed is boots on ground. Ain't going to happen. The war is unwinnable from Ukraine's point of view and sooner or later the Russians will stop their push east claiming all territory gained and setting the new, albeit internationally unrecognized, border as the new border. This has nothing to do with acquiescing to Putin. It's about stopping the bleeding of US tax payer's money into an unwinnable war and forcing Zelenskyy to accept the rare minerals deal and move to ceasefire negotiations.
  25. Speculators drive market down. Big speculators wait. When down enough big speculators buy up. Market goes up again. Big speculators get bigger.
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