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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. Why do you want to buy the house in the first place? Unless it's something totally unique you can probably rent something similar. I understand in some rural areas renting anything of even basic quality is not possible so if you must there then buying makes sense I suppose.
  2. Maybe Thailands rulers are the worst in the world but in daily life you never interact with them. Back in the West you will be interacting constantly with the government so who rules over you is extremely important.
  3. I see the complete the opposite. Even in Thailand which is a country which many would say is over populated there is vast amounts of cheap land available to purchase. If people are so troubled with over population why aren't they moving to these areas? The answer is pretty simple, they WANT to live in the densely populated areas and in fact leave rural areas to live in big cities. Even in small cities people are found clustered together. So what really is the problem here? People want to live like this so what's the justification for saying its a problem for the 99%?
  4. The death penalty is righteous. Remember the guy who butchered all those kids in Nong Bua Lam Phu? He should absolutely be killed. No justification for keeping him alive. Bring back public hangings for these scumbags.
  5. it's an existential crisis at this point. Did you ever see the videos of the immigrant prime ministers of Scotland and now Ireland standing in parliament and complaining there are too many white people in government? They're literally importing their replacements and will lose total control of their governments once they become minorities.
  6. Since when do Thai people care about such things? this happens all day every day.
  7. The Thai people seemed to encroached upon a number of regions including Lao, Cambodia and Myanmar. It's all fuzzy but the longer I'm here the more I can really pick apart the different groups.
  8. Exactly, rural areas with community are surviving, I see that too. They will be the ones to carry forward the people once the cities depopulate and fall apart, then the cycle continues I guess.
  9. They said 3 decades ago many similar things would happen. You can look a historic photos of coastline and compare them to Google maps today and they appear the same to me. Yeah oceans rise but the estimates are wildly off and probably just propaganda to get people to accept carbon taxes or whatever else they have in mind. I simply don't believe them anymore.
  10. That's crazy I did not know. OK then that explains part of the problem. That debt needs to be cleared so people can actually live normal lives. This is the end game of debt based money and central banking. It's strangling out entire nations will to live. Japan WILL survive because the people will survive. When Japan recovers from this debt and families stabilize many countries in Europe are at real risk of being under rule by Muslims and it's going to be the current Israel conflict on steroids. Japan will have the last laugh in the end.
  11. Doomed how? The west will literally not be the same country so what survives in the end? The country is the people themselves and if they're replaced then everything is lost.
  12. Yes but not Thai. Thai is an ethnic group with common lineage right? I personally don't consider them Thai myself.
  13. Then everyone dies in the end. Women can either work for a company and have no family or work for their family and continue the nation. What's happening now is not sustainable and will course correct naturally once the population is too small for urbanization and people go back to the land.
  14. It's a civilized country with high standard of living. Housing prices falling are good for the future generations, you can't sustain a country on ever rising housing prices that require 40 years mortgages. Older people will be hurting though that's for sure and the debt can be defaulted on or paid back with inflated currency. Japan will do just fine.
  15. Replacing 30 million Thais with Africans and Arabs sounds like a good way to boost GDP. I don't see how this could possibly go wrong.
  16. I'm thinking of one place in particular which is just before you take the steep road up to the temple past the Huai Jo reservoir. I cycle there often and I know a group of older guys that come in and do group walks around the area including that trail. Could by some of the other ones but that one is particular goes deep in and has lots of forks which are not easy to distinguish.
  17. I walked in to that trail once with my dog and after passing a couple forks I decided you could 100% get lost in there so I turned around. I you had GPS you could maybe be fine but you'd need to mark the forks probably and certainly not be in there past dark.
  18. Thanks we should have planned for this week then. We could do it this week if we rushed or in 2 weeks because the week of the 6th - 12th I won't be in the city. If 3 weeks is safe then that's good too. We just want to be safely in the window in case we need to get some papers and come back a couple days later.
  19. A+ rant. I'm convinced it's just a government make-work program. No company that actually cared about profits would throw away money doing pointless things like verifying the same hand signed duplicates of papers every year.
  20. Oh I thought the under consideration thing was just the first time. 3 weeks sounds comfortable so I'll go Nov 13-14 I think. The plan was to submit the same documents as we did originally, if we can remember what they were! so many things so we should have made a list and kept it in a file. Thanks!
  21. I have my first 12 month marriage renewal coming up on Dec 9th (Chiang Mai). How many days in advance do I need to submit my renewal? The first time it took at least 30 days but I believe the renewal will be faster because they already did the interview and other things which I don't think they repeat every year.
  22. Thailand does pretty well with them even though I know there's bad blood between them. They seem to be generally distrusting of outsiders, which makes sense given they're literal tribes and they don't want to change their culture which they're very proud of. It's the same story as with the native people in America and the European colonies. So what do you do? Thai's DO attempt to assimilate them and put them into Thai schools and speaking Thai, which is good for them honestly but that also means they get intermixed and their culture destroyed so I don't blame them for being bitter either. The whole thing is unfortunate.
  23. My most offensive opinion living in Thailand is that the Hill Tribe are largely a blight on the country. I've lived around them for years (Hmong and Lisu) and here are my observations: 1) Trash dumps found all along the mountain sides along the way towards their villages. They don't have trash disposal up there so they simply dump it in the woods and leave it for the rest of us to deal with. Thanks guys. 2) Burning trash and burning in general. Again, no way to deal with trash on the mountain tops so they burn it. 3) Most pathetic villages in all of Thailand. Very ugly, no gardens, just mangled concrete and rubbish. They seriously have no class. 4) They forage in the mountains and are a major culprit for the burning of the forest as it makes it easier to get inside and find things. Anytime your around their villages you'll see motorbikes parked along the side of the road and trails in to the woods. Once they get deep back in the mountains on foot and start a fire at the base it will be impossible to stop them. Luckily for them they live on the top of the mountain so the smoke doesn't affect them very much. 5) Reckless drivers, much worse than Thais. Very dangerous to other drivers. I see them wrecked on the side of the road often. Motor vehicles are too advanced for the these people, seriously they shouldn't be allowed to drive. 6) They're not even friendly like Thais and I often get stares and questionable looks when I pass through on my bike. Even the young kids seem to be reclusive and mistrusting of outsiders which is not good. It's often very unconformable being around them so I get in and out quickly, which is all the same because their villages are disgusting anyways.
  24. It's a lost cause until they correct the culture of burning in Thailand. Maybe it's illegal for some small window but the rest of the year people burn anything they want and it's seen as acceptable. Sadly the government shows no interest in changing this part of the culture and the people are sheep and stay silent.
  25. Air is good in rural Chiang Mai now and mountains but people are burning aggressively, every little pile of leaves or grass they can get their hands on. Farmers will do exactly what they've been doing for generations and just a matter of time until the forests get dry enough and they'll lit those up to.
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