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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. 1) The doctor at the clinic here did no tests besides check my blood pressure. That alone is not acceptable but even logic suggests that something changed between last year and this year and I have no history of high blood pressure, although I grant it was slightly elevated yesterday for some reason. 2) The doctor in the US actually performed a bare minimum of tests and found an obvious culprit even. He went on to say this is all he can do and suggested I can elevate this to a specialist if I want. I'm not saying the doctor in the US is correct (neither did he) but at least he was willing to perform tests and get to the bottom of it. The Thai doctor at the clinic couldn't even be bothered so what's the point wasting time with them?
  2. Last night I went to a clinic with my wife about a problem she was having and decided to ask the doctor about my dizziness which started after my COVID vaccine last year and was especially bad yesterday. The doctor in the US I saw last summer had said both my eustachian tubes were congested and so I brought this up with the doctor and asked him about it. Immediately he dismissed the very idea and didn't even bother to check. He did however check my blood pressure which was a little high yesterday (no idea why) and gave my some pills. This isn't the first time this happened and it's the reason I don't even bother with them anymore. They'll make any diagnosis within 5 minutes just by talking with you, no tests required apparently and they always get it wrong. It's a shame because dentists in Thailand are very excellent and at least as good if not better than in the US. Anyways, in the US we have what we call private practices which in my experience have been entirely competent and generally speaking we don't go to hospitals unless there's something more serious. In Thailand however, are hospitals your only choice? I'd like to have a doctor that at the least isn't trying to see each patient 5 minutes at a time. I'm in Chiang Mai (Mae Jo/Mae Rim area), does anyone have any recommendations for a doctor I could see to diagnosis this again and see if they can confirm the original diagnosis by the doctor in the US? I'll go to a hospital if I need to but that seems overkill for such a thing. Thanks!
  3. 13k come on man. My dog weighs 2 kilos and can fit in a bag under the seat!
  4. Yes too fast for that road I believe. Another question though, why did the driver pull into the right most lane? That's the other big f-up here. The right lane should always be kept open for faster traffic and if that happened here he would have been ok.
  5. This is a classic and something we can all learn from. It's a daily occurrence that a car pulls out in the road and expects the cars behind them to see and slow down. The big problem I see here is that there is not enough understanding of drivers of what kind of road you're driving on. If it's a small soi with lots of traffic its not always possible to have enough gap to enter and you need to pull out in to traffic a little, which other drivers can understand because of the congestion and they will slow down and yield. What happens is that cars often drive like they're motor bikes on little sois even when they're on highways. It blows my mind people do this but it happens daily. That's what happened in this video. The driver saw a gap, rushed in to fill it and then considered her job done because she wasn't hit. Problem as usual is Thai people don't consider those around them. Every. Single. Time. The lesson learned is that there's never an open road in Thailand. You can never put your guard down if there's any side streets or possibility of dogs even.
  6. So reckless retards driving motor bikes at high speeds can terrorize everyone on the road. Great law guys.
  7. What happens if some idiot decides to slam on his brakes and make a quick turn on to some side street. Surely this is not YOUR fault when you smash in to the back of their car?
  8. Yeah that's nice but happens when they leave the hotel? That's when the ???? hits the fan.
  9. Yeah but that's who shows up when Thailand makes it easier to enter and stay. Tells you a lot about the true state of the country. Despite what some people want, even if you gave free visas for life you still wouldn't get wealthy foreigners moving to Thailand and spending big money. Wealthy people want quality which is the thing Thailand is lacking and no amount of government intervention is going to change that.
  10. That's ok because now you can insert the waste into the slot on the black mailboxes.
  11. Imagine marrying some women and having her brother send you a bill for his girlfriends medical issues. This entire thing is wrong before you even get in to the details of what this procedure actually has to do with COVID. Are you expected to pay for their entire extended family too anytime one of them gets sick?
  12. Oh that was just for the visa itself. Ok great if that extension works then this will give me enough time for the summer. btw what's the logic behind asking for a 60 day extension to a visit a wife while still in the country? Is this just a general 60 day extension they give or must it be for that expressed reason?
  13. Oh great, and then you need 15 days before the visa expires to request the 12 month extension? So it's 1.5 months from August 7th?
  14. Thanks but that would cut my trip to a strict 60 days including travel time. An option but not great.
  15. I need to reset this in a way so it doesn't conflict with my summer plans which are roughly early July to mid-September. So you're saying before August 7th I can apply for the 60 day extension while still in the US? That would extend this out to early October which is probably good enough.
  16. Oh well in the case if I got in early that will be July 7th + 30 days which means I'm trapped in Thailand if I want the extension. I guess that means plan B which is that I just let the visa expire and re-apply in the USA when I'm ready to come back. Which btw, are all the same documents required if I register in the US? I remember they needed some original documents which I may need to bring.
  17. It says August 7th so that's right in the middle of when I would be gone. Does that mean I can only apply for the extension 30 days early? As in for example in Chiang Mai if it's 30 days I can not extend until July 7th? They take another 2 weeks to process the request also?
  18. Sorry to hear that. I've heard stories like this and what seems to happen is there is some underlying morbidity and once they get a virus that gets into the lungs they get weakened and the rest of the system goes down also. Usually older people in their 70s-80s so age is a big factor also. I believe this how pneumonia kills also. RIP.
  19. This also begs the question of how many of the other hospitalizations we've heard about over the pandemic have been serious. I never knew a single person first or second hand that was hospitalized with COVID and was actually sick so as far as I can confirm in my real life it was always just a flu. Just saying.
  20. Last week I was able to convert my tourist visa to a Non-O based on marriage and I have had my 400k in the bank since April 7th. I would like to leave the country no later than July but I believe I need to do the 12 month extension otherwise I'll reset the entire process. My question is, if I go to immigration on or after June 7th so the money has been in 2 months, can I get the 12 month extension and how long does it take? The made me wait 2 weeks to issue just the new visa once I filed and I need to file the exact same set of papers again I'm told. Once I get that, can I leave the country safely for a few months and not have to repeat this lengthy process again until 12 months is up?
  21. There's no reason whatsoever to listen to this unaccountable, unelected board of bureaucrats. In fact if anyone remembers WHO was LATE in declaring COVID a pandemic although at that point it had clearly meet the requirements. Also for anyone paying attention COVID has been endemic for well over a year now but where is the WHO in declaring it as such?
  22. You should change your account name to "The CEO of not Complaining".
  23. No removal of your mask under any circumstances in Maskland now please enjoy your stay in the Land of Masks. ????????????
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