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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. 1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

    Years ago a girlfriend bought me a stuffed camel as a souvenir of Tunisia where she had been holidaying. One day, a seam burst and we discovered the toy had been stuffed with bloodstained bandages, presumably pilfered from hospital waste.





    Years ago whilst passing through the sewage ( sorry suez) canal I was about to buy some stuffed camels etc as momentous but a wise second steward warned me off. He then took one from the vendor , broke the seal and the same thing happened, used bandages spewed out. Despite the vendors protestations to his dreadful fiscal loss, he was unceremoniously booted off the ship.

  2. 3 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    very good point.  It easily could be a stolen or even fake passport.  Small time vendors don't electronically scan passports.  And visually checking IDs is well, loaded with human error.  And the vendor was probably happy to get some business and wasn't looking for reasons not to rent. 

    I wish Plod would put the same effort into "returning" my car which was stolen by my step son even though we / they know where it is and where he is. 

  3. 13 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:


    Please dont bring cars and parking lots into this




    Who pays

    At sea is not subject to or following the same logic or rules that people are familiar with re cars

    If you read what I wrote my friend I was drawing an analogy for the non nautical coves on TVF. 


    Having captained ULCC's down to Chemical tankers in all the oceans of the world I am aware of the differences. 

  4. 5 hours ago, HuaHinHim said:

    Having worked at sea for the last 30+ years and for the last 17 years with Filipinos, I find the container ship captains statement if true to be a typical Asian response when their responsibility or their actions are called into question. While I can also say that military vessels often act as if they can go and do whatever they want at times, the Captains statement that he turned hard to Starboard and then hit the warship 10 minutes later just doesn't fly. I will add that I have sailed with some very good Filipinos who are very competent at their job. No matter what anyone thinks, it is obvious in this instance that both vessel clearly were not following the prescribed rule of the road and will be both at fault. Both Bridge watch officers and their respective look outs were negligent and have together caused the unnecessary death of 7 people.


    Condolences to the US sailors families

    The last rule in the Rules and Regulations for Prevention of Collision at Sea  ( forgive me if I am not 100% accurate as it was some time ago I memorised this) 

    "Notwithstanding any of the rules contained in..........." and it basically goes on to say that irrespective of if you are in the right or not you have a duty of care to take appropriate action to avoid a collision. And in all cases not one party is ever held  100% to blame.


    Buggered if you do and buggered if you don't.


    cracking example is that if a ship plods into you whilst you are at anchor, it may be construed as being partially your fault. ( for the non nautical coves a,ingest us it's like you sitting in your car in a car park with the engine off and some clown drives into you. You have to share a portion of the blame)


    Now looking at the claim by the captain of the ACX vessel, he turned to Starboard but looking at the damage on the USS Nathan James it looks like it was hit by a vessel coming in from the starboard side so  the inference is the ACX turned into the USS Nathan James. 


    Bloody hell the last ship is sunk. 


    Broke  my heart to see the poor old girl getting towed into harbour. My mood only improved when I saw the HMS Queen Lizzy sail out of  Scrotland today.


    God how I miss messing about in boats.......

  5. 3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    My daughter and I have quite a laugh over her English homework. It is generally nonsensical and contains many errors. I suppose it is good for her because she can learn by pointing out the teachers errors. To me of course, not to the teacher. 

    The teacher on the other hand seems to relish the opportunity to point out to my daughter where she made a mistake. Even though the mistake is in the ridiculous question, not the answer. It really is an absurd situation. The woman can't speak English at all. But my daughter has yet to get top marks in English, despite being fluent and getting top marks everywhere else. To get top marks in English, your memorization of incorrect English needs to be flawless. And my daughter has trouble remembering both the correct and the incorrect way to speak.

    Bit of a sad story, today I met for the first time at a social occasion a teacher of grade three (?) kids. She speaks excellent, and I mean excellent English and I said to her that in my opinion as she already has the skills and patience to teach ( it happens she is quite well known in the social group in which we met) she should teach English. For a brief second a look of horror crossed her face and sadly we were interrupted so I could not presume further but I hope to catch up with her again tomorrow to progress this.


    I t just crossed my mind though that perhaps her soft approach to discipline might not be exactly what is needed to set foot in the classroom of older pupils.


    what an utter shame and loss to thailand which so desperately needs to up its foreign language skills. I am aware though that learning Chinese is all the rage now in some schools locally


    i wonder why?

  6. 21 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    Nice to see your son has two piano lessons per week. As an ex professional musician I am very interested in this.


    Did your son show an interest in music? Did you notice that he had an ear for music which prompted you to send him for piano lessons.


    I learned to play piano, bass guitar by ear, never had any music lessons, and although I know a lot about music, I cannot read it.


    But I sure made a good living from it. I watched live bands in Pattaya, and was quite impressed by some of the musicians, although not so much the singers, and I never seemed to hear any of the singers sing in harmony with each other.


    But good luck to your son, he could easily have a good enough education to work a normal job when he is older and play part time in the evenings, that's how I started.

    Ahh a breath of fresh air to a struggling amateur musician. I also am self taught and play (bass and rhythm) by ear not being sufficiently clever to read music ( though I do know the basics) 


    shame we are so so far apart ( geographically) as I would love to find someone to play with ( if you pardon the terminology) 




  7. 20 hours ago, Asiantravel said:

    well there is at least considerably less chance of being involved in a collision:unsure:

    Are you absolutely sure of that? What about all the ships going to and from Bangkok  and all the ports up the Chao Praya?


    throw in a few fishing boats, untrained and unlicensed pleasure boat clowns and you have started to create  some pretty scary conditions. I mean if a US Destroyer with the highly trained crew get clobbered by an unmanned container ship can we honestly be sure that the captain of the ferry is at least as well trained as those on the warship.........


    in my time at at sea I saw plenty of idiots completely ignoring the rules of the road ( anti collision rules)  it is just that it seems to be a bit slower..

  8. Just now, thaiguzzi said:

    No idea of current costs, the above prices quoted seem high to me, unless shipping costs has gone through the roof.

    In 2005 i paid $1500 per 20' container door to door (Felixstowe - Udon). Obviously i was not hiring the containers in that price as i had purchased them outright.

    I had to pay crane/lorry hire from where the containers were stored to the docks in the UK, about 70 miles, and a crane this end at my house, as the two container trucks from Laem Chabang did not have lifting facilities (about 10k TB booked for 4hrs).

    For some reason, the BKK shipping agent liked to quote in US $.

    Hi Tg my friend, 


    thats actually pretty good as your boxes ( containers) were owned by you they are considered as SOC ( Shippers Own Containers) - yes the people employed in shipping are really sharp ! As such you would not pay for a pro rata return empty from surplus area ( of 20 foot containers) to a deficit though 20 ft units are in demand ex LoS coz export cargo is bloody heavy 


    well that's the theory anyway but as shipping has gone rapidly down the tubes with major lines ( my company was owned by six Arab states so not short of a penny or two but went out anyway) go bust or get swallowed up as they throw in the towel who knows what " logic" is used nowadays. 

  9. My sister had / has an expensive crappatorium in her spread but the seat somehow cracked 


    whenever you sat down to create a toley ( number two) the crack would widen then as you stood up to do a post pony inspection it bit your butt. 


    Quite uncomfortable!

  10. 17 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

    If by continent you mean Europe, then in most places you will still be inside the EU. Hence your car would not have passed any customs. Try driving to Norway or any of the Eastern European countries or beyond which are not part of the EU, and you will have to pass customs. In case of a hard Brexit customs will be reintroduced on the UK's borders. 

    Actually not true, 


    when i I was living and working in the UK I often had to go to Rotterdam, Antwerp etc and for me the best Way was to drive and take the cross channel ferry.


    as I then owned a pretty nice top end B!W softtop almost every time I went to Dover I was hauled in by customs for a check.  They never searched the car but always asked for documents as to ownership etc. I never carried them in the car  but had  copies in my case which seemed to satisfy. Never did get an answer as to why they kept on stopping me even though I asked numerous times.

  11. 2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    I go to Thailand because the stay there is cheap, and I can get hotels rooms for 500 to 700 baht per night.

      I see many people who stay at the expensive places, and I have heard of them not having any better

    time on their holidays that I had. In fact I got to watch a couple separate in the lobby of an espensive

    hotel in Hua Hin.  I chatted with the guy and got a couple of free drinks as he told me of his high priced

    wife being so demanding including staying at the expensive places,  I gave him 3 cheap hotels that I have

    stayed at and he went with me to one and a week later , called and thanked me for the information, he said

    he extended his stay a week and would be getting divorced when he went back to the USA. 

      Anyway Thailand is still a fairly cheap place in Asia for a good holiday.


    Do you offer that as a service?







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