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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. Just curious, do they check to make sure you didn't withdrawal the money in the same month? If you don't use the full 65k can you just top it off the next month or do they need to see a fresh 65k every month and no withdrawals?
  2. Is this a major city? Are they well paid and fully occupied by their company? It's the same all over the world. If you put a woman in this position she won't have a family and work until she dies like the men.
  3. and now this conflict has been imported into the UK so the general population has to deal with it. All of this could have easily been avoided.
  4. Non-Asian breakfast so no boiled rice or fried chicken and sticky rice. 🙂
  5. This would be splitting the atom for the Thai police. Stop everything and learn to do this first, then come back and address the problem.
  6. There's been a multi decade campaign to deconstruct white racial identity all over the West.
  7. Look at what's happening with USAID now in America. These NGOs are just slush funds with some "humanitarian" veneer to sell to the public. The government employees make money by taking from the tax payers and then dump Somalians in to your town. They go home as smug savers of the world loaded with sacks of cash and you're left wondering why girls keep getting their genitals carved up with razorblades by their parents. https://www.voanews.com/a/female-genital-mutilation-somali-community-united-states/3557311.html
  8. What is all this nonsense about "radical Islam" they love feeding us. If you have enough Arab Muslims in your country this will eventually happen. You just need to clear them out and be done with it already.
  9. They would literally have to start executing people caught starting fires to make them stop and even then I think they'd still try it. Most of the people up in the mountains are not Thai even, they're hill tribes from China, Burmese and various mixed races. They could give a damn about air quality. Last thing on their minds.
  10. Ah yes lovely Chiang Mai "The hidden Jewel of Southeast Asia. The Rose of the North." Never a truer statement uttered. After I finish this fancy latte in a restaurant packed full of Chinese tourists and hippy backpackers girls I'm going to step outside to inhale some authentic Lanna Kingdom smoke.
  11. A German buffet. Huge menu it looks like too. Extremely painful location for me to get to but I'll try it sometime. https://www.facebook.com/@aufderaubistro https://aufderaubistro.com/dinner/
  12. I think this one? https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61562037823386
  13. I saw that signs so many times before but I never knew what it was. Thanks! https://www.facebook.com/route66cnx/
  14. I lived in Pai in 2005-2006. Hot springs were free, you could just show up and go in. The walking streets weren't there, just a normal town with some tourist shops and some drunk farangs that would sit and drink all day in a couple spots. 20 baht for fried rice was the going rate.
  15. It's a traveling colony. They only go to places where other people like themselves go and congregate pushing out the locals. For these world travelers the world is merely a backdrop to their self-indulgent lifestyle.
  16. You think that's bad? This is what I had to see that last week. I'm certain most of these people came from Pai for the Chiang Dao Shambala festival. It's a traveling circus but they're in denial that they're clowns.
  17. Bangkok speculators are a plague. I really despise them.
  18. They burn down the forests every year for foraging and smoke out millions of people. No remorse. They would cut down every single tree to make a few bucks if the government didn't stop them. Actually quite greedy and short sided people.
  19. There was a 7 day festival in my town last week with loud music at night (Just the usual Thai market with Thai music affair) so I decided to take a few days to tour around Chiang Dao. Unbeknownst to me there was the annual "Shambala" festival happening in Chiang Dao at the very same time. Hundreds of new age hippies were crawling around the valley and hotels were packed out make it hard to find a good place to stay. These people colonize areas like Pai and have constructed a narrative about what Thailand is and are living out some collective fantasy for the rest of the us to experience. Shambala is fitting because they themselves are shams. I really dislike this people. They could wreck Chiang Dao along Pai potentially if they colonize it. The amount of Korean, Japanese and Chinese new age cosplayers I saw was noteworthy. I didn't know they were in to that stuff too.
  20. Here's a very American scene. A Somalian woman voted in to congress by other Somalians. Just as the founders intended.
  21. I've seen too many "Americans" flying Mexican flags. People are starting to pay attention.
  22. How could brainwashed Americans resist the first black, Indian, woman president? So many boxes ticked! Maybe if she was crippled that would have taken over the finish line.
  23. During the previous waves of immigrants the federal government was tiny, there wasn't even an income tax then! The worst an immigrant could do is go broke and become a beggar or go back home. Today they have numerous government funded programs they can attach to and drain the tax payers. Finally the immigrants back then were coming from Europe, not 3rd world countries which use government services at a higher rate than the native population. Billions of people in the planet so it's crazy to think the US can support and unlimited number of the worlds poor.
  24. So you were tax cattle back home and now you're tax buffalo in Thailand. How is this a win? You could have literally done nothing and been in the same situation as before.
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