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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. 1 hour ago, jojothai said:

    If presumably imported then there must have been official sanction.
    Is the British embassy doing anything to assist the British Citizens that are resident here?

    Not sure if your last sentence was a serious comment, but I think you will find your entitlements under the NHS ceased when you boarded the plane for Thailand, the same way that my entitlements under Medicare ceased when I left Australia.

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  2. 1 minute ago, StevieAus said:

    I appreciate that every office can be different and it’s not only Immigration, I have had issues in the past with the local DLT office who will not accept the pink ID card as proof of residence but the Head Office in Chiang Mai will accept the card but then they give me the Driving Licenses for six years.

    The point I was trying to make was that I think many on this site want to blow up every issue out of proportion and really it’s not that hard. I put it down as the cost of living here and I think the final paragraph of my post sums it up.

    If you really want a breath of fresh air go with a Thai to renew their passport as we did recently for our young daughter.

    No copies of documents required they scan whatever they require into their system.

    Highly efficient very polite and the passport arrived at our home in 48 hours very cheap as well

    The Aussie one required many documents and was the most expensive but arrived in about three weeks.

    Her UK one amongst other things required each page of her Thai and Aussie passports to be photocopied in color, non of which were retained by the office at the interview but returned to us.

    We were advised by email a couple of days later to expect delivery in about twelve weeks.

    So maybe things are so bad here.

    Meant to say are NOT so bad here

    • Like 1
  3. 22 hours ago, foreverlomsak said:

    Try Phetchabun Immigration Office apart from the queue in front of you, 90 days is as you say, each extension  application can take up to 50 minutes each, so if your number 9 in the queue probably come back tomorrow, but then your bank documents are all out of date, and need to be renewed as they must be issued on the day of application, including a transaction on the account and updated passbook.

    I'm going for an annual retirement extension in a couple of weeks so will advise on time scale.

    I appreciate that every office can be different and it’s not only Immigration, I have had issues in the past with the local DLT office who will not accept the pink ID card as proof of residence but the Head Office in Chiang Mai will accept the card but then they give me the Driving Licenses for six years.

    The point I was trying to make was that I think many on this site want to blow up every issue out of proportion and really it’s not that hard. I put it down as the cost of living here and I think the final paragraph of my post sums it up.

    If you really want a breath of fresh air go with a Thai to renew their passport as we did recently for our young daughter.

    No copies of documents required they scan whatever they require into their system.

    Highly efficient very polite and the passport arrived at our home in 48 hours very cheap as well

    The Aussie one required many documents and was the most expensive but arrived in about three weeks.

    Her UK one amongst other things required each page of her Thai and Aussie passports to be photocopied in color, non of which were retained by the office at the interview but returned to us.

    We were advised by email a couple of days later to expect delivery in about twelve weeks.

    So maybe things are so bad here.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Toby1947 said:

    No one I know is interested in going to Thailand whilst this nonsense continues. Book 10 days, stay 7 days in your quarantine hotel then ask for the remaining 3 days cost to be reimbursed. This is Thailand, you’ve got more chance of a tax rebate even the London Embassy can’t resist a scam.

    It’s better than Australia where even if you are lucky enough to find a flight, you cannot enter unless you are a citizen, resident, or linked to someone who is.

    Then you will be required to quarantine for ten days at a cost of $A 3000.00.

    As far as the UK is concerned I thought there were restrictions on leaving the country?

  5. 48 minutes ago, natway09 said:

    I love all you guys talking about Thai Immiigration BS, one more today from Australia

    I took my then Thai lady to NZ & OZ before we married.Now you can see BS.

    The process to the US for single Thai females is also very difficult, we helped one with the 

    maze of paperwork & 6 months to approve. She is there now

    Most of the expats I know don’t consider it particularly onerous to deal with the Immigration here in Thailand.

    I have lived here ten years and renewing the retirement extension is no big deal.

    I turn up at the appointed time on the appointed date and leave  in a very short space of time.

    I recently timed how long it took to carry out the ninety day reporting, a total of four minutes from leaving the car to returning.

    I cannot think of too many countries apart from perhaps some neighboring countries, where I wouldn’t want to live anyway, where you can literally turn up and as long as you keep the equivalent of 800.000 baht in the bank stay indefinitely.


    • Like 1
  6. Neither of our two cars or motorbike have road tax that expire in April so your “someone” is wrong.

    As far as police road checks are concerned they can have as many as possible as long as it catches the offenders.

    My only cricism is that after issuing the infringement notice they allow the offenders to drive away, rather than impounding the vehicle as happens in a couple of countries I know.

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    • Haha 1
  7. 18 hours ago, Pmbkk said:


    The reason I would think an IDP would be required/helpful is a Thai driving license is written in Thai - and as most Europeans don't read Thai & thus wouldn't know what your "license" is/would cover without it e.g. vehicle type, type of license.


    If you just turn up with a Thai license I think you may well encounter problems at a rental firm(unless it's Honest John's down the back alley). IDPs are not expensive so would be helpful at a minimum.



    If you actually have a Thai Drivers Licence I would suggest that you have another look at both the front and back

    All the relevant information is in both Thai and English

    On the back  mine shows a picture of a car, pickup and mini bus.

    It is pretty much the same as my Australia Licence which apart from being in English defines the vehicles I can drive rather than showing a picture.


    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Niteowl45 said:

    This is another example of why it will be a long time before I visit Thailand again.


    People who spend thousands of dollars to come over now have to also get expensive health insurance, quarantine, tracking etc, while in the meantime they let in workers from nearby countries for some payola and then they tell locals to go traveling in the country during another wave....


    Screw them and their idiotic way of doing things.....



    And the Covid free paradise where you are currently residing is ??

    • Like 1
  9. On 4/1/2021 at 8:45 AM, Susco said:



    Not everyone knows that NSW is not in the UK, but actually where they sent the UK convicts, so it's actually an Australian state full of Brits.


    Do you know where Hasselt or Diest are?

    I think you will find that any of the convicts who were transported to NSW are long dead.

    If any of their dependents are still alive they would be Australians by birth, just to make a point.

  10. On 4/2/2021 at 12:09 PM, digger70 said:

    Yes , We in Aus use Power kerosene , that's what the road workers use to clean their tools and implements.   Don't know where to get this in Los . 

     One Can use a mix 50/50 of Diesel and Petrol. 

    You can buy it from Home Pro in metal cans usually I. The section where they sell the turps.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, connda said:

    Thailand: constantly searching for ways to kick foreigners out.

    "We have a shortage of teachers due to Covid."
    I know what we can do.  Let's create more regulations to make it more difficult for the teachers already here to stay.
    "Great idea!!!"

    Perhaps you could enlighten me as to what has been introduced in say the past ten years or so to make it easier to “ kick foreigners out”

    I haven’t found it any harder to stay here and none of my many  expat friends have raised any issues, perhaps because we comply with the legal requirements to live here.

    As far as teachers are concerned I think you will find that most western countries have restrictions on teachers convicted of offenses against children.

    I certainly don’t want such people teaching my daughter but perhaps my standards are higher than yours.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, dabhand said:


    Received my new UK passport early March. The process, via VFS in Bangkok, took about 7 weeks. Advised initially that it would take up to 8 weeks, no idea if this has now improved but would advise that an early renewal is always best, if at all possible.

    We renewed our daughters UK passport at VFS in Chiang Mai about two weeks ago.

    Received an email from the UK passports office today advising that due to delays expect delivery in about 8 weeks.

    We renewed her Australian passport in Chiang Mai the week before and received an email yesterday saying that it had been processed and despatched.

    With her Thai passport it was delivered in two days.

  13. 2 hours ago, DrJack54 said:


    Interestingly the cost of 10 year pp in AU is 7200 baht. Must be the quality of the paper.

    We renewed our young daughter’s Thai passport in Chiang Mai about a week ago.

    They are now using the bio metric system and the service was brilliant.

    There was no need to bring copies of any documents the originals were scanned

    and  they gave us a choice from the photographs taken.

    The new passport was delivered by mail 48 hours later.

    I said to one of the staff it would be good if you teach the Immigration Department about your levels of service, he thought the comment very amusing.

    PS for anyone in Chiang Mai the office has relocated to the Convention Centre it’s further out of town but plenty of parking.



    • Thanks 1
  14. 18 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    When will the common sense prevail, enforcement begin, those under age stopped from operating a motorbike to drive around the village, go to school, or go out racing with friends?  When will the parents become responsible for the actions of their children and take responsibility in  appropriately.  When will a true training course for getting a motorbike license become mandatory without a brown envelope for the certificate and real training commence prior to obtaining a license and then having a real riding test.  I could go on and on...like when will they stop riding the wrong way and on the sidewalks.  Why not make specified lanes....hahahah, everyone will use them and no one will pay attention.  To me those riding a motorbike without a license, training, insurance, a helmet, proper attire, and only a max of two on a motorbike should not be on the roads and are not only the cause of there potential demise but also cause other people to become injured.  Just like the most recent crash involving two teenagers that ran a red light and hit a older lady driving through a green light.   Enforce the laws RTP and the country may save lives.  My rant is far from over but for this OP it is.  

    I am not sure why you would need a brown envelope to pass the test for a motor cycle or a car as it is a farce.

    Go to your local DLT office and have a look at them taking the test if you can call it that.

    Many  years ago  my Thai wife took her car driving test here while visiting from from Australia.

    After observing the circus I told her she would learn to drive in Australia which 

    she did.

    It involved almost other things well over a 100 hours compulsory on road training some of it with a qualified trainer some at night all of which had to logged.

    Even after passing the on road test it was another two years after further annual testing that a full unrestricted licence was issued.

    She is a qualified and very competent safe driver.

  15. On 3/20/2021 at 7:27 PM, bermondburi said:

    Monsoon Valley Vineyard about 45mins inland from Hua Hin. There's a very nice restaurant there too with a great view of the surrounding hills.

    Thanks for your reply there is a slight problem, we live about 150 kms North of Chiang Mai it’s a long way to go to try the wine.

    I will keep my eyes open for it in Rimping they keep a good range.

    We had a nice bottle of Australian Wolf Blaz Shiraz last night very enjoyable and reasonably priced.



  16. 1 minute ago, StevieAus said:

    To be honest I have never heard of it but if you an tell me where it’s available I will try.

    I am not a great read drinker but when I do I buy Australian or Californian normally my Thai wife likes Reds in moderation of course.

    The Thai whites I have tried were terrible couldn’t finish but maybe there is one out there.

    The sad thing is that if they got people in to show them what to do they could produce decent wine here.

    Should have said “red “in second paragraph.

  17. 2 minutes ago, bermondburi said:

    A bit unfair to thai wines. The shiraz from Monsoon Valley is excellent, comparable with anything from Europe. 

    And due to the pandemic, last time I was there, they were doing buy 2 bottles get 1 free. 

    To be honest I have never heard of it but if you an tell me where it’s available I will try.

    I am not a great read drinker but when I do I buy Australian or Californian normally my Thai wife likes Reds in moderation of course.

    The Thai whites I have tried were terrible couldn’t finish but maybe there is one out there.

    The sad thing is that if they got people in to show them what to do they could produce decent wine here.

    • Haha 1
  18. 6 hours ago, millymoopoo said:

    True, and it's a bit sad so many are out there gouging what they can out of wine sales.!

    And to be honest, I personally am not a big drinker, not even regular, but when I do I buy by reputation not price. Eg: Clairette de Die (tradition) maybe Euro 8/bottle, a lovely light summer wine or Gaia Barolo Euro 80/bottle (if your lucky) a nice big bold red.
    So for me it's about taste not price.

    Unfortunately as Thailand is not a wine producing region and wine drinking is not traditional with Thais, wine has to be imported, and so they know most sales go to Farangs, thus the gouging.!

    I think you will find the gouging is by the government, the last time I looked there were about three layers of tax on wine including one called I think a health tax.

    Its hardly to protect the Thai wine industry as they don’t produce anything here you could call wine.

    • Haha 1
  19. 4 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    Been on these threads (sometime ago) and seen people commenting that they regularly DUI........and think nothing of it!!!!!"

    Happens in other countries as well saw some figures from the UK a while back although it seems taking drugs and driving has overtaken alcohol.

    Apart from moral issues in my book, certainly in Australia you would have to be crazy, apart from the fines and driving ban your insurance is loaded the next year and if you have an accident your insurance is void.

    If you kill or seriously injure somebody likely to serve prison time.

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