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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. OK so the roof reaches equilibrium faster and at that point the heat is being transferred in to your house. That's the trade off. I've seen roof tiles that look almost plastic to me (very lightweight at least) which probably have this similar property. Anyone seen these? I can think of one building, I'll try to take a picture next time I see it.
  2. that's what I do every year too but it always makes me fume I can't go out because a bunch of stupid kids and drunks are blocking the streets with buckets of water. The constant pounding bass music for 3 days is depressing also. Leaving would just make all of that go away and I don't have to think about it even once. Done and dusted.
  3. This is why American cities are turning to <deleted>. They have nothing better to do with their time than make Asian immigrants feel important about their precious culture? Every hyphenated nobody in the world has some stupid game they used to play back home but none of this should concerning NYC given the current state of the place.
  4. they don't even regulation alcohol or cigarettes to that degree. You'd need to literally implement rationing and track peoples consumption then deny them purchases. No government could manage that without massive backlash, maybe North Korea. People need to learn how to deal with industrial production capacity and limit their consumption. It's not just sugar it's food in general and every other sort of vice.
  5. so glad it's over. After enough years of declining interest I now hate it on a spiritual level. I'm going to leave the country next year for 3 days and make that my Songkran tradition.
  6. This is more crazy talk. Producing sugar is cheap and easy now and people like it. Your choices are to make sugar illegal or impose rationing and essential make it a controlled substance. Imagine how crazy that would get.
  7. This was always going to happen with industrial technology and abundance. What are the alternatives? Go full communism and give all food production and pricing over to the government?
  8. Exactly my thoughts. It's very interesting to me the amount of people who are so eager to comply with this new law and are hiring lawyers and going to tax offices already.
  9. If the ceiling is well insulated does it matter if the space above the roof is releasing heat slower? So basically the trade off with the metal roof is you're taking on more heat during the day but releases faster at night. This all relies on the ceiling insulation being of the highest quality also. What do you think about the metal roof panels with foam inserted in the middle? I guess that has the same problem of trapping heat though if it does pass through.
  10. This is why censorship needs to taken seriously. In an open forum people are allowed to descent and have alternate viewpoints to yours. You sound like a person who consumes a lot of mainstream media but not all of do and so we debate the issues. Lots of good comes out of free and open debate. If you want to get your opinions from the newspapers and TV then open internet forums aren't the place to be.
  11. In fact I have a roll of single sided foil foam insulation I bought from HomePro. It says to point the reflective side UP towards the sun too.
  12. Summarize this for me, so the debate with ceramic tiles is that while they block heat penetration they retain heat and will radiate heat during the night after the sun is down, therefore ventilation is extra important as compared to some lighter material. Is this correct?
  13. this goes over my head I guess. The reflective part is facing DOWN? I thought it was supposed to face up towards the sun?
  14. They're coming for your money next. Prepare yourself accordingly.
  15. or they could not beat people for simply honking their horn but of course you will hold them to lowest possible standard.
  16. 1300 from HomePro in Chiang Mai but there was a cost for an extra stand also since we raised it off the ground compared to the old machine.
  17. I just did this very same thing and they had to run a new line directly to the breaker box and abandon the old switch on the wall which was routed to a nearby outlet. HomePro said this was there policy which is good enough for me.
  18. Where I live there is literally no way I can leave my house without getting drenched by groups of teenagers. It's 100% about targeting people and seeing their reaction. That's why they put ice in the water.
  19. This is why songkran sucks. There are no boundaries, everyone is fair game. You wanted to take a break and have a cup of coffee? Sorry drink my <deleted> water and stay home if you don't like it. It's Thai culture guys. It's not polite to dump water in someone's coffee the rest of the year how does it become acceptable during a 3 day magic window? Nothing changes, your coffee is still ruined all the same.
  20. just an air gap? I have to assume some insulation material would have higher R value than air but maybe that would good enough. 9*18 is a big space though, would probably cost 20k+ baht for something basic.
  21. Yet very common. What's a better solution? I guess you can do foam insulation metal sheeting but that's kind of ugly if nothing else.
  22. I can think of restaurants that have low ceilings and metal roofs. Even if I like their food I simply can not eat there during most times of the year because it feels like an oven. If they spent a few thousand baht to put in some 1CM foam that would make just enough difference to survive with a fan on you.
  23. You could buy like 250 condos and rent them out for 10,000B+/month for $23mil USD. How much revenue does this website generate per month? I doubt it's anywhere near that but what do I know.
  24. The hill tribes cut the forests down for crops too. Hmong do that in Chiang Mai also but the forest department restricts them to their immediate area.
  25. That may be true but did you see the picture of the guys butt I posted?
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