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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. Just fill out the DS160 form... but don't say your helping if your a US citizen.  The form is a bit confusing in some areas like all government forms.  She will need a digital passport style photo... she can take by herself and the website tells you if its approved.  Then she prints out a receipt and has to pay the 165$ fee at a bank or someplace... don't pay for her as they ask you to sign the payment and she needs to take this form to the interview which she can schedule after she pays.   Prior travel should help... parents house wont make her less risk to stay in USA. I've heard 200,000 baht in savings is important along with good work history. Having a travel plan to take to interview is a good idea but most times they don't ask to look at anything.. I suspect its best to not dress to modern.. Maybe more drab and less makeup is better.. As I suspect a real looker gets turned down more. 

  2. Why wont Thailand say the location of where its cases have been located?  Seems to be best for the general population to know this.   Only reason I can think of in suppressing this info is they think about tourist impacts.  I've found thai people believe the government reporting and are convinced Thailand found the best treatment that China is now using.    Brainwashed since childhood. 

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  3. I'm watching that video how can they have fifty deaths already. It's very reassuring having that guy wipe the sweat off of his feverish forehead every 25 seconds as he speaks about how everybody should not panic but yet do not leave the city if your school is quarantined and medical staff must stay at the hospital  and not go home but we've made special accommodations for them.  

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  4. It's fun to read about this and I had to laugh at John's anger Auntie wanted to pump a little more.  Reminds me of my girlfriend's mom who let the village cows eat all the stubble off of her 12 rai without  payment.  Mom has cows too.   Of course mom needs daughters support but I say if mom didnt give away cow grazing and also most of her rice to all the kin she would not need  daughter to give.  

    I try to explain kin and village should be thanking my gf.  Seems to be a hot  topic.  

  5. I am guilty to be an American from the mountain west.  I've heard this is considered the region of most neutral sounding  English.  I have to admit it sounds the best to me.  I can tell New Yorkers, Texans,and deep south accents.  I would not want my children to sound like this.  I'm not going to convince you Brits your English sucks, but unless you sound like Nicole Kidman.  ????

    I have not met many thai people who can speak English, much less write decently.  I even know an teacher with an English  degree.  I get very turned off by an East Indian accent  even if the  thai woman is cute. So I sure hope they  dont hire Indians.   I have seen many YouTube  videos of expats with Philippine women and I am impressed.  Some Philippine bloggers have great sounding  English.  

    I try to talk to thai children but they  are so afraid of their skills  they rarely want to even count or say ABC's with me. 

    I see no hope for thailand in improving English unless your time frame is 50 years. And I and everyone I know  say madder and matter clearly with  different sounds.  

  6. https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2020/02/00ff9a937d41-focus-japan-torn-over-whether-to-test-all-on-cruise-ship-for-coronavirus.html


    Japan says only tested 450 or so of cruise line.   They worry of testing all 3500 more would use up most of their test kits and jeopardize the ability to handle a outbreak.  How can japan only be prepared to test so few people.    What is Thailand's ability. What does "100% under control" mean

  7. 26 minutes ago, placnx said:

    With thousands on a ship, 14 days is meaningless if there is anyone testing positive. Then with this virus said to be infectious when an infected person is asymptomatic, we would need AT LEAST 14 days after the last sick one had been removed to see whether any new cases pop up.

    So many of you are not keeping up with the latest news, that's not always reported in major media. You need to try Twitter. Or the WHO website. Read the latest the initially China  loving WHO leader Tedros has now said about the real dangers of this virus to the World. Go Read about the docked  quarantined vessel in Jspan. Read carefully. 

        Since new cases have occurred on the Japan docked vessel the quarantine time resets for those  passengers and any nearby or the crew that have been serving  them.  Not sure how they have segmented the passengers and crew but they are going up for fresh air in groups. In Japan  the confirmed sick are removed to be treated in the hospital. 135 now which is no small burden.  Many of you think a simple  test  or evaluation  is all ready that's needed but this is not the case.  There are test kits that require special labs.  And trained technicians who are severely overworked all over the world. I asked why does Thailand have So many hundreds of suspected cases and not tested cases?  So far, I have not read anything about Thailand capability or time in testing or how many are being tested each day, or even the lab locations. 

     This resetting of wait periods of the new 24 days could go on for months.   As many have posted on this thread  the new contagious time is reported to be 24 days.  This  is a much longer incubation period to many other viruses of the past.  I can only imagine the drop in future cruise ship  guests as long as this disease is ongoing and the full dangers not understood.  Let's see how long it takes the 70 million   quarantined in China test group to get things under control.  

    I have read were many people's posts about this China virus on Twitter have been blocked and not posted. Two people in this thread have said their posts on Thai Visa have been blocked. Or deleted if they contained certain references about China. Very crazy time for sure.    

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