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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. I live in the North of Chiang Mai Province and a couple of years ago helped a friend ship his scooter down to a place close to Bangkok.

    We used the local Thai Post Office who were great and even packed it for him.

    I cannot remember the exact cost but very reasonable and arrived within a few days with no damage.

    • Like 1
  2. 19 hours ago, pookiki said:

    Well, what I find amazing is that the announcement from the 'national' government is that 'expats' would start to register for vaccinations as of 7 June not before. There is nothing but chaos in the administration of this vaccination program and 'some' people luck out while others are left out. Chiang Mai is not part of the 'sandbox' project so while it may be a tourist area that should not be relevant to priorities that are based on the likelihood that a person will be seriously impacted by contracting COVID.  All I know is that I won't even be considered for a vaccination until after 7 June and I am many years past 60.

    If you have lived in Thailand for any length of time and there are plenty of examples posted almost daily on this site,  you would be aware that whatever policies are announced Nationally as also applies to legislation, the application varies greatly not only from province to province but office to office.

    This happens with Immigration, DLT offices and down to the local Amphur, where obtaining a yellow house book and pink ID card can vary from needing reams of documents to virtually nothing.

    As a retired lawyer I used to find it very frustrating and illogical compared to the experience in my own country Australia.

    I realized however that it is the price of living here and that nothing I could do or say would make any meaningful change, as an English friend often says “ Like it or lump it”

    To be be fair to the Thais they are dealing with a situation probably never  experienced before and the situation has been handled less than perfectly in many countries.

    I have many friends in the UK who complain about their situation and in Australia the rollout of vaccinations has been less than perfect, 

    to say nothing of State borders being closed at short notice, leaving people stranded then forced to quarantine, citizens being denied the right to leave the country and about forty thousand Australians unable to return due to the government restricting the number of flights.

    Compared with what I see happening around the world I don’t think things are too bad in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, pookiki said:

    Good for you!  And you must have been able to 'jump the queue' since the official registration date is 7 June. You and your friends are the clear exception and not the rule. Where are you? Phuket?

    No we didn’t jump anything, we live in the North of Chiang Mai Province, it appears that as it is a tourist region they were able to secure the AstraZeneca shots for Thais and non Thais aged over 60 years.

    I know a number of people particularly those working in health  areas who were vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine a couple of weeks ago.

  4. 8 hours ago, pookiki said:

    It would appear that after reading this article that foreigners are still the last group in the list of 'priority' groups and this means that foreigners who are 60+ or have underlying health conditions are not being treated the same as Thais for receiving a vaccination. So, the program to register foreigners starting on 7 June is just window dressing to make it appear that we will be vaccinated earlier than the previous 'August' registration that was supposed to be done on the smart phone app.

    Myself and several of my expats friends have appointments for the first two weeks in June.

    My Thai wife was told she is too young to get her jab yet so we are being treated the same as Thais in the same age group.

  5. 17 minutes ago, vandeventer said:

    A Thai friend of mine had 2 jabs of the Chinese vaccine and doesn't  look good. He had his second jab over a week a go and still wears his mask everyday and looks like sh--. I guess everyone has a different reaction to this wonderful vaccine with a high rating of 50.4. So I Couldn't really put my hand up on this one.

    If you have ever read the information sheet that comes with vaccines and the possible reactions you might well be reluctant to proceed

    I had the pneumonia vaccine last year and after the first shot experienced influenza symptoms for a couple of days.

    A Thai Health Worker friend of my wife visited here a couple of days ago she has had both shots of the Chinese vaccine, looked fine and said she had experienced no problems.

    We are all different 

  6. On 5/17/2021 at 2:46 PM, CANSIAM said:

    I mean what the hell to choose AZ or Sinovac if you are in the 50 - 59 bracket and your sitting here in the 4th quarter and Moderna or Phizer has not landed yet........ keep hiding possibly as one OP said before.......

    I will not be accepting the Sinovac, if the AZ not available I will wait.

    No need to hide just be careful it’s not hard.

    • Like 2
  7. 23 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

    Much of whatever wealth is in Isaan goes up in smoke during these funerals.if they would stop spending their hard earned cash on death, they might live better.

    Have you seen the cost of funerals in Western Countries,?

    There might not be as much

    “ partying” but in Australia  between the government regulations and the funeral companies they have it sown up.

    You are not even allowed to move the body yourself.

    Never seen any of the mourners donate to the cost either.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

    Thank you, I speak perfect Thai so don't need the missus to come with me.

    I explained all the things you mentioned and more as laid out on national TV.

    They said they have enough vaccine for the 60+ age group who have underlying symptoms and yes they prioritise Thais first.

    I am in the 60 year age group but in perfect health so was told I don't qualify.

    As for registering at the hospital for a future date they said wait for the details of the vaccination programme for foreigners in my location to come out.

    Only trying to offer some assistance and it’s unfortunate that the people who control your Province aren’t as helpful as where I live.

    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    I remember the good old days when this weekly topic was all about things that had happened in the past week interspersed with a reasonable amount of British humour and tales of scrabble and teaching at International schools.


    Lately it seems to be a platform for one man’s opinions , those opinions can be aired on any of the numerous vaccine threads clogging up this forum. No need to turn what was a good Sunday read with a cuppa into a thread to raise the blood pressure, even more , of the TVF populate.


    In these troublesome times we need your humour Rooster not your stance on current affairs . !!

    Not interested in scrabble or what’s happening in international schools, but certainly welcome the English  humour.

    If posting on this site gives some people relief from their mundane lives, why not, misguided as their comments may be.


  10. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    Had it already, it wasn't a big deal, and I personally didn't feel the effects of the illness worthy of a vaccine to prevent it.

    Obviously one of the lucky people with no underlying problems.

    I have none either and don’t particularly feel vulnerable but try to hedge all bets.

    Suspect there are many relatives of those who were not so lucky wishing there had been a vaccine available.

    • Like 1
  11. On 5/14/2021 at 4:26 PM, Sophon said:

    Our dogs keep rats away. But then again, two of our puppies ate the wiring for the 4wd drive (10.4k Baht to replace) and the back-up camera, so maybe that's just an "out of the frying pan and into the fire" solution. 



    I know the problem we have kept Jack Russell Terriers for years which guarantee we are vermin/ snake etc free .

    A couple of years ago one of the younger ones decided to chew through the breather/ overflow pipe on my wife’s new Vios.

    On that model the pipe couldn’t be replaced as a separate item which meant a new tank.

    The local Toyota people to their credit found something to effect a repair and not a problem since.

  12. On 5/14/2021 at 9:59 AM, hotchilli said:

    Best of luck, my local government hospital said they wouldn't register any foreigners yet.

    It might not be the case at your hospital but another expat friend went to our hospital yesterday and he was told the same thing.

    Fortunately he speaks pretty good Thai and told the person to check with their manager.

    Surprise Surprise they registered him.

    Maybe you need to go back and take someone who speaks Thai and explain what the National and provincial governments have stated that is “ Foreigners will be vaccinated”


  13. 1 hour ago, bradiston said:

    It certainly isn't applicable in Pattaya, at least, not generally. Both Banglamung and Pattaya City are objectionably aggressive in turning away foreigners, at least in my case. There are stories, mostly from up country, where people seem to be having much more success, either by personally attending a hospital, or who have Thai wives who are able to register them.


    I'm not going to pursue this stupid nonsense any further. I'm registered at one private hospital. I don't feel threatened by covid. Cases have been in double digits for a week or two in Chonburi. I can see where the cases are. To hell with the stupid system here! All it's doing is setting us all against each other. Got us all running around like headless chickens.

    Sounds like a common sense idea, if the government one falls through for some reason I will obtain one, when available from the private hospital I deal with in Chiang Mai.

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