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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. 4 hours ago, Brierley said:

    To be able to ride a Honda Click in traffic whilst texting and carrying a small dog, requires a lot of skill, so does riding into the back of a stationary truck or bus without flinching....I think they should ban trucks and buses from parking on main roads, that would solve the problem.

    See it all the time, what is the old saying ?

    “No sense no feeling”

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    You have totally missed the point of this topic

    and then misunderstood my comments

    i am not surprised at all and unfortunately you are not the only one in this case

    the ability to understand a simple topic seems quite reduced for some of the members

    As a lawyer I spent many years of my career dealing with people who claimed to have been misunderstood.

    I rarely had difficulty

    understanding the facts and fortunately neither did the judiciary, when these misunderstood people appeared in court and were dealt with appropriately.

    I suspect that you  like many of those people try to blame others for their mistakes.

  3. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    Staff are certainly not friendly in Khon Kaen, rude and corrupt.

    I was given a traffic ticket in Melbourne when going in to a shop to buy a pint of milk. it was amazing, I never even saw a warden. It said I was facing the wrong way. 

    Maybe I have been lucky over the years with Immigration both at offices, airports, and border crossings only one guy at Masai in Chiang Rai was a bit rude but I had put the wrong details on the form.

    In Australia I think parking, speeding etc fines are just a massive revenue earner.

    I understand that in Sydney now the local councils have people who photograph your number plate and you get the infringement through the mail.

    You don’t get the chance to confront your accuser.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Ventenio said:

     YES!!!  Let's go a step further.  Hate the falang.


    Fine 100,000 baht.  Deport family.  If mental issues, put in gulag.  No food for 3 weeks.  No water, 10 months!!!!  


    If from xxxxx country, deport all from that country!!!!!


    Put him in a cell with 10,000 people who hate him!!!


    all for not wearing a mask.  


    imagine if he slept with a prostitute, which is ILLEGAL!!!!



    Your last comment couldn’t happen because the government has said repeatedly that there aren’t any in Thailand.

  5. The area Maybole suggests behind Tesco Lotus located on the “Super Highway” in Chiang Mai has many outlets, whether they meet your needs re grafted etc is another matter.

    The other issue is identifying the type, I managed to locate some I used to grow in Australia such “Double Delight” only because I know the type.

    Don’t know where you are from but they can be prone to black spot due to the humidity something we used to have to deal with in Sydney.

    Plenty of stuff here to treat them with

  6. 18 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    Let's just say when Australia provides Thailand with $2.8 million or $68 million baht towards it's vaccination program, do you really think it would be hard to make it a condition to vaccinate all Ozzies in Thailand, doubt that would even reach $100K, but nope, here you go guys, spend up big, don't worry about our citizens, they can go and fark themselves, because they left Australia.


    That's basically it in a nutshell.

    If you read the announcement today the Thai government has confirmed that all foreigners will be vaccinated.

    Re the Australian government the reality as with most other countries is that once you leave they are not interested in you.

    I knew before I decided to move here that I would be responsible for my own medical and hospital costs.

    I knew that every year I would have to renew the retirement extension and do the ninety day reporting.

    It I didn’t want to do the above I wouldn’t have come here but I am not constantly complaining about it.

    If you think you are badly treated by the Australian government I paid big amounts in both personal and company tax then when I retire I am denied the aged pension because they say I am too rich, what a joke.

    I have an Aussie friend who has been trying for several months to return so he can claim the aged pension because unlike most countries you have to be in the country to claim.

    The list is endless about how well they look after us, that’s one reason why I left to live here.

    • Like 2
  7. 5 hours ago, cnx101 said:

    Yes I was thinking the same but the embassies don’t care about their citizens, the British embassy anyway.

    Are you seriously suggesting that the Embassies of every country represented in Thailand should provide vaccinations for any citizens of their country residing here.?

    Also by default should they do the same in other countries where their citizens don't get free health care.?

  8. 14 hours ago, morrobay said:

    From a reddit   reply : This government has ordered Pfizer and Moderna- will be a private option from August. Why not wait for the best.


    14 hours ago, morrobay said:

    From a reddit   reply : This government has ordered Pfizer and Moderna- will be a private option from August. Why not wait for the best.


    14 hours ago, morrobay said:

    From a reddit   reply : This government has ordered Pfizer and Moderna- will be a private option from August. Why not wait for the best.

    I didn’t see that report I will certainly wait, I don’t see myself in a high risk category, I will speak to the private hospital we use in Chiang Mai everything they use is top quality and they are overseas accredited.

    Thanks for the information.

  9. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Did you miss the recent announcement that the government had decided they will not allow private hospitals to acquire their own vaccines?


    An example in point. A private hospital in Pattaya stated they will have doses "later" (not defined) and it will be the unpopular not very effective Sinovac and MAYBE one other brand. I'm assuming probably Astra Zeneca.

    Did you miss what was contained in the second last paragraph of the above article ?

  10. 2 minutes ago, BestB said:

    Indeed life in Thailand has been pretty easy in comparison IF you are doing nothing with no business or a job


    For those of us with business and jobs it has been hell. with no assistance from the government.


    Personally i would be happy to stay in restrictions if government paid my rent and gave me money every month like Oz government did, where is Thai government puts on restrictions, provides zero assistance and still expects all taxes to be paid on time

    Our two businesses here have been hit by Covid but so have many worldwide and not every business in Australia gets support.

    I decided years ago it’s no use relying on governments for support I paid both personal and company taxes in Australia for years then like a number of friends was denied the aged pension which is means tested.

    One of the reasons we decided to retire here.

    • Like 2
  11. 14 hours ago, NanLaew said:


    What's the point of having any controls if you can have people over for drinks? What criteria does the BiB use when a 'dinner party' is raided after a curtain twitchy neighbor gets upset? Same for out-call massage. Unless they are disrobing in the lobby and having a shower on arrival, I think a hand-job is safer.


    PS: I know. They don't come over for THAT sort of massage.

    In the province where I live you can have ten guests unlike a restaurant you know who they are, the masseur is only taking selected clients and unfortunately doesn’t provide the service you mention

  12. 49 minutes ago, madmen said:

    I can go to any restaurant or pub and to the amazing beaches without even wearing a mask. Oh that's right I'm on the gold coast Australia. 

    Have been watching closely for an opening to go back to Thailand but with the quarantine and restrictions in place its a no go country. I imagine other expats OS would feel the same 

    It’s easier to get in or out of Thailand than Australia and you don’t need permission from the Government to leave and don’t need to be a citizen or permanent resident to enter, there is quarantine in Australia, $3000.00 last time I looked.

    Fortunately we don’t have the equivalent of State Governments particularly like where you live, closing borders at the drop of a hat and stranding people, or did you miss that as well ?

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  13. 7 hours ago, WineOh said:

    I like to dine out a lot with friends.

    Cant do that anymore.

    I like to go to the beach a lot 

    Cant do that now.

    I like to go for a massage.

    Cant do that now.

    I like to go for a pint in the pub. Can't do that now.


    All I have is my books and my beer..


    Life for me is anything but normal right now ???? 

    Have you never heard of having friends around for a dinner party or drinks? ( Not sure how you can call Thai bars Pubs)

    The two women who massage me come to my house (on separate occasions) 

    Cannot help you with the beach doesn’t interest me.

  14. 41 minutes ago, johnnyloda said:

    I've read that also in the car, if there's more than one person, the face mask must be worn, also if the other person in the car is a family member so, my question is, when I sleep with my wife I have to wear the mask? ... when I watch TV on the sofa with my wide, do I have to wear the mask? ... Only two things are infinite, the universe and the human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former (A. Einstein)

    If you are doing all the things you have listed above in your car then

    yes !!!!

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, StevieAus said:

    I read on the internet that “oxygen bleach” is better than the normal “chlorine bleach “ for killing mound as it gives better penetration.

    We have been using the Haiter brand usually used for colored items we put it in a spray bottle and it seems to work better than the standard item, also does have the same fumes.

    Correction to the above should read “ doesn’t have the same fumes”

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