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Everything posted by kwilco

  1. I'm always slightly befuddled by your questions as they always appear to have no connection to what has been said. Instead they just reveal your simplistic attitudes to race or life in general.
  2. Brexit was brought about by the same kind of thinking that brought Trump about. Probably the most embarrassing blunder in British history it was a fatal mix of lemming-like stupidity and nationalism – and we all know where both those traits lead. Everything that Remainers said would happen has happened.... The problem with the UK at the present is that everything that is affecting other nations is affecting the UK between 4 and 10% worse. This is made even more devastating because the current government is a bunch of second-rate politicians elected on a single issue – Brexit – they have no skills to run a country on the general issues that are needed to run a country, they are swamped by dogma – to the point they elected a series of PMs who weren’t up to the job. The first tried to mitigate the damage got sacked, the second tried to lie about it, got sacked, the third put UK on the edge of collapse, got sacked and now the current PM is being told what to do by the Monday club and Tory men in grey suits in a vain effort to try and restore the UK’s reputation before the next election. The fact is that the UK is now looked at quizzically by other countries and is outside the political arena in which it used to be an influential leader. The only nation in the G7 in recession. There have been blunders in the past, the South Sea Bubble, the British Expeditionary force, and Suez but Brexit dwarfs them all; it can only be compared with the loss of the American colonies – and even then, we didn’t lose the whole lot.
  3. " not possible to tick none of the boxes .: - QED!!!
  4. It's same old cliche's somewhere between Jackanory and conspiracy theory. What I can't fathom is how the UK got so stupid.
  5. So no good using reasoned thought and deduction, then?
  6. Voting leave wasn't a result of critical thinking, it was a largely emotional response so now that project fear has materialised they can't go back because there is nothing to go back on....it involve a degree of naval gazing tat is way beyond them. They will just latch onto another feeling to get them by . Dunkirk spirit and nationalism are 2 that spring to mind - and of course the shape of bananas and contents of sausages.
  7. Not all Brexiteers are racists, but all racists are Brexiteers
  8. THere's a common theme running through all your posts on Thaivisa - look back at that checklist of Tropes and cliches I posted.
  9. the 2 Brexit myths - bent bananas and Bangers - that is the only thing Brexiteers ever refer to - hardly a reason to leave the biggest free trade area in the world - but it does sum up the mentality of so many Brexiteers.
  10. "When it gets better" - Don't make me laugh! It started before 2016 - it was forecast and referred to as "project fear" - only a fool thinks that Brussels told us what to do.
  11. Brexit - it puts the UK out of trade and 4 to 10% economically worse. The rest of the world is suffering from inflation ,energy crisis etc etc but the UK threw the baby out with the bat water.
  12. Once you say "I have known" your opinion becomes invalid....do you not understand that? The topic stays "strict medical purposes" which don't exist with cannabis.
  13. I crossed a few years back in my pickup and it was so quick and easy, I thought I must have got something wrong. I crossed at a beautiful crossing the Wang Prachan border post. I obviously had my passport d/l, insurance, Vehicle documents, the Thai temp export forms etc etc. (you don't need the purple book car passport - that's for entering Laos) To get to the crossing you drive through a national park and depending on Time of day/moth/year it is relatively quiet. We basically were rushed through the border and ended up the other side somewhat bewildered. bought insurance once through the border but my vehicle needed number plates in western script but the office that provided them was closed as it was after 4.30 pm. So we then drove to Padang Pesar where we got fully documented and the number plate stuck on. Then fully documented we set off for Penang. Stopping over=night on the way. one thing that won't affect you on a motorbike is the tinted window rule. I don't have tinted windows but there is a limit on how much tint you can have in Malaysia and they actually measure it on some vehicles - so those with tints make sure they aren't too back. fuel was about half the price of Thailand.
  14. The title is about impounding Russian yachts - is that political? Russia has fire a rocket into Poland this is NATO territory and the situation with Russia is getting worse - the Russian oligarchs need to be shown they cannot carry on whilst Russia is escalating the war. Russia now accuses Poland of trying to escalate the war - whilst they are being admonished by G19.
  15. Well Russia has just fired 2 rockets into the EU - thus attacking NATO - I wonder what Thailand - Prayut - thinks of this? It's getting to a point where both India AND China at the G19 (Russia was absent) are getting increasingly unsure about Russia - the country is becoming an international pariah - Thailand needs to do something about this. They picked the wrong side in WW2 and what will they do in WW3? They can start by impounding these super-yachts. and thn expel all Russian citizens (including their MAFIA)
  16. The evidence is so thin it is really to be ignored. Anecdotal evidence I'm afraid is just a joke - "I have a friend who...." The truth is that the only way that cannabis can be verified is by proper scientific process - e.g. double blind peer reviewed papers and not just one either, There has been some serious evidence that it might have effects on fits/tremors etc - but there simply isn' enough research done. You may have noticed that almost every quack medicine has the same sort of claims - they always claim to relieve pain - the reason for this is that pain is almost completely subjective - it is impossible to measure in any factual way and is also subject to psychological issues and even placebo effects. However the fact that in most of the world cannabis has been illegal for years means that there has in fact been very little research done and that that has is very shallow. There is a massive problem with cannabis and medication and that is that so many people WANT it to be some kind of miracle cure that it is now subject to every quack, hypochondriac and con-man to jump in and claim its efficacy. so-called papers are released that when looked at tun out to be nothing more than wishful thinking r cherrypicking and anecdotal evidence - but the Thai healthcare system which allows both TCM and McDonalds into their premises is a soft target for this kind of poppy-cock.
  17. " Thailand nothing is ever thought through before it is announced" absolutely - it is asymption of recreational users that they think by trying to push it as a"medicine" they can then get to use it recreationally...... total red-herring as it is almost useless medically.
  18. I'm a boomer and know you are wrong. What has happened in Thailand is thy couldn't organise a p-up in a brewery. or a high in a hash house. Like most laws in Thailand they are implemented by dictum and totally un-thought out. There is also a lot of confusion between quackery and any social harm. The social damage caused by cannabis compared to alcohol is insignificant but the medical benefits or cannabis are so insignificant as to be worthless yet the government went down the medical path - how daft can you get????
  19. CC as little to do with power. It is the engine's ability to change fuel into ergs that is important. This is usually it's ability to efficiently burn gasoline by mixing it with oxygen. There are characteristics in engines that are considered desirable such as the range of torque. There is also the power to weight ration to consider. European and Japanese cars have always tended to have smaller capacity than US engines yet they perform the US vehicles in almost every way. In the last decade r so almost all car markets have reduced the engine size. I remember a friend of mine thinking about buying a Fiesta in Thailand - the options included a 1.5 litre model and a 1 litre - the old boys kept advising my friend to buy the larger engines - however the smaller engined vehicle has higher horsepower and less weight and better fuel consumption.....coupled with good reiability the choice is a no-brainer.- in many countries they are also in a cheaper tax band
  20. In the G7, only UK is in recession.... why? Because only UK has BREXIT!
  21. just shows how even "educated" people can be stupid. As a recreational drug is is conclusively shown that it is relatively harmless compared to such things as alcohol, Whereas cannabis for medical purposes is practically useless.
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