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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. Just now, possum1931 said:

    Well I have earned a good living out of it. It has mostly been American country music I play, I have never really heard Pink Floyd, but I know they are one of these heavy rock type bands who are very loud, country bands are not.

    Just pulling your leg possum old friend, music, no matter what it is classed as, is the food of life. I prefer the post Dark side of the moon creations and have always been an avid devotee of what was classed as progressive with bands such a genesis, camel pink Floyd, crimson king, yes etc some of which is the type you instantly like or not. Personally not a great fan of C&W ( just love that quote in the blues brothers) or jazz and not into heavy  but I always approach any new band or music with an open mind. ( ok boy bands, these computer assisted sugar coated fifi's etc don't ring my bell either!)


    would love love to watch and hear you one day so if you do come out of retirement and start on the circuit, let me know pls.





  2. 4 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    So that means I could join a Thai band, play with them, I could get a work permit? If that is the case and I was living near Bangkok or Pattaya, I

    could get a job as a musician legally?

    I read somewhere but cannot recall where that playing in a band is classed as work that a thai could do. But I cannot vouch for the validity of that "fact" however if you get that floyd gig and I don't I will have to shop you. I am sorry mate......

  3. 18 hours ago, nahkit said:

    My post was nothing to do with driving down a highway which you full well know, it was in response to this statement that you made:


    " So two aircraft approaching head on in a near miss path that would see them pass each other on their port sides both turn to port and guarantee a collision? "


    If both aircraft turn to port then they will then be flying in opposite directions and avoid a collision.





    With ships the same principle applies. 

  4. I had six consecutive sets of documents sent to the bank in singapore by registered mail, one list none signed for and no response from thai post to numerous requests for information / proof of delivery. Need that for court case but no hope of winning because of thai posts refusal to answer other than "we will let you know if we find anything out!" Bloody disgrace

  5. 7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Same was true in Saudi. We were told never to stop to assist anyone, even if walking.


    I formulated a policy many years ago not to stop near an accident and run to assist if I was the only person around. Stop some distance away, call for help, observe the scene to see if they move or people hiding at side of road. If looks clear approach cautiously and be ready to run back to car.


    The vdo was a bit suspicious anyway. Not many people collapse in the road without a vehicle nearby.


    I had an interesting crash in Saudi, a clown in a knackered toyota pulled out right in front of me going the same way, clipped my brand new Volvo ( sorry but budget restrictions in force then) flew past me, spun, hit the central reservation and somersaulted coming to a stop on his roof. I stopped, dashed over the road and saw driver standing by the side of the car with wifeie in full black regalia still in the back. I tried to help her out but she shied away from me preferring I presume to be burned alive than touch an unclean " Howajah"


    so i I returned to my car. Plod turned up asked me if my car was damaged and in finding no damage told me to go.


    meanwhile wifeywas still upside down in the crashed car and screaming and wailing for help now she realised that she was in imminent danger of becoming a crispy  critter. Plod was unconcerned as was I at that point.



    moral being you can only help those who want help but what the hell that has to do with this thread I am buggered if I know ( sorry chaps it's been a very long day today......)

  6. 7 hours ago, transam said:

    I am tired of seeing what Mrs.Trans is eating on there when I have already seen it live....





    Hi Transam I share your pain mate but not with Mrs Trans ( did you really mean that? I mean this is thailand!) but with the current Mrs Dark Lord. 


    After every trip trip into town I am disturbed from my stupor to take a photo of her looking beautiful (hmmmmm) which ends up on Facebook. 



  7. 36 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

    If you can't afford to live in Thailand that is truly sad,

    one of the cheapest places in the world to live!   Time to

    go home and work and make some money to add to their


    No miss sunshine, it is far better to go home, do nothing, get the state to pay for everything even topping up your OAP contributions, get free medical and dental, subsidised transport then at a later date come back out. 


    Dint know now if you are British or not and not overly concerned but when the currency tanks, for whatever reason, by over 20% almost overnight it is time to  review the apparent cheapness of living here. 


    I certainly do do not consider it cheap to pay either 380% import duty based on original price for a ten year old car nor paying Bht 4.5 mio ( roughly £105k) for a car that costs me £40k in the UK, nor do I find it particularly cheap to pay ten times more than my wife pays to go into a dirty government run park. I do not find it cheap either to pay medical and dental bills that are not covered by insurance.


    I was made made redundant at age 50 from an international company and though I was a senior manager with more than enough qualifications , it has been a massive task to try and find employment coming across ageism at almost every step. I decided to move out here and not be a burden on the already over burdened state. My reward is to get ( in the fullness of time) a frozen pension from the government whom I am trying not to burden. That same government is happy however to rape me annually in taxes for providing properties for people who cannot afford to buy their own. 


    Do you you honestly think it would be better for me to go home? It would certainly, in the long run, cost both the government the taxpayer ( almost the same) and me a shed sight more if I did. 

    • Like 2
  8. 20 minutes ago, gwynt said:

    We have a good Thai friend who is a professional drummer with one of the top hotels in Pattaya, my step son in UK is also semi pro drummer, been on tour with Adam Ant and a few other lesser bands, who loves coming here and would one day like to settle here. Our Thai friend has advised him that falang can get work permit through one of the big hotels, Hard Rock, etc. So may be worth your while making inquiries, if you are thinking of making a small living here.  

    I wish I had as free a schedule to allow me to do so but this retirement business is quite time consuming!


    being serious for a minute though, thanks very much for the heads up, I would dearly love to play in such venues as HRC Brit in Patts or Bkk or wherever. Not sure how the hordes of admiring young ladies would react to a strikingly handsome but grey haired and slightly paunchy bass player being in the band!


    used to be a real buzz doing "gigs" when I was younger ( much much younger)  but being realistic I think it best I reserve my note perfect (?) renditions of Pink Floyd for the ears of my dear wife and neighbours..... 

  9. 2 minutes ago, wabothai said:

    Let us hear your take on the situation please.

    I do not have sufficient information to take an educated position on the issue. All I can say is I was sad to see the poor old lady being towed into the Japanese port in such a state. 


    Ultimately both will share the blame but the ratio I would not wish to guess. 

  10. 22 hours ago, ukrules said:

    Working in Thailand is a lot of hassle, unless someone else does all the paperwork for you I would not recommend it, there's plenty of other countries which make things a whole lot easier.


    I know someone who was fined for painting a wall and know of someone else who was fined for momentarily holding some cables up for a workman.


    If you work in Thailand as a foreigner and you will be surveilled by under cover police and they will pounce if you so much as make one tiny 'mistake' - this is with a work permit.


    You know  UKRmy friend, I was lambasted roundly by certain TVF flames for saying such occurrences happen. I was ignorant, stupid, a thai hater, lived in an alternative universe etc etc etc. I just hope those dreamers get to read this item on TVF and have sufficient balls to admit that they were utterly wrong, maybe even going as far as actually apologising. 


    But it I doubt it.


    thanks for confirming what my posts said anyway. 

    • Like 2
  11. Just now, American Legion Post TH01 said:

    Are you going to join us on Monday.

    Very sadly my friend, I have to see the sawbones here in Khorat Monday morning. 


    But i I will most definitely try and catch up with you guys when the current Mrs Dark Lord and I come to your part of the world. 


    Despite us getting our butts kicked by you chaps back in the day ( that is what the celebration is about is it not?) may I pass on our most sincere and very best wishes for your Independence Day celebrations from one of the losing team. 


    You earned them!



  12. 17 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    Another case of "This is Thailand", I will never understand why so many people are full of praise for Thailand immigration.

    All they seem to do is mess people around without good reason. 

    Fair comment for quite a few offices judging by some of the posts here but I still stand firm in my praise for the immigration team and obviously the team leader ( top man) in Dan Kiwan ( Khorat) immigration. 



    They are a shining credit, in my eyes, to the Thai Government.

  13. 1 hour ago, Essaybloke said:

    It's not so much that the drug is so bad, it's how the drug is used. The way I and millions of others use alcohol or prescription drugs is perfectly fine. The issues begin when the drugs are misused, of course. I agree with most of what you say but certainly can't agree with your last point (if I understand it correctly). Prohibition simply does not work, and banning something for religious reasons is damned oppression, (notice that they don't ban tobacco for instance). No, more prohibition is not the answer.

    You hit the nail on the head there my friend, According to what I was told whilst living in Saudi by a deeply religious scholar there, anything that can change your being such as an addiction is banned under the law. Tobacco, and God knows I should know, once it gets its claws into you is a monster to get away from I.e. Is addictive!

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