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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. "Thai road mentality." - totally the wrong approach. This why progress isn't made in Thailand.
  2. This jaw-droppingly inane comment is typical of the Thai authorities approach to road safety - that of total ignorance - just simply turning their back on the accepted science. Piece-meal legislation on single issues and and intermittent dictums without any specific plan are just allowing the situation in Thailand to continue. It IS solvable - the longer they ignore this, the longer it will take to solve the situation. You have to install these measures - if you don't o them ALL then you won't make significant progress. Enforcement - Reform the police and courts Education - this goes much further than driving tests Engineering - the design and state of both roads and vehicles is a major factor in road safety Emergency Services - thousands of people die because despite surviving a crash they are let down by first responders and A&E in hospitals Evaluation - Thailand lags behind the rest of the world appallingly in the gathering and analysis of statistics and scene of accident calibration - this is vital to address why and how crashes occur.
  3. In the UK it's the driver that's insured for a particular vehicle. It takes into account the driver's record - convictions claim etc. So did my Thai insurance as I got no claims bonus. Once you start changing vehicles and drivers, the cover can become a lot less. My UK insurance covers me for my car and only 3rd party of other vehicles. In Thailand I could allow others to driver temporarily and I was never 100% sure how fully they were covered. I'm pretty sure that the cover offered was less. All Thai cars carry very basic insurance that is paid for when you tax the vehicle yearly. This only covers the bare minimum. If you have a full insurance policy then they may expect to be notified of other regular drivers. I would suggest to the OP that they talk to the insurance company - or their agent to get a full explanation. My 4x4 with noted mods was insured for just over 10,000 baht per annum which remained about the same for years due to rises in cost against no claims bonus. I never had a major claim - a few small dings that were dropped when the other party realised I had full insurance and was capable of challenging any trumped up claims. I use AXA who were great - Originally it was some company called Safety Insurance, but I gave up with them shortly after changing vehicles as their customer service was appalling. AXA had bail bond, roadside recovery and windscreen included. I think if they are a regular second/other regular driver requiring full cover, they will be expected to add their name to the policy
  4. It's amazing tht everything on that list is clearly apparent in many of the posts. - I love the repeated use of "faux outrage" .. it is just denial or #15.
  5. As far as I can ascertain this article is pretty accurate - it is also infuriating It doesn't appear to be dated and there are no citations. "the highway code" that everyone uses as a quote is from 1979 - it is updated in a couple of places but it really shows how haphazard road safety legislation is in Thailand. Unfortunately Thailand still seems to govern by "dictum" and over the years many pronouncements are made by nabobs trying to make their mark - how much of this actually becomes law and how much is enforced is debatable. so the result is that almost every aspect of Thai road law is debatable and how it is enforced is a matter of contention. of course the law is only one aspect of road safer=ty and driving in Thailand - many people endanger themselves and others by simply have an arrogant attitude to driving in the country and think everyone should drive like they do in their home country
  6. Yet again your simplistic responses show very little understanding of the issues. Ukraine is not just a military problem - it is economic and UK was, before Brexit a powerful influencer in the EU. Energy policies imports and exports. (e.g. gas) are all things that Russia worries about. Because of Boris and Brexit the UK's standing in Europe is greatly reduced - even to a laughingstock - e=why do you think Putin was so close to Boris and spent so much time persuading theBritish to leave the EU?
  7. did you see her speech on cheese?????
  8. Since Brexit the world has looked on at the UK dumbfounded - they watch these things unfolding and can't understand why the UK still continues and has become the laughing stock of the world with a kamikaze economy. PS - If the Tories put Boris back in, he is already an international joke.
  9. Things have improved in he last 20 years - retailers are beginning to adopt modern customer service practices. In most western countries there are laws that relate to satisfactory performance expectations and satisfactions etc, Thailand lags behind in a lot of this even if the laws are in place there isn't a lot you can do to enforce a law as the courts take months or years..... Despite a change there is still an attitude of "the customer is always at fault" that pervades most of the big shops. Things like fake discounts partial guarantees passing the buck continue. There is one thing that annoys me in particular is the idea that you need a receipt when returning faulty goods and the like. Basically they have bar codes, and records of sale and you probably have a record of the transaction with your bank but nine times out of ten it is totally obvious where/when the item was bought from, asking for receipts is just trying to put another obstacle in your way. Another is claiming that they aren't responsible for the good and it has to be returned to the supplier. many stores now offer 7 day no-quibble returns, but many people ma well have a legitimate reason to return good after that period. Back in the days of Tesco Lotus, I bought a very cheap desk lamp and was told there was no return after 7days - I pointed out that it hadn't been. marked on the box or shelf and they replaced the item - they agreed but I felt but they weren't happy. However if you know exactly what you want to achieve to solve the issue and are polite and smiling you have a very good chance.
  10. the way a car is insured is an assessment of how much they could potentially cost an insurance company....they take into account the value of the car and the statistics regarding frequency of claims, age of drivers etc. An imported KD car ca cost a fortune is replacement parts and they often have to be shipped in individually. and they have duty to pay on them They can also cause a lot of third party damage and their drivers may also be more likely to claim. - just a windscreen can cost two or three times the price of a car made in Thailand.
  11. In the UK it's the driver that's insured for a particular vehicle. Once you start changing vehicles and drivers the cover can become a lot less. My UK insurance covers me for my car and only 3rd party of other vehicles. In Thailand I could allow others to driver temporarily and I was never 100% sure how fully they were covered. Thailand cars carry very basic insurance that is paid for when you tax the vehicle yearly. Tis only covers the bare minimum. If you have a full insurance policy then they may expect to be notified of other regular drivers. I would suggest to the OP that they talk to the insurance company - or their agent to get a full explanation. My 4x4 with noted mods was insured for just over 10,000 baht per annum which remained about the same for years due to rises in cost against no claims bonus. I never had a major claim - a few small dings that were dropped when the other party realised I had full insurance and was capable of challenging any trumped up claims. I use AXA who were great - Originally it was some company called Safety Insurance, but I gave up with them shortly fter changing vehicles as their customer service was appalling. AXA had bail bond, roadside recovery and windscreen included. I think if they are a regular second/other driver, they will be expected to add their name to the policy
  12. This is a potentially misleading statement. Unlike Australia there has only been limited research on Box Jellies in Thailand and there natural history hasn't been mapped. As yet there is no evidence of a season - the numbers are way too low to identify a season statistically with confidence. In Australia the season is identified but this is connected with the source - e populations rise during wet periods and spawn in estuaries where they then swim down the coast. in Thailand as yet no-one has identified the source of the local box Jellies or a season. Te chances of being actually stung by a box jelly is relatively low but the STAKES are very high in that they are often fatal. trying to say they only exist at certain times is worrying as it may encourage people to swim without considering the dangers or taking precautions
  13. It's important to know the species
  14. the last one was about the same time last year.
  15. No it isn't. Just check how these viruses are transmitted and then ask yourself what the likelihood is of this happening.
  16. It is assumed that reckless driving like the racing referred to above is a major cause of deaths on Thai roads - they are not. Statistically you are less likely to die in a 4-wheeled pickup in Thailand than you are in the USA. The fact is that reckless driving like that occurs every where even in countries like the UK -there are countless videos of this sort of stuff all over the world. What Thailand lacks is a road system that protects road users , both from others and themselves.
  17. the most worrying aspect of ALL quasi-documentary / historical dramas is that there are people out there who think this is what really happened..... I call it "X-files" syndrome.
  18. yet again you show a profound lack of understanding of the issues. Covid and Ukraine are international issues - but the UK is faring much worse than it's neighbours and this is ALL exacerbated by Brexit - or project fear as it was labelled by some fools
  19. Brexit may be the biggest humiliation since Suez......but this is the biggest debacle since the execution of Charles 1.
  20. Brace yourself for a Boris come back - what a choice - an idiot or a liar. The fact remains that the Tories, even with a majority of nearly 80 seats can't form a government. The King should appoint a cabinet of national unity - e.g. Labour/Lib Dems and centre parties (even a couple of tories!!)
  21. You realise that is not an argument - we left, it was a dreadful idea now we have to fix it. That is getting on with life. It's called improvement.
  22. that IS the counterargument. Brexit has put a 4 to10% load on the economy on top of the problems facing all countries around the world. It has brought about labour shortages, A devalued pound Strangled trade Increased racism and xenophobia. Forced up energy prices beyond world norm Devalued Britain's debt rating Emboldened Putin into starting a war. Reduced Britain's international standing form comparable to USA and Germany to the status of a developing nation. Installed a single issue government of politicians who are all below par and incapable not only of introducing Brexit but also of running the county. made the UK an international laughing stock Brought the NHS to it's knees Before Brexit the UK was on course to becoming the biggest economy in the EU - above both France and Germany. Now they are the only nation in the G7 threatened with recession apart from Russia. Unlike the EU we have no fuel reserves for more than a month... Germany has fuel to get through the winter into next year. Pensions in UK no longer guaranteed to stay with inflation - are already half that of France and a third that of Germany. THe British transport industry is either going broke or moving to Europe Deliveries to UK from around the worlds have increased in price as the UK has new import/customs barriers... that's just off the top of my head...
  23. yes - move on; rejoin the EU - Brexit was a massive step backwards.
  24. ...and how does that effect the aguement?
  25. This FT video links the current crisis to Brexit
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