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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. I'm giving the wrong impression here. I don't mean Europeans aren't criminal, I simply observe a strong trust in laws within the Europeans (I mean American, Canadian etc... too) when compare to the Thai people. In the mind of the Finnish guy Jay he has a piece of paper which gives him a sense of security because he believes the system will protect him. Thai people in my observation don't have this same trust because they know there is a corruption in the officials and the paper is only as good the person willing to enforce it, which may never happen. I've never gone through the legal system in Thailand but I don't trust it because I see the Thai people themselves don't trust their authorities. That's my only point.
  2. The idea is he gets to sell the house, keep 100% of the profit then have his name removed, nothing the Thai national can do right? That feels like ownership to me and why I'm skeptical if a judge would see it any different.
  3. Ok here is that video I saw about the paper work. I'm very skeptical you can get around Thai laws this easily even if the lawyer says it's legit. Good luck to the guy though.
  4. Not sure what other documents he signed but he was very sure of himself and his legal work. I think, he thinks if he gets divorced he can own 100% of the land and sell it at his leisure. If you can't sell the land and you can only inhabit it it's even more worthless because then you're stuck with her family in some little soi.
  5. No idea what you're even talking about. Laws in Thailand are often seen as a mere suggestion and can be gotten around. That's my observation at least.
  6. You seriously want to go to bat for the Thai's and their adherence to laws and legal culture? Seriously?
  7. Ok so the prenup part is something I ASSUMED because he took this sneaky route of building the house and getting the usufruct BEFORE he was married. He didn't say anything about the prenup but I have to assume he would do that too because it seems like what he's doing is being clever with the law and getting to own land in Thailand without a Thai national being involved. This is the crux of the issue and what I'm skeptical of.
  8. I was watching house build videos on YouTube and came across this Finnish guy who has built a home in Buriram in the village of his (then) girlfriend and now I see he's gotten married. When I say in the village, I mean he's surrounded by her extended family and even sharing a water main with them. The very idea makes me cringe but very well. This is interesting to me because earlier before they were married he an acquired a usufruct on the new property and now since getting married I assume he's signed a prenup with the 25 year old Thai girl. Is the Finnish man very clever and beaten the system of foreign land ownership in Thailand or is he trying to beat the legal system by following the letter of the law but not the spirit of the law? It seems everything is well and legal but personally I don't trust Thailand (or Thai people in general) to strictly adhere to laws in the same way Europeans do. My guess is that if there is a divorce the property will still be contested despite all the documents. I have no evidence for this but it just "feels" that way given how easy it was for him to effectively skirt the law. For example it could be left to the judges discretion and if he seems this as a clever way to circumvent the law.
  9. My guess is she had a pseudo-spiritual mental health crisis and become a guru and took an Indian nickname. This sounds mental but I've seen it happen before in real life. Yes these "world traveler" people really do this.
  10. No, I wanted to know if this was an actual Portuguese woman or an Indian with a passport.
  11. She looks like a fake hippy guru type. "varshava" sounds so spiritual... Googled the name to see the ethnicity and she has a LinkedIn. 😂 https://www.linkedin.com/in/nadiya-varshava
  12. Thanks. I can't tell from the pictures but those look like full sized concrete tiles which are thicker. Maybe the picture I took doesn't capture the scale but those tiles are noticeably thinner than other tiles I've seen. I think they are strips instead of single tiles even.
  13. Looking at this link https://www.roofingsuperstore.co.uk/product/cedral-thrutone-fibre-cement-slate.html I think you're right. This is the same material as the wavy roof panels you see all over Thailand right? I guess the difference is they cut them into smaller tiles instead of the large panels. Do you know the name/brand of the product? I'm curious if they have them at common building stores in Thailand.
  14. that's a good guess. They look too thin to be concrete but you could be right. I need to get a closer view to be sure.
  15. As mentioned I got a picture of that roof last night. It's in the mountains at about 1000m elevation. This material looks light and probably doesn't store much heat. Looks good to me but I don't know what it is even.
  16. Has anyone seen this roofing material before? This is as close as I could get but it looks like a plastic/wood composite, kind of like certain decking material. The panels appear thin and light to. Nearly certain it's not wood but some kind of artificial composite.
  17. what's your point here? Republican leadership is in favor of foreign wars? Of course they are that's always been the case.
  18. You're an American living in Thailand right? Why are you focused on some country in Eastern Europe? They put that idea in to your head. Ukraine is of no material interest to actual Americans.
  19. well if you can prevent the house from heating during the day using insulation on the ceiling than it's a win. I'm very skeptical you can insulate the ceiling well enough to cope with a metal roof but in theory it's possible.
  20. Here's a starting point for things going wrong in the world yet, some directly affect American people yet the American media and government want you laser focused on Ukraine. Why is that? Is it really your concern or are you getting manipulated into supporting yet another foreign war for their profit? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts
  21. There are so many things like this happening all over the world but US does nothing. Ukraine is a special interest of some people in the government but not to Americans. That's my only point. It's THEIR war.
  22. They would 100% send troops if they thought they could get away with it and then you would see those casualties. Not blaming the war on them but the major media companies are essentially government propaganda at this point and they have been shilling at max capacity for that war. It's their war, has nothing to do with America.
  23. Why? it's another pointless war promoted by governments, high society elites and media companies. Do you have a response which isn't propaganda talking points by said groups? I wasn't around for Vietnam (born 82) but I was told that's how it was back then too.
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