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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. 2 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

    You get plans in place then you communicate about them...


    you don’t communicate about plans first without them being in place and then you send a message that the communication system was overwhelmed with response and now not taking requests anymore 


    the whole thing has become a joke...and we expect you to  administer a quality product in a timely fashion with competent staff?


    And the days and months roll by....

    It made sense to me trying to ascertain how many foreigners would want the vaccine, otherwise how would they know how many were needed.

    Its not unusual for communication sites to be overloaded experienced it this morning in Australia with a government site.

    Happens all the time with airlines, 

    Having expertise in the roll out of medical services perhaps you could offer them your assistance then we will all be vaccinated by next week.

  2. 4 minutes ago, orchidfan said:

    Yes so true.

    I lived and worked in Hong Kong for 20 years. Many Honkies left or got passports in Australia and Canada particularly prior to the Handover in 1997, fearing what would happen. 

    Well, its now happened there.....but a decade or more later than expected. 

    It’s very sad, always enjoyed Hong Kong, it had a particularly buzz about it easy to get around as well,  not sure I would want to live there, but never thought I would leave Sydney either.

  3. 1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

    New article out in the post today.  Saying expats can't get jabs until August, Thais first.


    Google this:


    Foreigners face longer wait for jab

    It’s the Bangkok City Hall quoted in that article which has nothing to do with where we live.

    Its full of contradictions if you read it fully.

    I not too worried and am already registered with our private hospital in Chiang Mai.

    The reason they registered us locally was because we are classed as elderly.

    Will get it one day.


    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, orchidfan said:

    Yes, I know what you meant, but just saying it would be very hard for them to try and find new markets, and it's highly competitive with other Oz wines, NZ, South African, Chile, Argentina etc....and of course the French !!

    They developed the market in China as my friend was living in Hong Kong which made it easier. 

    But they'll survive. It's only a secondary venture and have plenty of money in the bank!!

    For what it’s worth I had a couple of Chinese clients in Australia originally from Hong Kong, who pulled their money out and opened businesses in Australia and I’m going back probably fifteen years or more.

    They told me what it was like trying to deal with mainland China even in those days and said Australia would regret dealing with.

  5. 23 hours ago, Patong2021 said:


    Moderna stated it had contracts for more than 641.5 million doses to be made in 2021. It's largest contract is with USA -300 million doses. This contract must be satisfied by June 30 and has priority. This is one of the reasons why Moderna was unable to deliver the expected numbers of vaccines to its other clients.

    I read that it has back order of, 300 million+ doses. It uses contract manufacturers who are already working at full capacity. Moderna had previously  said it was at full capacity output andcould put out at least 500 million doses in 2021. If the contractors can make expansion, the hope is for 1 billion dose by Q1 2022.  


    Taking into consideration the back order and the already signed purchase contracts, why would anyone expect Thailand to jump in front of everyone else? Where is Thailand going to get Moderna vaccine  before August, or even December?  Who cares if private hospital can sell vaccine if there is no vaccine to sell?


    There is a growing consensus in North America and EU to send surplus Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine to India asap.  I can't see Thailand getting anything, except maybe the Oxford production from South Korea that would come from cancelled orders.   Pfizer vaccine production is already purchased for 2021.  There are priority contracts that are not yet satisfied with EU, Canada and USA. Canada paid more than other countries to get vaccine. I cannot see Pfizer canceling that order to send to Thailand who I believe are expecting Pfizer to "bid" for Thai supply contract.


    I think that if people want Pfizer or Moderna vaccine in the next 4-6 months at least, they will need to look outside of Thailand.  If people are worried, go to home country to get  vaccine.

    AstraZeneca is being produced in Thailand and is expected to be available in early June many hospitals are are already gearing up fo administer it, see my post below.

  6. 1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

    Some sense at last... Thailand can only offer AZ or Sinovac this year.

    Thais are front of the queue, expats will get s*d-all this year from the government.

    Well myself and a few expat friends registered at our local hospital here in the North of Chiang Mai Province earlier this week and have been given appointments to receive the Astrazenca vaccine in early June.

    My wife isn’t eligible yet as too young.

    • Like 1
  7. 15 hours ago, orchidfan said:

    Well I have friends in Oz (wine makers and growers ) who had a great business exporting huge bladders of red wine to China then re~bottleling there. Years of traveling to China and establishing importers and agents etc. Pretty sure they can just divert their wine to the UK.

    I am only quoting what I read and didn’t say all wine.
    Suspect from what I have seen for sale in the UK on  visits over the years it’s the same bottled wine available in Australia.

    I suppose that’s the problem with concentrating on one market.

    When I lived in Australia met a couple of people involved in manufacturing who pulled out of China, they said the Chinese want it all their way and couldn’t be trusted, as we now know.

  8. 2 hours ago, Cali farong said:

    Moderna developed in the most advanced country has to wait for Thailand to grant emergency clearance but Chinese garbage vaccine is widely available.  And they really believe that they’re intelligent 

    That’s why we love LOS is very entertaining 

    Every western country has the equivalent of the Thai Food and Drug Administration and has to follow the approval process as it is required by legislation.

    Australia had to do the same with vaccines and any other new drug even if approved overseas.

    The so called “Chinese garbage” had to follow the same process as I understand did the AstraZeneca which I and several friends are booked to receive early in June

    Whether you or I think it’s intelligent is irrelevant.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, orchidfan said:

    I guess Australia should be applying some pressure now that China has wacked a HUGE new import tariff on Australian wines. Virtually closing its biggest export market. 

    I understand that a lot of the wine that was destined for China has been redirected to the UK.

    As far as Thailand is concerned on the charts I was looking at they are not even listed separately but suppose they come under “others” 

    From that  assume compared with other markets the percentage is small.

    I understand that the issue of tax has been raised but until firm action is taken Thailand will ignore it.

  10. 6 hours ago, Amdesign said:

    Most of these 'fines' are illegal, even from Thia law. In developed countries the people will just refuse to pay 'fines' on site and ask police officers to file the cases to court...

    That’s what you can do here as well, if the record on paying fines for motoring offenses is anything to go by they will be lucky to collect on these.

    • Like 1
  11. 14 hours ago, johng said:

    Such a shame that Thailand  reneges on its  trade deals  to protect a couple of mediocre beer producing families

    and deprive us all of the chance to enjoy cheap booze from  ASEAN counties  which includes Australia,  a bottle of Aussie wine  3 times as much  as it is in the UK !!! 

    I suspect they get around the issue by giving the taxes a different name, however Thailand seems to have a history of ignoring its obligations until international pressure is applied.

    As a wine drinker I find it particularly galling.

    • Like 1
  12. 14 hours ago, johng said:

    Such a shame that Thailand  reneges on its  trade deals  to protect a couple of mediocre beer producing families

    and deprive us all of the chance to enjoy cheap booze from  ASEAN counties  which includes Australia,  a bottle of Aussie wine  3 times as much  as it is in the UK !!! 

    As a wine drinker I find it particularly galling especially as there is supposed to be a free trade agreement with Australia.

    I suspect they get around it by giving the taxes a different name.

    Unfortunately Thailand seems to have a history of ignoring agreements until pressure is applied

    • Like 2
  13. Instead of worrying about whether you have a pink card or not why not enquire at your local government hospital.

    I live in the North of Chiang Mai Province and yesterday along with a few other farang friends registered at the local hospital.

    We were all  given an appointment card showing our name and the time and date in early June and advised that we will be given the AstraZeneca vaccine at no cost.

    The process took only a few minutes and if you haven’t used the hospital before all that was needed was proof of address ( eg driving licence)

    I cannot believe that it is only applicable in this Province.

    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes this is not good.

    Instead of a come and get it attitude they are putting up roadblocks. Thailand will never reach vaccination goals like this.

    What are they thinking?

    The reason for registering as I found out yesterday was that people are being vaccinated in blocks, I was given a date and time.

    How can you have people just turning up, there has to be some system, then if you had to wait all day I am sure that would be another complaint

    You cannot do it in Australia and as far as I know the UK

  15. 23 minutes ago, Smithson said:

    Our girl was also given anti-biotics, also not sure how necessary. It's good to err on the safe side, but anti-biotics also have a real downside. Besides two operations I haven't taken them for 12 years. Prior to this I was having tonsillitis several times annually, but in the last 12 years I haven't even had a cold. I avoid giving them to the kids and notice they get sick a lot less often than their peers.


    If there's no sign of infection I'll stop the anti-biotics in a couple of days.

    I agree it’s always a dilemma particularly when you read reports of resistance developing through over prescribing.

    I suppose it’s a case of do I abstain and wait to see what happens or get in early.

    Also now the view seems to be cease taking them when the problem ceases rather than finish the course as used to apply.

    I suffered an accident at home last September resulting in multiple fractures to bones in my leg and foot with one bone protruding.

    I was treated at a private hospital and had several operations.

    The Orthopedic surgeon made it clear that infection was a serious risk with obvious consequences.

    I was placed on intravenous antibiotics for quite a time followed by taking them orally until everything healed which was several weeks.

    I know this is an extreme example but there was no way I was taking the chance of losing a foot

  16. I got bitten by one of my own dogs several years ago which had been vaccinated against rabies.

    It seems to be standard practice here to give the rabies shot but you then have to have to have three or four follow up shots over a couple of months.

    The same thing happened to my wife recently and the same process also gave her a shot of antibiotics.

    Probably more chance of getting some other sort of bacterial infection as dogs mouths are not germ free.

    Better to be on the safe side particularly in a tropical country where these sort of infections seem to develop quickly

  17. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    That's nice.


    In person huh?

    Have a pink card?

    People if you're going to make reports like that we need to hear more details.

    I live in Fang Chiang Mai Province

    No pink card needed although I have one

    Only need proof of address.

    If you are not registered at the hospital which I am, you need to registered which is only a minor process.

    Suggest you check at your local Government hospital and take someone who speaks Thai if possible.

  18. 5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    The initial registration phase got a very poor response rate so either vaccine hesitancy is through the roof, or the registration process is too much of a pain especially for elders, or both. This is for jabs in June. I'm not at all convinced there will be a shortage in June because of the weak demand (for Sinovac and Astra). 

    I registered for the AstraZeneca at the local hospital and they gave me a time and date in early June as dis a few of my expat friends over 60 years.

    It was a very simple process took a couple of minutes as it did for the Thais.

    Even gave me an appointment card.

    Slightly quicker than the ninety day reporting which took four minutes from leaving to returning

    5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    The initial registration phase got a very poor response rate so either vaccine hesitancy is through the roof, or the registration process is too much of a pain especially for elders, or both. This is for jabs in June. I'm not at all convinced there will be a shortage in June because of the weak demand (for Sinovac and Astra). 

  19. 1 hour ago, Chaichara said:

     In  my  21 years experience here, private hospitals operate the same fees for foreigners and Thais. One must  not  forget  that  private hospitals are not  the exclusive domain  of 'farangs'. Most customers in  private hospitals have private insurance. Plenty of Thais have private insurance.

    That has been my experience as well but not for as long as you.

    At the private hospital I use there are always considerably more Thais than “ farangs” also many of our Thai friends have private health insurance.

    I suspect that many of the posters on this site originate from a country that is a welfare state, have no experience of private medical/ hospital treatment and therefore opening their wallets for such treatment is an anathema.

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  20. 9 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

    I sincerely hope you was better in your previous career as a layer than you  are here on this topic


    Again i recomand you to read again slowly and quietly the question asked in this topic and the first post writed by the OP, and to try to understand the meaning of all of this then maybe you will finally understand what we are about here instead of staying focused on your ridiculous comparison with a parking fine in Australia


    Orange\apple... that's talk to you?


    That's was my last answer to you

    i haven't really anymore time to waste with someone

    obviously unable to grasp the basics


    Have a nice day

    Neither have I as I am no longer well paid to deal with misunderstood people.

    By the way I was a lawyer not sure about the “ layer”

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