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Posts posted by dinsdale

  1. 14 minutes ago, digbeth said:

    stop logging in to read, and worse comments, the more we complain the more they can claim, 'Since introduction of AI articles, our users engagement shot through the roof and the community is as vibrant as ever"

    Allow me to rewrite this for you TheThaigerChatGPT/AN style.

    "Since the wonderful introduction of a variety of artificial intelligence applications we at TheThaigerChatGPT/AN have seen a bourgeong engagement of interfacing with our highly informative site to lofty heights never seen before."

    • Haha 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Classic Ray said:

    I hope they bring in their defence the practice in other countries that have abolished lese-majeste laws which used to apply to heads of state like monarchs and presidents.


    It is still possible to have a functioning  monarchy without these laws, as offences like treason will still be applicable in serious threats.


    Only a few countries like Thailand, Cambodia, and some Middle Eastern countries still have them in force.


    I quote the example of the United Kingdom where the late Queen was revered by the majority of the population and there has been an outpouring of support for the current King and his daughter in law after their recent medical diagnoses.

    Even former colonies like Australia and New Zealand refuse to become republics, seeing the advantage of an independent barrier to their politicians’ excesses.

    Plenty of republicans in Aus mate I'll tell you that. Charles ain't my King but I could call him a dithering idiot (not the case IMO) publically without fear of prosecution. The same cannot be said here.  

  3. 6 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

    Recall that of the 250 Senate seats, only 200 will be subjected to deselection. The remaining fifty are likely reserved for old guard, ie., NCPO junta leadership and consultants. That's 20% already against any new opposition.

    Agree. The 50 that remain will be Pratut's Junta appointments. Then the selection critera of being over 40 disqualifies many of those on the progressive side. Then you have occupations which is skewed to professionals only and then you have the corruption in that wealth can buy your selection. So, yes, the selected not elected Senate will will be full of the old guard with many of the dinasaurs currently in the Senate remaining. This whole selection not election is a complete farce open to corruption and manipulation and is in no way representative of a democtratic process. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    I think the Old Guard want this all delayed until after the Senate elections. Another extension and then maybe another, and then the trial itself and decision will take months. They probably fear that disbanding MFP now will create a blowback regarding the Senate elections, more than they are already going to get.  Once the Senate is elected and in place might also be a good time (for them) to dissolve Parliament and call a new election before the MFP can regroup under a new name (and maybe a new Leader). 

    Senate selection not election. I don't think the old guard are too bothered with this as the old guard will more than likely fill the majority of seats. As for a new election my above post maybe a crystal ball into the future. There may not be another election for quite some time.

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  5. 3 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    The Health Minister of Thailand, Somsak Thepsutin, is advocating for changes in regulations that would permit authorities to confiscate the property of those discovered with even a single methamphetamine pill. The suggestion will be discussed at a multi-agency meeting on Thursday.

    Complete nonsense subheading. It might be one proposal made by one complete and utter fool but there is no information supplied. The article is about confiscating assets from traffickers and rehab for addicts. Thing about the traffickers is they're not the big ones. It's the cartels in Myanmar, Laos and China How is the BIB and the courts going to confiscate their huge wealth. A huge wealth by the that will increase if dope is made illegal again. Nothing will change the cartels will ship it in, some generals here will continue to make a fortune and every now and again a smuggler will get caught.

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  6. 6798327385_d102f274b3_b.jpg

    I'm very suprised by this image. My guess is (and the rather nonsensical article supports this) is that AI just pumped out an article with an image and again it's gone straight to upload without any editorial checks. Usually classroom pics are private schools or good public schools in good classrooms. I think The ThaigerChatGPT/AN might be in trouble here for bringing the image of Thailand into disrepute. Reality is though this scene is indicative of many public schools in Thailand it's just that you can't see the other 30 students.

  7. 2 hours ago, riclag said:

    I ‘ve done it all except for Ice (meth).

    I quit everything except for alcohol.

    Last time I did a mind altering  drug was pot in 2004 !

    It was very very powerful ! 

    I didn’t like the feeling of paranoia I was getting!

     Its much safer & comforting to be high on life than mind altering substances.

      Thailand is doing the right thing in protecting the children (Minds of mush ).


    The old you too can enjoy yourself at a party with everyone drinking etc when you're cold stone sober. Everyone knows this is complete BS. Protect the children? Well this is just more BS. Protect the children from what exactly? Legal drugs or illegal drugs. It's all out there and readilly available legal or not. Making something illegal changes nothing except what was once legal is now illegal. 

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  8. 43 minutes ago, AustinRacing said:

    Read it properly. “disillusioned farmers who have witnessed a dramatic decline in profits since the liberalization of cannabis in 2022.” the operative word is “since”. 

    "'since" Since the liberalisation of the law. Between then and now and not before. So yes the "opperative word" as you say is since. "Since the liberalisation of the law (when the law was liberalised) farmers profits have reduced" or "initially the small number of farmers cultivating saw good profits but as the number of cultivators rapidly increased those farmers saw their profits reduced." As I said this would be because more dope was being cultivated, more on the market, market prices dropped and profit margins were reduced. I believe I did read it properly thank you and I also know what since means. 

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  9. Surely in a 'democracy' challenging the govt is an integral function. Not in TIT.

    3 hours ago, webfact said:

    He admitted the rice might lack the aroma of freshly harvested varieties, but maintained it was still safe for consumption. 

    So it going to be crap and cheap but you can eat it. The govt must buy the lot and give it free to temples so it can go towards helping the poor. Even then I'm not sure people are going to want it. Tasteless 10 yr old rice.

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  10. 3 hours ago, BigBruv said:


    Like alcohol, thc affects different people in different ways so to say that cannabis is damaging is true (look up cannabis psychosis).


    For every bob marley (who did great work under the influence), there are many more who smoked their lives away at best and quite a few who hear voices and will stab you if you look at them 'wrong'.


    Having saif that, cash rules in thailand so I'd guess the alcohol lobby is probably behind this (late) gambit.



    Thaksin is behind this. At the end of the day it doesn't matter about if dope is bad or not bad. It's what he wants.

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  11. 1 minute ago, kwilco said:

    As I said already you are a one quote wonder and can't even understand the quotes you pick (or rather cherry pick)  it's really difficult holding a meaningful discussion with someone who is so intellectually stunted 

    How the Department of Justice and the Drug Enforcement Agency in the US and the WHO classifies cannabis isn't what I would call cherry picking and they both classify it as psychoactive. This isn't to say that other duristications don't classify it as psychtopic. Either way as has been said many times by many posters that to say it's deleterous to mental health as if this applies to everyone is incorrect. 

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