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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. Yes that's true but my point is that there was never a "if they said", in fact never once was the issue even brought to our attention. Once they come to us with their hands out and ask for their cut we should act, but not before then.
  2. I guess I don't understand what the IN is. I thought it was used for only filing taxes in Thailand. I can understand them wanting to know about your overseas bank accounts but anything to do with taxes in Thailand doesn't make sense, unless they allow you to pay taxes in Thailand and not to them. I think in the US if you're not present 11 months or something you can file in another country but you can't pay less then you would owe to the US government. Some crap like that.
  3. ok that makes sense they want foreign banks to report them so they can tax their citizens but why banks want some tax number in another country makes no sense to me unless they're planning on telling Thailand about your deposits and help Thailand tax you.
  4. I don't know which countries these are but do you mean all the retirees from those countries have requested TIN's since years ago? I never heard about this until now and all this tax talk came up.
  5. This must be Europe because I've never heard of this in the US. I don't see how it's any business of the bank where I reside X number of months per year and don't think US banks even concern themselves with taxes. Europeans always they say the left because it was nanny state, maybe this is what they're talking about? 😂
  6. What country is this? has Thailand requested that all banks must request a TIN for their customers?
  7. What country is this? Maybe he's opting to pay taxes in Thailand instead of his home country?
  8. Why does your bank care about taxes in Thailand? It's not their business where you're residing.
  9. I've never heard of anyone being taxed who isn't working here. In theory you're correct though, we've all had tax liabilities since the beginning but then why didn't they even tell us? It would be easy at immigration for them to say, btw, you have a tax liability and need to talk with an accountant, get a TIN etc... If they start making noise about this at immigration then I'll pay attention but until then I appear to be in the same position as always, just like the rest of us.
  10. Apparently we were able to claim our funds were savings from the previous year and we would have been able to avoid taxes legally. BUT.... they never questioned us, never even mentioned it. The new changes may close the loophole but there would need to be another far more radical policy of collecting taxes from expats. So it's not really about the loophole it's about the threat (yes it's a threat) to start taxing expats which are applicable. This has never been tried before and we all know they've done poor planning and have little idea how this will work out. That's why people are saying don't rush out and start asking accountants how to sign yourself up for their great new scheme. Just shut up and stay quiet like you always were and see if this blows past.
  11. This is undeniably racist if you switch the races. He doesn't even call them Scottish but dehumanizes them into a mere color. I'll repost this from my other comment: "Prime minister... BROWN, secretary of state... BROWN.... chief of police...BROWN" Too many brown people in Thailand! See how that sounds? You sound like a lunatic to be in Thailand and be so irate at the amount of brown people.
  12. Part of the process of deracination into the multicultural melting pot is having your ethnic identity stripped from you and becoming merely "white". Before you were a Scottish man, now you're a white man (lowercase "w"!). In America is makes sense to some degree since there's more mixing of whites but in Scotland it's totally unjustified and something I would be pushing back again.
  13. I never mindfully used the loophole, I just transferred money when I needed it once a month or so. Same as everyone else right?
  14. Chiang mai is cooking the books. Samoeng often turns off its meter (on 500+ days) and Chiang Dao and Fang have no meter at all. Phrao seems to be missing even. If these meters were on it would ensure CM province hits the world rankings every day.
  15. racist what, what are you even talking about? The other guy said something that offends you and you're asking the mods to silence him?
  16. Something just occurred to me. If the ONLY change is this loophole is being closed then does that imply we've all been evading taxes all these years UNLESS we used the loophole? Obviously most of us never even knew about the loophole so what's really changing? Seems like we're in the same position now as we ever were.
  17. It's like you lived in a mafia controlled neighborhood and then when you moved away the old mafia notified another mafia in your new area that you stopped paying dues.
  18. Some people are giddy to be pay taxes to governments. All excited and making little videos explaining what to do. Sheep in man's closing.
  19. No one posted the video so here it is. He has a clear racial hatred against the Scottish people. Visibly disgusted they govern their own country, how dare they! Imagine if your son which you raised in Thailand did this to the Thai people after getting elected.
  20. There's no purposes in speculating about this until they introduce a procedure for us to follow. Thailand doesn't operate like Western governments where the onus is on you, or else. They're already radically overstepping any boundaries they've had before so they need to be delicate. The whole thing could fizzle out even.
  21. so sad, this is the thinking of a child. Refuses to take responsibility for their actions.
  22. Makes sense. The "spirit" of the law nullifies the actual intent of the law. Complete 180 to civilized countries with strong rule of law.
  23. Imagine raising your kids in Thailand and this is how they turned out. "Prime minister... BROWN, secretary of state... BROWN.... chief of police...BROWN" Too many brown people in Thailand!
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