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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. On 4/22/2021 at 9:04 AM, Aussie999 said:

    is ok, only if they charge everyone, irrespective of their residency status.. please understand what everyone is saying...

    Yes I concede went off on a tangent on that one, must have been having Seniors Moment, or something,

    Maybe I have been fortunate and have not experienced dual pricing in the medical field, the private hospital my family and I have dealt with in Chiang Mai for many years, are very open about their charges and very fair.

    I do standby an earlier post where I stated that Phuket is overpriced both for Thais and non Thais alike, maybe it’s the culture down there.

  2. 16 hours ago, Don Chance said:

    If you want a nice climate and temp try Goa from October to March. Just perfect, dry and hot but the night is cool. Kerala is also good, no AC needed. Millions of palm trees to sit under and the sea is much to swim than Thailand.

    Last time I looked Goa was in India not Thailand where I live.

  3. 14 hours ago, Presnock said:

    I don't know if it is true or not but I read that none of the local insurers provide any ICU coverage if one has serious covid-19 needs so make sure before getting any coverage, you read any restrictions if you think you might need something particular.  My overseas policy is supposed to cover all the costs but  has preferred hospitals for coverage so I have to check with them and advise about govt regulations here that one must go into  the field hospital.

    My local Allianz policy covers inpatient treatment for Covid, last year I required inpatient treatment and operations after an accident.

    The hospital required a Covid test which the Insurer paid for.

  4. 19 minutes ago, fulviahf said:

    Well well... such an inviting situation.. How many countries is it illegal to discriminate with 2 pricing policy. In Australia companies have been fined massive amounts.. Government many years ago was taken to court..


    They want our business investments and money for their economy and choose actively to extort.

    So welcoming and so much for equality.

    Not in the Kingdom.. Lets take our money to other countries without extortion by government ...


    I have never heard of any company in Australia being fined for charging higher prices than another company happens everyday.

    There is legislation that makes it illegal for companies to collude in fixing prices, one of the large packaging companies was fined years ago. 

  5. 20 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    They probably don’t want to pay for that either...    


    IF I didn’t have insurance and was paying out of my own pocket I would not want to pay ±100,000 baht for treatment I don’t believe necessary. 


    I don’t like paying for Quarantine upon arrival in Thailand (Quarantine has cost me a total of: 170,000 baht so far and 8 weeks of my life !!) - When I could easily quarantine at home. 


    I understand the laws / rules exist so I comply, but I don’t like it and fully understand that someone who has no symptoms can quarantine in their own home. 



    Now we know there will be cases where people do not comply, but serious charges can be brought against those who fail.


    The issue for me with this is the broad spectrum measures because law enforcement is too lazy to operate effectively against those who fail to comply. 




    The article states that the quarantine is for those that have tested positive for Covid, they may not be showing symptoms but surely if tested positive they could infect others?

  6. 19 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Cheers guys, another consequence of your inadequate response to the outbreak. Now my daughter will miss school and has important Cambridge exams in May

    Have you been following what’s happening around the world re school closures ?

    I don’t want my daughter bringing home Covid, depending on the age of the

    child there is plenty of stuff they can learn online.

  7. 18 hours ago, dick turpin said:


    Only jesting.......but you being an Aussie that will have gone right over your head.

    It didn’t actually my father was born in the UK that’s how we get the UK passports just felt like having a bit of a dig.

    To your credit you took it in good fun unlike some others on this site.

    Suspect they live boring lives.

    • Sad 1
  8. 20 hours ago, ravip said:

    What I meant was not to splash around ones wealth in attracting a partner - you will obviously attract one for your wealth and not to yourself, per se.

    A woman (or a man for that matter) who chooses a partner for what he is and not for what he has, has a higher chance of having a successful long term relationship.

    I agree

  9. 1 hour ago, dick turpin said:

    That's quite appalling, trust you are going to write your local MP......... blah, blah. 

    Considering I am an Australian citizen who doesn’t live in the UK it might be hard to complain to my local MP.

    If you care to read the post properly and could understand the first paragraph which obviously you can’t you would realize that it was posted for information not as a complaint.

    Just for the record and certainly not to rub salt into the wounds, her Australian passport was delivered to our door within two weeks and her Thai passport within forty eight hours.

    The English passport has to be collected in person, thankfully not from the UK.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. Anyone seeking to renew their UK passport might be interested in the following, regarding processing times.

    We renewed our daughter’s UK passport at VFS in Chiang Mai on the 22 March this year.

    We subsequently received an email from the UK Passport Office advising that due to Covid expect the passport in 8/9 weeks.

    I received a call from VFS today 19 April advising that the passport was ready for collection.


    • Like 1
  11. 19 hours ago, ravip said:

    Absolutely correct.

    Thai people are also normal human beings with natural feelings. Any and all races have their bad eggs - none can claim they are 100% good, correct or honest.

    When a relationship gets sour, both parties should take equal blame. Attracting partners with money and prosperity can easily end up in disaster and bitterness.

    In relation to your last paragraph, are you suggesting that one should divest oneself of ones assets, money etc or hide them before entering into a relationship ?

    My Thai wife didn’t know any of my worth until a year after we entered into a relationship and when she moved to Australia.

    After fifteen years, our marriage is still strong and she has and continues to enjoy a good and happy lifestyle.

    I compare this with my first marriage to a European, when I had little compared to what I have now, she left me after about six years with a young child to bring up and never contributed to his upbringing.

    I know which situation I prefer.

    • Like 1
  12. 3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    I don't know that, but if a certain vaccine cost about $10 in America, why are prices from about 3000Bt to about 8000Bt mentioned in private hospitals?

    I suspect you would need to ask someone who is involved in the importation of medical products.

    However I can only suggest that once you transport anything there is an immediate obvious cost and more so when the product has to be kept under special conditions.

    Add to this any regulatory costs both on the export and import side.

    I don’t know if there are any regulatory controls on the price charged in the US, whether the cost is subsidized by the government or if “ buying in bulk” reduces the cost.

    I often wonder why I can buy certain drugs here over the counter cheaper than I can buy them in Australia and private hospital and dental treatment of the same standard is substantially cheaper.

    • Like 2
  13. On 4/17/2021 at 9:13 AM, possum1931 said:

    That fee is nothing but a rip off, just another example of greed taking over using the advantage of peoples misfortune in a world wide pandemic.

    If I did not have the Chinese virus insurance, I would stay at home and self quarantine if I suspected I had it. Pay these greedy hospitals 3.500 Bt would be the very last resort, not because I can't afford it, just on principle.

    I would be interested to know what you would consider to be a reasonable charge and how you calculate the amount.

    Taking into account that private hospitals receive no funding from the government.


  14. On 4/8/2021 at 4:23 PM, GinBoy2 said:

    I think they are stuck.


    Since they chose to enter on the kids Thai passports, they can't leave on the boys US passport since he doesn't have an entry stamp or a valid visa extension.


    Nope this is one where I think they just have to buckle down and get the kid a new passport.


    The good news from my experience at least, Thai passport requests get processed pretty quickly

    We renewed our young daughter’s  Thai passport in Chiang Mai a couple of weeks ago, they were super efficient.

    No copies of documents were required everything was scanned into their system.

    The passport was received at our home 48 hours later.

  15. 21 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    I don't believe its absurd, and yes I am sure if it is put in place those folks will be grandfathered in, much like the retiree's from a certain time frame back that only have to show so much in the bank yearly for their extensions.  The issue with the leases is the 30/30/30 framework where many have said it's good, and others have said it is not and they have lost their homes as well.  What I find absurd is this:


    If it has been ruled illegal before what stops folks who lost it all from filing law suits to recover what they lost when a new law is put in place that basically says that what they had before is ok now, and they can have what they could not before.  Confusing

    I think you will find that any changes that are made to the legislation, if in fact they are made, will not apply retrospectively.

    The changes that are made will apply from when the legislation is enacted and gazetted..

    You can bring as many lawsuits as you wish but unfortunately it will not allow you to turn back the clock.

  16. 28 minutes ago, jojothai said:

    They did not cease when I left UK. it was an unjust decision made a very long time after I had left the UK.

    I continued to pay voluntary NI contributions a long time after I left the UK until I was told I had paid the maximum number of years necessary for state pension. But its worth FA when it comes to NHS. Its a clear robbery of benefits.

    Its totally unjust to take away the benefits associated with the payments i made.


    However, the topic we are discussing here is covid vaccination, 

    They are giving vaccination to foreigners in the UK who have are not citizens and not contributing to the NHS,

    So how does that fit with any comments abut the NHS. 

    Do they have priority over Uk citizens who paid a lot of money into the system. Is Australia doing the same?
    The UK government has no policy for what we can do if we go back to Uk. I have tried asking and dont get any answers.

    The way these clowns here are dealing with things, it may mean there is no option but to go back to UK and try to get vaccination there.


    In relation to your comment about what is happening in Australia, from what I read in the newspaper to which I subscribe some describe it as a shambles although several friends have advised they have received their vaccines.

    Its the usual problem of the Federal versus various State Governments who actually administer health care.

    Regarding citizens and non citizens, before you can obtain Australian citizenship, unless you are Australian born you have to obtain permanent  residency which then gives you full rights including free medical treatment, there is no requirement to become a citizen.

    It is not too hard and if my opinion an act of stupidly not to apply.

    We have had our share of asylum seekers etc who are still trying to stay in the country and as to whether they are getting the vaccine I haven’t got a clue.

    I also paid a lot of money into the system both personal and company tax and don’t even receive the aged pension as it is means tested and I am currently considered too wealthy which is a joke.

    In recent years they have continued to lower the bar to exclude more people and I have many friends in the same position

    I would have thought it rather extreme to have to return to the UK to obtain the vaccine considering the cost including quarantine on return etc.

    From what I read Private Hospitals will eventually supply the Covid vaccine as they do now with other vaccines,  that will be my preferred choice even as I expect to pay.

    I am certainly not interested in the Chinese version they are currently giving to Thai people, free or otherwise.

    • Thanks 1
  17. 4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    She's very cautious with money. Again, everyone should have a wife like mine ????

    My wife is also very careful with money especially mine, unfortunately I have to report that today she has failed me and unlike you I will not be receiving even three bottles of beer.

    She has just called to tell me that Makro has sold out of Singha beer including the small bottles I usually buy.

    Fortunately I am only an occasional beer drinker so will enjoy my wine instead.

  18. 22 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    I quite like the new Leo 8 which they describe on the can as strong, even though it is only 0.1% stronger than the regular brew. And I have no idea what the 8 is based on. Both things we farangs are not meant to understand. It's very similar to Tapper, which comes in at 6.5. And my wife, gawd bless her, recently returned from 7/11 with a Beer Lao IPA for 69 baht, which was also pretty decent. She also, unprompted, brought back two large bottles of Cold Brew. Everyone should have a wife like mine. And yes, it is another decent drink, although that is definitely relative when talking Thai beer.

    Not sure that I would want a wife who can only bring home 3 bottles of beer

    I always receive a dozen in a box be it beer, wine or whatever.

    There again I suppose it’s the thought that counts. !!!

    • Haha 1
  19. On 4/11/2021 at 7:15 AM, dbrenn said:

    If they aren't allowed to sell visas, there will be no reason for honourary consulates to stay open.


    Could also be a toughening up of the tourist visa system - honourary consulates simply sell visas, with no regulation whatsoever, and none of the revenue goes to the Thai government.


    You'd expect the opposite, that they would be trying to entice tourists back.

    I would have thought that the majority of genuine tourists who come from Australia or other countries, that can come here Visa Exempt or whatever the term is, would have no need to “buy” a visa.

    I never bought one when I used to visit as a tourist and non of my many visitors over the past ten years have bought one.

  20. On 4/10/2021 at 5:47 PM, Mutt Daeng said:

    Bring back the original Chang in the brown bottle!!

    I am not a regular beer drinker but years ago used to occasionally drink the one you describe and enjoyed.

    When they made the change could not enjoy and gave it away.

    Now prefer Singha.

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