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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. 20 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Thank you Dark Lord and thanks to other posters allowing me to share my somewhat bizarre experiences.I am just trying to remain calm and physically rested enough to get on the plane in 10 days time.


    My first objective is to get to my hotel and order a bang up meal and a crisp Australian white wine-maybe a verdelho or a chardonnay-enjoy myself and two days later present myself to ye olde Aussie doctors with a smile and the stern injunction.."Come on, do your worst!"


    Best of luck to all.Over and out for the day.

    Hey O my friend, 


    Appreciate it is a bit early but in case I miss you due to my personal "Olympus" before you fly, promise you will drop us all a line from Oz ( a wonderful country but one that I failed to visit) to let us know how you are getting on?

    • Like 2
  2. Serves them right. All of the Thais. 


    The management for being utterly and contemptuously inept and out of touch with those they claim to be representing and the people for lamely laying down and accepting coup after coup after coup allowing military clowns to run a country. 


    They have no one to blame but themselves. 


    No no doubt though in the spirit of thainess someone else will have to be punished

  3. I had a dreadful experience also with thaipost where information that could have been used for identity theft went missing in a registered mail letter ( delivered not signed for) 


    i have spent eight eight months seeking resolution but all I get is " the matter has been passed to the investigating officer and if he finds anything we will respond"


    used to be brilliant service comparable to most westernservices but now.........

  4. Just now, Maggusoil said:

    Does she drive it? Can she be trusted?

    No to both there. Last time she "drove it" she had donned the "the Issan crazy" about me fancying some mythical and unidentified or specified girl or katoi which was utter tripe. She then reversed it into a wall managing to bugger up the rear bumper for which she has yet to acknowledge responsibility for. 


    Instead of doing so so she prefers to invent some halfarsed story about a gik that I supposedly have in Pattaya.


    fortunately it now lies in the bmw hospital with a very expensive head gasket problem that I have washed my hands of now. 

  5. I had a so called thai friend drive past me in his pride and joy a Toyota pickup but he swerved at the last minute towards me in a clear road. 


    I had my back to my parked red car so no chance of moving. 


    As he he narrowly missed my croc infested feet I slapped hard on his pride and joy. 


    He he was furious. Not speaking English he did not follow my reprimand for driving like a dick . My wife refused to translate as I was obviously wrong as I am not thai even though she was close to being a RTA statistic as well. 

  6. 1 hour ago, hansnl said:

    Rich, arrogant and some more words that may not be printed here.

    How is it possible a constable owns a timber yard, or drive a Mercedes.

    OK, I know it is an overrated, overpriced "face" car, but how can he, maybe, own one?

    Hear, hear, Mercedes & BMW drivers, anywhere in the world, can't be trusted.

    Woah there old boy I have a bmw....... just a minute ........


    no no I don't, it is in the wife's name.


    you are right

  7. 11 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

    A couple of years ago we were in the pick-up driving near Phon Phasai. Not a busy road but concreted and with electricity. A guy on a motorbike was towing a blue cart full of pineapples. I was about 50 metres behind him when the cart got into a wobble, turned over, and sent the pineapples flying. I stopped the pick-up and went to help him sort out his wares.


    After a minute or so a lady - who I guess was working in the field - also came to help.


    Five minutes later he was back on his way. I didn't ask for anything. I just wanted to help the guy.


    When I got back into the pick-up the wife went absolutely bananas.


    Why did you do that? He was drunk!? You saw the lady and you were butterfly eye?


    We got home and I still kept up my stance of not responding. I just couldn't understand the problem. Anyway that night I slept at the farm in the pick up just to get away from the agro'.

    Hi Wise Owl, I read your anecdote and am sorry I let out an involuntary chuckle. 


    Why do they do it? 


    I have discussed numerous times with the soon to be former mrs DL the stupidity if using terror to obtain compliance.


    We have discussed sensibly and calmly  the ch 3 "girl fancies other girls boyfriend, creates temper tantrum and fails scenario" several times but it did not go in and stay in. 


    It seems the thai man who beats his wife then, in utter frustration buggers off leaving her with spawn and no money may just be as much a victim of the "Issan crazy" as we are. 


    Obviously the beatings don't work but by the same token neither do the kind ways. 


    They seem to be be hell bent on self destruction and very slowly I am adjusting to a position of acceptance that she can go ahead and self destruct and I will do my utmost not to feel in anyway guilty or sorry. 


    I am appalled that I just wrote that but let's face facts we are actually suffering from abuse by them ..


    yes i I said the word!


    teansfer the behaviour when "the Issan crazy" takes over and apply it to a kid, another woman, an animal and most posters would state ABUSE! 


    Why not here?


    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    Feeling guilty for the suffering that others bring on to themselves is possibly the result of our christian upbringing.

    I am 100% atheist, (raised in a christian country), but feel the same towards my wife.


    Hey old hippy dude, this religion crapola really is a downer eh?


    why should I feel so much potential guilt even though I am the victim and she brought this on herself? I mean it is not as if I had not told her repeatedly in the past  and it is her making the somewhat less than polite requests for me to vacate the premesis. 

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

    It illustrates that The Black One is not a loser who ows all his misfortunes to himself.

    Thanks old hippy dude, nanliew was not being manevolent it is his writing style which is fantastic but can occasionally be misread. 


    Certainly no meanness intended i am sure. 

  10. Just now, NanLaew said:

    No. This discourse is obviously therapeutic for yourself and others similarly challenged. Sorry if it came across any other way.

    No no nanliew old chum, it was entirely my bad. Probably being a little bit sensitive right now. Pride taken a hit, emotions all at cross purposes. It is like  what was said a little earlier on this thread, still love the woman but basically cannot live with her. I know she will suffer badly once I withdraw my support but should I feel guilty?

  11. 4 minutes ago, rhodie said:

    Just get out of there mate. A downward spiral if ever I saw one. You will soon smell the roses and realise that there is a life. Good luck and it would be good if you could start your own thread on "The road to recovery". :)

    You know rhode old son I might just do that once I escape the poisonous web I am entrapped in.

    • Like 1
  12. 10 minutes ago, transam said:

    Your morning has broken like a first day....:thumbsup:

    Yup Trans it certainly has. 


    Managed to slip past the sleeping dragon and secure vital vital food supplies to allow me to hold out during this fracas. 


    The real sunrise of joy of joy will be the first day of freedom......

    • Like 1
  13. 12 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Okay, Darkometrius-a very wise decision.


    Stick with it tho' otherwise you will get stuck between Scylla and Charybdis.


    Best of luck.

    Darkometrius - man I am slow today...... when that finally dawned on me,I cracked a smile. 


    Outstanding, young man


    i presume being stuck between  Scylla and Charybdis is akin to a rock and a hard place but with considerably more dire consequences. ( I was always of the opinion it was Hydra but I stand suitably reeducated) 


    my word Odysseus you are making me use brain cells that have remained dormant since the mid 70's 


    i admit to looking up the the latter two as well as a futile attempt to search for darkometrius! Yes I shall suffer the slings and arrows of derision ( sorry Shakespeare) for my lack of awareness ce matain.

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