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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. No the video he referenced. That's just his response to it. I want to hear what the Thai newscasters have to say about us pesky farangs.
  2. Yet here you are comfortably in the bosom of the whiney expat instead of eating som tom in the rice paddies with uncle som chai and you'll back for more tomorrow!
  3. Best advice. If you can't survive 5 years in the country and be in a stable marriage then land should be the furthest thing in your mind.
  4. Does anyone have this video? I tried to find it on https://www.youtube.com/@PPTVHD36 but I don't see it. I'd like to see what the Thai media thinks about this.
  5. Everyone who's ever hired Thai people will tell you this. Every single person who does house build videos on YouTube will allude to the fact Thai people won't work if they feel like it and just not show up. This is Thailand 101 stuff.
  6. Imagine a country so childish that they feel the need to have a continuous water fight go on for 72 straight hours. Welcome to Thailand.
  7. are you kidding? That may be true the first year then you start having problems with bad behavior of the Thai people themselves. Driving? run over crossing the road at crosswalk? Attacked by dogs? Burning trash? disrespectful loud music? etc... etc... In this guys case he was trying to hire Thai people. Have you tried to hire them? This is a whole other set of problems to be negative about.
  8. I was watching his videos over the last few months. There's lots of questionable stuff on there but he was never ranting against Thailand. I would say his criticism of Thailand is 1% of the usual banter found on this forum. The only questionable things were related to his homosexuality and one outburst with a nurse at a local hospital. I think he came charging into Pai full speed, pissed off the wrong people in power and paid for it.
  9. yes I know they'll sign the papers for you but this skirts the spirit of the law and may not hold up in court. Land office may be issuing invalid documents basically. Usufructs are normally meant so people can have rights to work the land in leu of full ownership, not a backdoor so foreigners can own land.
  10. They're going the opposite direction and taxing you now. Thailand simply isn't a country to invest in.
  11. Imagine all the potential regulations they may need to comply. Doing business in the west is a struggle and costs are often passed on to the companies, something they aren't interested in doing for foreigners in Thailand. Just a guess.
  12. Can we all agree we like seeing him get slapped but at the same time agree this is stupid idea? That seems to be all we need to say here.
  13. Issuing these to foreigners seems to go against the spirit of the law so my question is has anyone gone to court over their usufruct and won? If you can simply get any Thai person to buy land in their name and sign away the rights to you then foreign ownership is easy and everyone would be doing it. It begs the question too why people setup nominee companies if all you need is the usufruct.
  14. I just started a topic of this when I saw a YT video of some Finish guy who has done something similar with a usufruct. Maybe to the letter of the law this appears legal but I have no faith this would stand up in court. What he did was buy the land first then marry her and probably did a prenup. It's an obvious attempt to skirt the spirit of the law so I wouldn't trust it in the case of divorce. Just my 2 cents.
  15. always throw this garbage back in their face. These people throw out these comments to virtue signal but are they never going around handing out cash to taxi drivers? NEVER! it's always moral posturing to make themselves appear as better people than you are. So sick of it.
  16. Not Farang. Kaek. Get your racial slurs in order sir.
  17. Sorry those are the facts. Bury your head in the ground or face them.
  18. Overwhelming majority of shootings in the US are blacks and hispanics. As the UK population shifts you're going to have a more violence and the police will eventually start carrying guns. This is baked in at this point.
  19. what about the police being armed means the populace will gets too? The real problem is accidental shootings.
  20. "Man Shot 7 Times During Argument Over Chicken at Anniversary Party" https://www.newsweek.com/man-shot-7-times-during-argument-over-chicken-anniversary-party-tennessee-1720360
  21. No, the US population is far more criminal and even they have the right to own guns, plus millions of guns in circulation, leaky border with Mexico etc... UK would have much better results.
  22. maybe it's time relocate out of the barn and in to a house.
  23. there's just this feeling of lawlessness in Thailand and it's cheap to stay here for a long time. That's enough right there to attract the worst elements. I don't know what Thailand could do except profile people and deny them entry but that would be bad look for them though. It's a bad position to be in for all of us.
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