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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. 2 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

    An honest statement  from Chiang Mai Ram Hospital:


    since the factory producing AstraZeneca is not able to provide a timely delivery until the 14th June 2564
    therefore the inoculation in the 2nd week between 14-20 June 2564 will be performed only for persons who are prepared to receive the Sinovac vaccine.



    Exactly the same has happened at out

    our local hospital further North.

    Due for the AstraZeneca this Thursday now it’s Sinovac.

    No thanks.

  2. I am in Northern Chiang Mai Province.

    My self and several non Thai friends registered at the local hospital a few weeks ago.

    They got the 8 June and myself and two others a week later

    All dates were then pushed back a week or more.

    Three of them received the AstraZeneca earlier this week.

    I was due for my shot this Thursday but then the announcement it’s now only Sinovac.

    At this stage I don’t think I will bother.

  3. 2 hours ago, EricTh said:

    Did the millions who died of Covid planned for it? 


    In case you forgot, Covid restricted air travel a while back and embassy processing of passports took much longer than pre-Covid times.


    I am sure you have precognitive powers of Covid and perfect memory and never forgets things..... NOT.

    Covid has nothing to do with it it’s called planning ahead.

    Anyway on a more practical note there are agents who will do it for you if traveling is the issue.

    A good one who advertises on this site

    You have to pay but despite what many in this world think nothing is free.

    Good luck.


  4. 3 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    Start with Step 1, and monitor the Water quality ( sand / grit )

    If ok that is a cheap easy fix.

    If not, progress to step 2 


    Next its step 3 , the most expensive fix

    A process of elimination.

    As an after thought, also install an inline filter to trap any crud coming from the well that may get into your Water system causing leaks, and seal failures,


    Thanks again much appreciated

  5. 51 minutes ago, OJAS said:


    Presumably you and your daughter live in Bangkok or Chiang Mai - in which case easy peasy, as you say.


    The latter, but still a six hour round trip. Before the Embassy started using the agency we would have had to travel to Bangkok involving airfares and overnight stay both to lodge and collect.

    We used an agent instead, I appreciate that you shouldn’t have to pay but if you choose to live outside your home country you cannot expect the same services, costs us more to renew our Australian passports as well.

    They could all learn from the Thai “ passport office” very efficient and helpful no copies of documents required, originals scanned, photographs taken at the office, delivered to our home 48 hours later and considerably cheaper.

  6. 1 hour ago, Cake Monster said:


    A clue to the problem lies n the fact that your water drawn off has fine grit and Sand in it.

    The Pump is definitely too close to the bottom of the Bore.

    Move it up a Meter or so, in order that when it switches on, it does not disturb the silt at the bottom of the Bore.

    Another solution is to ascertain at what depth the Water entry is filling the Bore and too pull the pump up to just below that point.

    If you still get a problem, then you have an issue with the Bore Wall not being sealed correctly, and you need to blow the crud out with air, as others have said.

    Thanks for replying and the suggestion your idea seems to be the consensus

    Although I have no experience in this area seems very logical.


  7. 15 minutes ago, bluesea said:

    The Australian Ambassidor Alan Macinnon could not give a flying rats <deleted> about the welfare of Aussie Expats and Covid-19.

    We wants all the glory from the money the Australian Liberal Party has given Thailand to buy Vaccines for the Thais.

    Well i have some bad news for him Labour are going to replace him when the win the next election and he will be turfed out on the street where the dog belongs..

    Somehow I think your prediction is wrong, unless they get get rid of Albanese then maybe a slight chance

  8. 23 hours ago, millymoopoo said:

    Perhaps so, but the increased flow (suction) may be the problem, drawing sediment from the area around the spear (filter section at the base of the bore).

    The spear is usually not fine enough to filter out fine sediment.
    If you can get access to a very large air compressor (the type used for jackhammers)  with a 25m hose, try developing the bore.
    Remove the delivery pipe and pump from the bore.

    Insert hose to bottom of the bore, allow the compressor tank to fill (120psi), release all of the tank (tap full on) into the bore several times, allowing time between each blast for the water level to stabilise.

    Stand back as a large gush of water will erupt from the bore like a geyser.

    Reinstall the pipe and pump and allow it to settle for an hour or two.

    Turn the pump on with the pipe open and watch what comes out, at first it will be filthy drawing out all the disturbed sediment, but it should clear quickly.

    Good luck with it.


    Thanks to all for your responses and advice much appreciated.

  9. On 6/10/2021 at 7:34 PM, EricTh said:


    Yes, I had to renew my passport in a hurry because the officer told me the same thing.


    They can only renew visa until the passport expiry date. It sucks,..


    The simple answer then is to plan ahead and renew your passport in time it’s not hard they last for ten years.

    Or are you one of the many on this site who what the rules written to suit your circumstances ?

    My daughter holds a UK passport and we renewed it recently which wasn’t hard and hers only lasts for five years.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Gav Bic said:

    The pump inlet should not be less than 2m above the base of the borehole. If the hole has been tested and there are technical details available the pump can be installed just below the water inflow depth. Sediment is seldom a problem in a borehole as the soil acts as a filter, unless there was insufficient casing installed or a section has collapsed.

    Thanks for your prompt reply and advice which seems logical to me

    I don’t have any technical details as the bore was put in about ten years ago.

    I will have the depth to the bottom measured and go from there

    Thanks again

  11. For about the past ten years we have pumped water from a 22 meter deep bore using a Hitachi DT P300 GK Deep Well pump.

    The water has always been very clear and without sediment and used primarily for irrigation but also as back up when needed if the local water is switched off.

    About 6 months ago we started experiencing problems with the “ foot valve” clogging

    We were advised to switch to a submersible pump, we already had a GS brand pump which had never been used.

    This was installed and although the volume of water has increased it now contains fine sediment sand/ grit

    The only advice received to date is,

    1 / the submersible pump is too low in the bore and needs lifting

    2/ pump out the sediment/ sand from the bore

    As I have no experience or expertise in this area any advice to fix the problem at source would be appreciated 


  12. 3 hours ago, DjSilver said:

    Those xenophobic racist Thais who treat us foreigners like 2nd class people. This is Thailand, q 3rd world developing country. They should treat us as we deserve and if not equal even better than Thai.

    Thailand is a developing country not a third world country and has never been defined as such.

    To give you a clue Switzerland was originally defined as a third world country.

  13. On 6/5/2021 at 2:08 PM, Artisi said:

    And why wouldn't China approve its own vaccine - useless approval, only 2nd or even 3rd level independent approval is meaningful for kids.

    For us old fartz doesn't really matter if we cash in our chips  a bit early, but for kids they should be given every opportunity of becoming old fartz - not filled with unproven vaccine at an early age. 

    My thoughts exactly, I wouldn’t trust anything that comes out of China and certainly nothing they say, particularly as they tried by all means to obstruct the Covid leak investigation.

    I am not anti vaccine and my daughter has every vaccine available that has been approved.

    I would want to see data from the West before giving it to minors

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  14. On 6/1/2021 at 9:14 AM, mtls2005 said:



    Now multiply that by 50 million.




    Calling BS on this excuse. There is a national database for Thais. And Immigration has records on all aliens. 


    Sorry but incompetence is not an excuse.


    And finding criminals - the excuse given by the authorities, in the guise of national security - is a joke?




    Cool. An appointment card. From another piece of paper.


    Will you have to register again for the second dose?



    The original post was about non Thais not Thais as was the registration process I mentioned

    The RTP which is Immigration has had a history of not sharing information with other government departments.

    As my late mother often used to say “ some people are never happy unless they are complaining”

    I suspect you would fit well into that category.

    Just remember that for all the problems you perceive about Thailand it is not compulsory to live here.

  15. 21 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    Just register all foreigners automatically.


    Why does this have to be complicated?


    With TM.30, TM.47, TM.7 they know who we are, our email and phone number, our gender, how old we are and where we live.


    But no, we've got to go queue somewhere and fill out more paperwork. Now there will be a gazillion separate smokestacks of data scattered about the country.


    The focus on registrations is INSANE. Focus on getting the vaccine(s).



    If you have lived in Thailand for any length of time you would know that there is no liaison co operation etc between government departments.

     For example the RTP regularly block any changes proposed by the DLT who administer the driving licences.

    So any chance of expecting them to transfer information which is probably only recorded locally has got no hope.

    As far as registering which myself and several expats friends did at the local hospital recently, there was no queuing, no forms to complete and a simple process.

    I was even given an appointment card showing my name time and date for the vaccine.

  16. On 5/30/2021 at 8:01 PM, Lacessit said:

    Download the hottest chick you can find on ThaiFriendly or ThaiCupid, exchange lots of emails or LINE messages. Use those as evidence you have a relationship with a Thai.

    You think I'm joking? Dutton and his goons are probably more likely to accept that as a reason.

    IMO Australia hasn't progressed from the First Fleet.

    I think you will find that Minister Dutton has nothing to do with Immigration or Border Security looking after Defence.

    So if looking for a job in the army he’s the man to call !!


    • Haha 1
  17. 18 hours ago, JimHuaHin said:

    In my experience over the decades in different regions with different social groups is that a ring, or no ring, on the marriage/engagement finger means SFA.  I have met married women who do not wear a ring, and those who have never been married wearing a ring.

    That has been my experience as well confirmed by my Thai wife.

    The other issue is as to whether they are “legally” married or have only performed the Buddhist ceremony.

    It seems for certain government employees if single they often receive rent allowances etc which cease when “legally married”

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