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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. Asia is taking this thing REALLY hard. Nary a person wearing a mask in Colorado right now. It's almost like a distant memory...
  2. Thanks, it looks like many things are open. I walked up and down an entire terminal when I was there and saw nothing open but my connection was so tight I didn't have time to walk the entire airport. I'll probably bring some food just in case.
  3. When I traveled through Narita in early July 2 months ago it appeared all the restaurants were still closed the same as they were since 2020 when COVID hit. Does anyone know if they really are totally closed or I simply didn't see any in the wing of the airport I was in? I have a 5 hour layover coming from the US so it would be good to know so I can pack some food. Thanks!
  4. Maskland is really trying my patience too. I'm coming back in 10 days from 2 months in the US where basically no one has a mask anymore and I've nearly forget about them. It's going to sting when I get back to Chiang Mai and have to face "the new normal" like it's still March 2020. ????
  5. How is that even enjoyable? Looks like a total nightmare scenario to me. Good riddance.
  6. Very important point to drive home. People are already starting to backpedal but we mustn't let them. It's common now to hear "because of COVID ..." Wrong, because of YOU, it was your personal actions and your fault for implementing or supporting certain policies. Never forget, never forgive.
  7. It also makes Thailand look kind of retarded. Do they think there's some large percent of the population around the world that's going to spend their last $1000 on plane ticket to Thailand and arrive with literally zero dollars in the bank? They must think they're pretty clever by putting an end to this scam which totally was going to happen if not for that visa requirement.
  8. Stupidest idea ever. Thailand will be colonized in short order and I don't see the Thais even like the Chinese very much. Don't follow the West. Diversity is not a strength.
  9. You could maybe put 6 small homes in there. The land was 12.4 million baht so each house is 2mil for just for the land. So maybe a 4-5 million baht house could make back the developer some money. With a 2 mil per house land cost this is already getting upper class so I doubt they want a little cheapy 1 story 50sqm house. With a GDP per capita at about 10k USD per year I don't see how people can afford a 140k USD house unless you're very wealthy. The only thing seems like a fantasy to me.
  10. Thai land is hilariously overvalued. Sure they can ask but does anyone buy? Not far from where I live in about 20k Chiang Mai center I just saw about 0.75 acres for 380,000 USD. They must think a property developer is going to buy it and put up some higher end homes. Sounds crazy to me.
  11. I just applied and received a non-o based on married from US embassy via the online system and they required no insurance.
  12. I tried but I can't delete the post. Probably gonna be banned for racism again. Oops.
  13. Heritage America is dead and gone. It's best to get straight with ourselves and try to make the most of what he have left from the past. Oh the Irish. Like my red haired mother with the maiden name Murphy? Yes I am Irish also. I don't know why I left them out of my list. Jews are not "white" full stop. Never have they properly integrated into any country, always the remain as "the tribe". Kind of like Hill Tribe in Thailand, although in reverse because the Thais intruded upon them while Jews seek out whites to live amongst. But honestly I'd like to know more about the relationship with them and the English and why they weren't considered white. My understanding is the whites in American South are primarily the Scottish and Irish and the current culture war we see today (dems and republicans) is that ethnic struggle still playing out. I'm 100% willing to accept Irish are not compatible with the English although I after a single generation I see the blend in very well.
  14. Technical term. The original immigration policy was "white people of good character" which meant Northern Europeans (some Eastern too actually). Those were the people I grew up with and my own family. English, Scottish, Dutch, German etc... a German in England is an alien but of a different kind. The later immigration however is largely not compatible with whites. They keep on their side of town and us on ours. Even the current mix of Europeans is at each others throats and now they throw in people from literally everywhere in the world by the millions per year. Remember when Joe Biden in the 90s said he didn't want his kids to grow up in a racial jungle? Well here we are.
  15. Immigration is a deliberate government policy. See the 1965 Hart Cellar act. Americans never agreed to be flooded by millions of racial aliens. I've spoken about this before the mods will ban me again. The die is cast though and the US is already looking exactly like Brazil in many areas. I was born in 1982 and had a good upbringing in a still 95+ white Colorado town but my elementary school I went to in the 90s looks like it could be any city in Mexico. Glad I moved, not coming back except to visit.
  16. You're being sarcastic? Yes I know and you sound exactly like the people here. That's exactly the kind of sarcasm some person from Boulder would have.
  17. well this is ***exactly*** what I'm talking about. I don't know where you're from but you'd probably really get along with the people here. Not kidding, not judging, come and visit. You'll feel right at home.
  18. It's 180 degrees opposite of how they portray themselves but these are some the most intolerant small minded people you will ever meet if you challenge them on anything or go against one of their never health or social fads. There's a reason they say Boulder is a bubble. The Thais on the other hand are actually easy going and aren't trying to shove all their dogmas down my throat with protests and bumper stickers, and that's one of the main reasons I prefer to live with them.
  19. Boulder is far worse today than it was 20 year for sure. I was just talking to some women about this last week who moved here when my family did in 1987. Objectively worse we both agree. That's just us though, the new comers seem to be having a good time. Google has a campus here and lots of high paying tech jobs are popping up etc... I visit my parents here in the summer (that's where I am now) and you can still have nice hikes if you avoid the weekends or certain easy trails the tourists do. Much more weed smoking sine they legalized it, which maybe some people like but it just attracted more problems in my opinion. I never explored the state much since I effectively moved to Thailand in 2005 but I'm sure you can find better areas in Colorado that have nice hiking, more affordable housing and less of this elitist liberal cultural which dominates Boulder.
  20. Come visit my home town of Boulder Colorado in the summer and enjoy a pleasant dry heat, cool nights and unmatched outdoor culture hiking in the Rocky Mountains. Just don't get any idea of buying a home or your dreams will be crushed when you see the prices. ????
  21. There is still amazing cheap land in many places in America. If you can build something and deal with property taxes you could have a pretty good life. Just saw this today in inbox.
  22. Stingy as usual. Why not 6 months? Are they weighing the pros and cons and decided that 6 months would be too much while 2 weeks is safe, considering the damage these people could do. Imagine all the terrible things that could happen if Europeans got into Thailand for a whole 6 months. It's not even worth considering.
  23. Trump at least had the capacity to play hard ball with other countries. If it was on the table he would have said something like "why are we letting these people from <deleted> hole countries buy land in America when they won't give us the same deal in their country". Maybe that would backfire but I can at least see him putting pressure on this SE Asian countries and getting something in return for us. Compare that with the democrats who would go the opposite direction and tell us we need to take the Thai's as refugees and give them free school, health care etc... all at tax payer expense. It's a clear choice in my eyes and no I don't care Trump was a dick or said stupid things so don't bother.
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