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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. Africa and India is where they can siphon people from. All the better more functional countries have falling birthrates too. It's a race to bottom. I mention Africa because it's one of the worst most dysfunctional places on earth so why do you want their people? No one retires in Africa or barely travels there even. Same for India so why do you want their people?
  2. Same every where in the world. Look at New York or any American city. The idea of multiculturalism was a lie and disproven decades ago in the US. Notice how all the whites (the blue dots) got pushed out of the city center. Same in London too as I understand it. But you got the GDP bro so it was totally worth it.
  3. Replacing them with Africans does nothing to fix this. It's the stupidest short-term thinking ever. Sure those people alive today will get some aid but then they lose their culture. You're sacrificing their heritage in the future for money in the present. It's like a credit card which you pay back with blood and soil. What else do you say. Liberalism is a moral disease. RIP European countries that believe this nonsense.
  4. They totally crushed upwards mobility for the working class in America. Don't dare ask for a raise because they'll just replace you with a fresh 18 year old who's willing to break his for low pay. The question is why do you hate the American working class?
  5. The Japanese and Korean are getting old too so let's just replace them with Africans too right? Personally when I go to Japan I'd like to see Japanese people and experience culture and not be in a sea of Africans but I'm just an old timey racist so what do I know.
  6. Sure some benefit but the average Thai has simply lost territory and won't see a penny from tourists.
  7. What about their children? Are Arabs and Africans tax positive? Other countries in Europe have reviewed the data and they are not. Pretty sure importing poverty from the 3rd world is not going to work out like you guys planned.
  8. The YouTube comments are hilarious. People are having none of it. What did they do when they got money? Moved out of the black neighborhood and on to a literal island occupied by whites.
  9. then just make the illegal immigration legal and the problem is solved? Matters more of WHO's coming in than anything.
  10. Tourism has absolutely wrecked numerous parts of their country to the point they can't even go there themselves anymore (I sure won't). I wouldn't be surprised if at some point in the future they snap and go full Austrian painter on us.
  11. It's the same every time. In reality when the immigration population gets too large whites move out, especially the liberals. Every single time. They know about it too and aren't too happy.
  12. Because Thais are racist and I learned for them. 😂 Seriously it's this simple: Thailand for the Thais, England for the English and Europe for the Europeans. Saying this today in our countries makes you a racist but it's common sense literally everywhere else in the world.
  13. Totally. If you mix a predator in with a population it puts them on alert and changes their life strategy to survival mode. There's also an element of being a caged animal in captivity because your society is a form of zoo and animals don't breed in captivity. Multiracial societies have low trust and that's just a recipe for all sorts of problems. Same thing happens in Thailand in the tourist traps like Pattaya and Phuket.
  14. What's funny about that? I only became a racist after moving to Thailand. The real funny thing is that people who are pro-immigration are also the ones who don't mix with immigrants unless it's getting cheap manual labor (remember "who's going to clean your toilet Mr. Trump?" by Kelly Osborne).
  15. Why should they say anything? All they did was close a loop hole but that doesn't mean they going to start taxing random expats now. I don't know who started this panic but it wasn't the government itself. Probably social media or one of the English language newspapers.
  16. Clearly something is wrong with this otherwise I'd recommend US abandon all traffic enforcement and speed limits then make drunk driving legal outside of specified checkpoints. That would reduce traffic deaths by 46% then? The answer is probably due to the amount of distance driven or maybe the overall lower speed and defensive driving in Thailand. In US you can simply drive and expect people to follow the law but try that in Thailand and you will have an accident within minutes.
  17. Show your work and post real numbers per 100k of population. Another factor is the hours driven by Americans. Maybe more accidents but they're spending more hours a day driving and covering more miles. The real test would be how likely you are to die per 100k of population for driving 100 miles of distance, or in other words how many miles do 100k people have to drive before one of them dies in a crash.
  18. and what did the government say on the matter? The media spun this to mean something it isn't. That's the whole point of this thread.
  19. I think that's not true anymore. Same as Canada. Massive housing problems in both countries too.
  20. That's only a problem if you let them in and keep sending them to money for food. They need to learn how to stabilize on their own without constant intervention. Also why be concerned with education in Africa? That's there to problem to solve unless we're planning another colonial era.
  21. This is why Benjamin is making all these videos. Your embassy is operating based on media reports (according to him illegal) and not informed by the law. He's right, the media has caused huge chaos and even influenced embassies now apparently.
  22. People get stuck in a certain phase of life and hold on to it until death. Happens to everyone. I've noticed Boomers are very invested in the narrative of climate change and world resources being depleted through massive population expansion. Not sure where I'll get stuck but I heard about sea levels rising for 30 years now and since nothing even remotely close happened I'm ignoring them now. As for population, birth rates are collapsing and we saw the white population drop for the first time in American history. The same people who are concerned about overpopulation tend to be for more immigration also and have been for decades. None of that makes sense either.
  23. I think it was more about undermining the native population and rendering them helpless politically. I know Liberals well and they really believe through magically education and funding "programs" you can overcome the nature of any person. This experiment has been run for decades now and is a manifest failure but they're too brainwashed to accept the facts. Go to GreatSchools.org and watch literally every school in the country show the same results for different races. Every single time it's asian -> white -> hispanic -> black. I can point this out and they'll just say more funding is needed. It's hopeless and they import over a million new people every year. Sorry US on the whole is finished. You can't recover from this now.
  24. Did everyone see the California fire department ad that got them in hot water? People focus on her one insulating comment but they glossed over the more trouble comment about how she thinks people want the fire department to look like them when coming to help. That's the reality of a multi racial society. Naked tribalism and favoritism. You can't fix this with laws it's built in to peoples DNA.
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