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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. My only experience with Arabs besides passing through the airport once was at a Jordanian restaurant in Bangkok. Totally vile how they ate rice with their hands and stroked their beards to clean the food debris. An interesting experience and I liked the food but not getting good vibes from them.
  2. Interesting. I've seen the "passport bro" stuff so they must be hitting the dating circuit too. Besides her I wonder how they're doing.
  3. Are there enough black men to date these days? I went from never seeing them to seeing them maybe a few times a year (around Chiang Mai at least). In the distinct minority for sure.
  4. The black national anthem was an astounding misstep. They're opening dividing the country along racial lines in the most public way possible. This will alienate all races and grow racial consciousness amongst white Americans which will undo the entire American project in its current form. They did the exact opposite of what Theodore Roosevelt said but on steroids. So now we're all hyphenated-Americans and the original founding stock is color coded white-American plus we have two national anthems. Brilliant plan for running the "united states" I'm sure it's going to end well.
  5. Arabs unnerve me greatly too but I don't know them well, just bad vides. These guys however are very charming. I think they're from rural Pakistan.
  6. I'm in the "don't mind the term Farang camp". I understand there's thousands of years of history between us and we're very different people. We can meet on our common ground but I have no illusions of being accepted or even accepting them like I do my fellow Farangs. Race is not skin deep either I would argue. It is what is it, they don't mean harm they just see us a single group, which in many ways we are.
  7. You can't educate a person to like the culture of other races. Sorry Black culture in America is garbage, I've seen enough. Thai culture on the other hand is manifestly lovely and peoples lives are altered after visiting the country even once (and learn it's not so great later...😂). If you need education to accept a culture we're now talking about brainwashing.
  8. They play the "black national anthem" at the super bowl! Football almost looks like it's become a part of black culture entire. It's a radical shift from 30 years ago.
  9. India is generally seen as a revolting country. Africa is scary for a Thai but India is more revolting to them. I work with Indians and it's not "all of them" but the average Indian will be rejected in Thailand (or Asia in general) I'm quite sure.
  10. What? Everyone was dating a Thai. As long as I've been in Thailand there has been interracial dating with Farangs and this was the norm. Much of the topics about Thailand are regarding these relationships and they dominate the experience of living in Thailand. This is Thai-Farang though. How it works with Africans is another question and still uncharted territory for the most part. Actually though, my wife has a cousin that married a black mail man from Las Vegas and they've lived together for years in America. She made a point of telling me he was black even as it was unusual. Otherwise I've perhaps never seen a Thai-black couple in real life although I know they exist.
  11. And Isaan people are looked down on from what I understand . It's certainly the backwater of Thailand which doesn't help.
  12. Agree to disagree. Mods will probably shut this down if it turns into a "why is Africa failing and whose fault is it" thread. Good luck to them, they need it.
  13. Unpopular opinion, I think America is the best place to be black in the world. Massively higher standard of living than their family who were not captured as slaves and affirmative action favoring them (called DEI today and widely practiced, including YouTube). It's going to court now on a federal level with Trump but they are the preferred race for hiring and universities. Thailand could be a step backwards for them in many regards.
  14. I think there problems go deeper than just not having enough diamonds.
  15. this does not bode well for the black man in Thailand. Just on the surface level I would avoid Asia if I was black for this reasons alone. I recall some racial insensitive commercials in Thailand. Imagine if you saw this right after the evening news filled with mixed white-Thai people and women smothered with whitening creams. This one from China but it could have been Thailand all the same: Or there's this one from our favorite block head. "if those flat nose darkies can make money, well so can you!"
  16. YouTube has a stated "diversity and inclusion policy" (Google it to learn more). The short of it is this summary: At YouTube, we put equity and inclusion at the forefront of our mission. To do this, our teams explore how our practices, policies and norms may create bias and inequity on the platform. This is why we established a dedicated Racial Justice, Equity and Product Inclusion As a result they promote "being black in ..." videos so that the average Farang can peer into "Black America". You may have seen this also which may seem strange because blacks are so are in Thailand. That's Google at work, not organic at all. My first feeling is oh great, race war crap from America is coming to the Thailand, I hope it doesn't reach me. In actuality this is just the bias they're promoting and the numbers are very small but it's still unsettling. As a white American I find this distributing that they have this persistent paranoia they bring around with them. Coming to Thailand or any country and making your race front and center of your identity is surely a bad way to go about life. Of course us Farang have always been treated excellently by the Thais (some will disagree I know) but honestly I'm not sure they're so keen on blacks so maybe their paranoia is justified. In fact my first year in Thailand I was in Pai in 2005. One day me and my brother went to the local hot springs with these two Lisu hill tribe girls we met (cutest girls, we were all in our very early 20s) and this jet black African man appeared a little while later (extremely rare back then and still pretty rare today). The girls were visibility horrified and recoiled in fear clutching on to me and my brother. Not joking it was like they saw a snake. The girls probably never saw a black man before considering how remote they lived. So it makes me think, is the paranoia justified? Do blacks go around life thinking deep down they are feared and reviled? Are they? If you're interested you can listen to them in their own words.
  17. She was digging in and people were waiting so I let it go. She would have gotten it eventually but probably not worth causing a scene. Some of these people are dirt poor and know very little outside of their little world, especially teenagers. Just a random photo but that could have easily been where she grew up
  18. As best as I can but I don't think she was listening or could understand me. None of these people speak any English, that girl may have not been Thai even. The rest of the kids in there know me and never had any problems. I would guess most Thai absent of understanding why I'm giving them too much money would just accept it and let the computer tell them what to do. Honestly good on her for speaking up and trying to think for herself. I wish more Thai people did that.
  19. The other day at Lotus' I made a purchase for 181 baht and paid with a 1000. Because my change was going to be 819 baht and not divide evenly into bills I tried to give the girl and extra baht coin so I would get back 820, all paper no coins. Well the girl refused. I tried to explain to her why I wanted this but she continued to refuse so I gave up. After I got my change back I told her , look at all these coins this isn't what I didn't want. Of course she just gave me the blank stare Thais use when they "play dead" to avoid confrontation. To be fair this is the first time this ever happened. I told my landlord about this later and asked what was up and she just said it was a village girl and it's to be expected.
  20. wait, you're making 400 pounds in how many hours?? what do you do? Sounds like consultant or lawyer. My brother has done some consultancy in Bangkok and around Thailand helping to design kitchens for resorts and makes some fat cash too.
  21. I don't know what I would buy. More expensive whiskey and gummy bears probably. I guess if I wanted to waste money I could let my wife buy some junk she doesn't need. 🤷
  22. what are you buying that costs so much? A Thai family with one kid would be spending less than half of that and have house and car payments.
  23. Could be so. I only know what my wife earns and she's a manager so she tells me how much some of the other employees earn. Sometimes I see a for hire sign and of course we know the minimum wage. The rest is deduction.
  24. The point of the thread was supposed to talk about why this happens and now here we are. 😂
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