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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. 4 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:



    Not so good.My wife tried to drive us off a bridge once merely because a Thai Baptist lady stopped to talk to me when I was in hospital.The wild west,eh?


    If we take Madusa's post as a starting point and envisage a lot of subsistence farmers and hunter gatherers sitting around swapping yarns and telling tall tales as a way of life for generations (chuck in the Lao Kow for free) then we are probably close to the source of the manifold fantasies.Toss in the colour and love of drama and you can get a most potent (and dangerous) brew!

    Yes but sadly after many years in Asia, no longer my brew of choice. Life is too short for this shit. 

  2. 21 hours ago, tomyummer said:

    Was there a stool or bench at the base of the tree? Or how did the two of them hang themselves? Fishy.

    Block of ice would stump the bib pretty much don't you think?


    i think it is a dreadful waste of life and the Thai superiority complex treating the Myanmar, Cambodian and Lao people with distain is most definitely misplaced. 


    my heartfelt sympathies go out to the couple. 

  3. 19 hours ago, harryviking said:

    The same happend to me some time back at a kasikorn bank branch nakon ratchasima...I knew I had 40.000 baht and wanted to deposit. I also watched the teller showing 40 grand. after walking from the counter I  looked atthe book and discovered that it only showed 35.000 deposited! I imidiately went to the counter and complained...They then started to count all the money they had there and after maybe 5 mins they said SORRY they were wrong!! yeah yeah yeah sure...

    At least I got it right...might be a scam among some behind the counter...I dont know for sure...

    Hmm HarryV,


    perhaps that  is the reason my bank balance always seems so low. I am a kasikorn customer, have been for a zillion years, Huatalae branch, always helpful but always trying to push some special offer to me when I go there.



  4. 17 hours ago, micmichd said:

    They're called reptiloids, you can find them in middle earth. Be careful, they nibble the flesh off your bones.

    Not just the flesh off your bones but I heard they will eat your heart if given the chance. ( I also heard of other less pleasant activities they indulge in such as posting on TVF under pseudonyms but I don't want to out them on that just yet......)

  5. 10 hours ago, madusa said:

    This problem is the legacy of those days when Thailand was land of plenty. In ancient days we talking about 200 years or more Thailand didn't have a big population and the land provided more than enough to eat. They only had to work few hours to get enough foods to eat. Subsistence farming that is what we called it today. They didn't even bother to store up more foods in case of famine or natural disaster because they were hardly any.  They grow enough to eat and rest of the time they sang songs and fornicated(is copulate a more polite word i wonder).

    So if a child grew up and not willing to help much in farming or doing other work to earn a living they could easily put up with that, they just fed him, after all foods were cheap then. Imagine in old days, they ate handful of sticky rice with a bit of chili and some fish and that was it.

    Now the Farangs are wondering why the families are putting up with these bunch of useless idle lazy men in the house always asking for money.

    If you have done some social-psychology studies on Thailand you will come to this conclusion. It has always been like that and you want to change it?

    Just ask one of these bums "Do you think you should ask your sister and mum to buy you a motor bike while you are not working at all?"  He would look at you and surprised that you should ask such a question. To him it is perfectly ok to ask for money. Is there anything wrong with that he may ask you.

          Ancient Thai saying, "Nai na mi kow, nai nam mi pla" - translated it says , "In the field there are rice, in the river there are fishes" . Well, this saying reflects on the mentality of the Thais, they said there are plenty of foods you don't really have to work so hard, just go to field to get the rice and to the river to get the fish. This land is bountiful (that is what it meant really). So why work so hard? (very damaging psychologically for the young in this modern world of consumerism.)

    Dear Madusa  that is a most enlightening post, thanks. I think forication is boom boom outside of marriage and copulation the act itself but as it has been a long time since either happened here, I may be wrong!


    how do we explain away the ridiculous lies that the feckless males spout all the time, surely that cannot be ingrained culture?

    • Like 1
  6. Now I am out of the nanny state I can admit to having broken the speed limit in the uk a little bit.


    BMW 335i (3.0 litre twin turbo) 0300 Sunday morning, clear skies, clear road M25 A2 intersection and not a sniff of the pigs. Up the slipway on to the M25 and off we went


    Took her up to 140 mph ( capped at 155) and all she did was hunker down and suck the living shit out of the road. My pants filled at that speed so I backed off but what a rush!


    never done it since......

  7. I recall buying an expensive car seat for my ignorant shit of a son when he knocked out another spawn of the devil. It did not even get fitted in the car and was thrown away in a pile of junk outside the house. Kid sits on centre armrest watching videos or tv on the tv screen in the middle of the dash whilst elder spawn stands between daddy's legs driving. 


    Daddy does not wear seatbelt because he has a poorly stomach


    I wish them well


    i may be a bit harsh but I told him, and his daft wife that when he smashes into something don't ask me for even a rag to clean the windscreen.


    "my momma always said, stupid is as stupid does" 

  8. 21 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    I know I am going to get a lot of slack from this post but two boys aged 12 and 13, now that can be a handful as we have 4 kids, twin boys 13 who used to get up to no good, the girls 8 and 3 and are easy, although painful at times.


    We moved here almost 2 years ago, prior to that the boys lived with their grandparents for 9 years while we lived in Australia, we didn't want to take them out of the country for our own reasons.


    We later found out that the boys did as they pleased, went where they wanted, did what they wanted and when the Mrs would call to talk to them at say 8pm, her parents would say, oh, they haven't come home yet, a usual response from them and of course they never disciplined the boys, something which is common in Thai culture. My wife was both sad and concerned, but didn't express it, although as a parent I know and can appreciate what its like to be away from a child, i.e. previous marriage.


    We both knew what we would be up against because the old saying is, the 1st 7 years is when the tree grows, after that, it doesn't bend.


    The 1st year was the hardest when we moved here, the boys eating habits were like dogs that had never seen food, they lacked hygiene and nutrition, they lied constantly and never brushed their teeth or would want to wash, fortunately the wife has broken them in, I mean if you knew what how she beat them with a bamboo stick for being seen, flying at warp speed on a motorbike with their visiting Bangkok cousin who would also drink alcohol at 11 years old while riding, his mother having given up and sending him to the village.


    They were told motorbikes were out period, unless it was mum or dad, you would cringe as I did, it took her 6 months to bring them in line, going out on weekends was out because they never answered their mobiles, were not where they said they were going, she sent them both back to the grandparents house to live, with them pleading to come back after a few days, must have been the lack of food, uncomfortable beds, as in the straw mate on the floor, one bedroom, no working TV and no air conditioning ?


    Today her voice is still raised constantly, although they listen and do, i.e. sweep and mop the house when they return home from school, the school was changed due to the lack of discipline the teachers dished and no homework, which is now done on daily basis from the new school, they wash their clothes and iron them, and assistance when mum is cooking.


    I have to say they are turning out to be fine young men, polite and eat more civilly and put their plates in the sink, they can still be annoying, but while I do not agree to the use of chains on human beings, let alone animals, or the hitting of a child, these two guys must have gotten up to some repetitive mischief to be chained up, and beaten in my opinion, although I hope I am wrong.

    I applaud your transformation of the boys. Whilst I do not condone beating kids, the circumstances in your case warranted it ( as long as it was light but very stingy)


    how i I wish I had been given the chance to dis inline my step son ( by marriage never actually adopted) coz I would still hav e one of our cars, around 1,400,000 baht cash and many of my expensive collectors items that the lying thieving <deleted> took.


    reason he did not go to Aus was because his fathers family told everyone we wanted to take the kids to aus to sell them into prostitution but they would let them go if we paid the family 1.0 mio baht.



    now that is a reflection of the attitude here and is 100% true. 


    When i think, we got caned pretty regularly at school for free now you have to pay for it.!


    "times they are a changing"





  9. We have some guys nearby who are wannabe Phil Collins ( in his drumming days). Sadly they still require many more years of practice much to the "delight" of anyone within a zillion km of their pad. 


    My answer?


    My guitar practice sessions at a reasonably loud level. 


    Dunno if if it works but I can hear them!


    actually they have ceased and desisted not sure if it was due to their " drumming" skills or my bass guitar rendition if "money" by Pink Floyd.




  10. Just now, possum1931 said:

    Thanks but the only time I will perform in public now is if I am at a club with some mates in Pattaya, like I have done in the recent past.

    I was referring to playing music not " performing" as such ( or have I misunderstood you?) 


    am down that part part of the world occasionally as we are getting close to getting out of khorat yaaaaaaawwwwwwn we will increase our visits. Wd be fantastic if we could match a date some time

  11. 7 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    It is the labor department that checks on work permits or work related situations. If one has a work permit- they do from time to time come to check the location.  If one does not have a work permit- and the work one is doing is not obvious- the chances are lower that anyone would care. However, if one gets into an argument with a neighbor and that neighbor is wise to the law- they can make a complaint and then the authorities visit. Normally, working on one's own home would not cause an issue- unless someone makes a formal complaint and then the  officials come and where it ends depends on several issues such as where the 'work' occurs; the status of the complainant; and what is being alleged.


    In a rural area- working on one's own land (actually it belongs to the wife) would not draw any ire unless what is being grown encroaches on the business interests of a Thai or there was a disagreement between parties.


    Digital nomads are pretty safe because no one can see them- however, if they make many calls per month or are using sophisticated technology to connect abroad- the authorities can become suspicious and investigate. I would eventually expect this to come under more and more scrutiny as Thailand becomes more sophisticated with technology and surveillance.


    To me, the best advice is to get a work permit and work only in the location of the permit- if one keeps everything legal- there is never a worry. If one cannot get a work permit- they may want to reconsider what they are doing as the new law  is draconian.

    Man I feel your pain. You have a heart of gold, you have given up plenty to live where you don't really want to be and are hounded by corrupt officials.


    the frustration levels must be intense but hang in there my friend, do not be cowed by these savages that are hounding you. What you are doing may we'll be in the grey area ( as most is) but you are an honourable chap and can hold your head up high no matter what.


    wish I could help you, honestly!

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