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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. Stupid naysayers will soon be enlightened to the severity of this virus.   And hygiene in Thailand is not very good and saying this isnt a direct attack  , it's just noted.    Same with Chinese.   They had that record setting attempt for biggest meal gathering in wuhan  right at the wrong  time.  I have eaten with Chinese at a table with a rotating center and no need for using a separate serving spoon just grab a taste and if good grab a serving

      Same in thailand . Maybe same In some western families but deadly now. 

    • Like 1
  2. You didn't  say your ages or it other health  issues or smoking  history.   I would say if under 55 go cautiously but they ate finding permanent lung scarring in some % of recovered  people.  Plus some dont get sick much others says its bloody hell.  

     Send a gift  and money .  

    This virus is real,  its everywhere,  it spreads easily, you know the 10-20 times worse than no rd mal flu bit.  Believe the facts published in the Lancet or not.  

    • Like 1
  3. So is this an  admission that they have not been testing much? Or had a testing issue or bottleneck?  When did these 35 centers come online?  3500/ day .  But needed 20 more?  Why need so many if 100% in control? Plus 4000 at one center that proudly can do PCR?  So the other ones cant do PCR?  I thought 100% under control.   I thought plenty of masks.  But then why all the reports from guys on TV and twitter about masks sold out everywhere?  People queuing up at 4am for small amount of government masks? 

     I want to get a report on number of tests done each day.    I do hope the hot weather is helping Thailand.   If this is true they should ban aircon  use everywhere, airport,  BTS, all condos, shopping malls, restaurants,  etc. 


    I do hope the hospitals are not overloaded  now or in the future.  

  4. Got it at a tourist attraction.   So tell the World all tourist attractions in Thailand are a risk to catch the virus.  I guess the virus just hangs out at Thailand tourist attractions.   No way he was near another person in last 21 days?   Who thai health  officials are so smart. No need to find out who at unsaid Thailand tourist attraction gave him covid-19


  5. 85 %  less Chinese and 44 % of normal.  I think many people were booked with a go or lose the money so they came.       I think the number for the rest of the year will be lower than 44%. I can see wealthy Chinese  coming but not the average  Joe's for at least a year And demand for exports will be lower.   People who have lost 20% in retirement accounts  are not going to risk travel for a year.  This virus possibly will be endemic for years to come.   Pollution  and military  rule are not ok with western people.  They will be lucky to see 20 million tourists but my money is on 15. 

  6. I suppose the business at exchange booths was down.   Usually not so many people dumb enough to not see the better rate at the booth 10 meters away.    Money  freshly  touched by grimy foreign  travelers could surely be a risk.  Why not shut things down  now.  So hard to see the exchange rates.   Probably more a financial decision than virus risk.   Dont  Thai companies just need to pay 2 months pay then  they are off the hook?

  7. What  mask pores size to HCW use? I read they use n95?    I have read the virus is .14 u.  But on a nearby sneeze good chance the virus is along with a blood of water.   I cant but think a mask is better than nothing.    Medical experts  commonly say it's good for someone with the virus to wear one.  Many times  people dont know they are carriers.    I think if there wasn't a mask shortage for HCW they would reccomend us all wear one.  Glasses too. 

  8. I'm afraid the relatives of the deceased around the World disagree with you.   It seems you didn't have time in your  life to read about Italy,  S Korea, and the old folks home in Washington state.  Perhaps with no all important scrabble tournament's  you can read up  and update your feelings next week and in a month.   For now I out you in the group of "it's just the flu".   

  9. NCC you da man.  

    Supposedly thousands have already flown back on their  own.  I would think the smart ones who make big bank  returned early.  I do wonder if the quality of Phee Noi returning from S Korea represent top shelf gals on average compared to the regulars?  I'm sure their english didnt improve while in SK.  I wonder if there will be cat fights and a changing of the guard at popular hangouts.  There  surely isnt the demand to absorb all these  competitors.  Or did many save enough to be able to go into a different business?  

  10. I talked about using correct terminology but called it a variable level valve rather than switch.  I keep all my old wall warts in a box in the garage.   So useful.  

    What is this ball valves  switch you guys refer  to?   Is it a mechanical thing that closes the fill pipe? Or is it electrical?  If its mechanical it can stay in place in case the newly installed solenoid valve fails or level sensing  circuit fails.  I would think a 24 v valve would be better than 12.  What is the voltage required for that sonic switch?  


  11. I just learned dont put " ball cock pump" into Google search.  


    This  is an easy job  Alberto dont give up.  What is a ball cock?  How does it shut off the pump?  I'm assuming a ball  cock is not an electrical device but rather  a check valve that is pushed closed when the tank is full and the back pressure triggers a pressure switch on the  pump?  


    The only way your going to get what you want  is with a variable level float valve like suggested above.  Surely easy to buy online.  The one shown above uses electrical water sensors  with no moving parts.  There are some that use floats on a rod and the rod has movable  tabs that trigger a switch.  If you cant or don't want to run these level sensors on pump voltage because you don't  want big wires  or wires at all from the tank it can be done. you can use a 24 v control circuit and run  small  wires  and non dangerous voltage from tank to pump.  

     no wires between tank and pump requires  a different approach.   I assume your tank filling pump triggers off of pressure?  So currently when the tank is full and the cock valve as you call it shuts the pressure in the tank goes up and you have adjusted your pump pressure switch to detect this without bursting the tank with overpressure.  What you need is to replace  the cock valve as you call it ( I call it a  check valve. A ball valve is name for a normal valve with as ball inside) either a mechanical float valve or a sensor type high low valve to trigger a solenoid valve that  open  or closes a valve on your pump line. When your tank is full in between the two level sensors the solenoid valve in the pump Line near the tank is closed in the pumps pressure is high turning the pump off. When the floats mechanical or electrical sensors Arlo this opens the solenoid valve in the pump line and the pump runs until the float detects high level of water and closes the solenoid in the pump line which triggers the pressure switch back at the pump. 

    You guys need to start using the correct terminology  cock valve?,  solenoid valve,  solenoid switch, level sensor,  etc.  

    • Haha 1
  12. I hope the cases  are really this low.

    They are hiding where  the cases are, definitely fits with money for some over public health. 

    How close was this persons exposure  to the sick person and the timeline would be useful.   I'm sure WHO requires all this information.   

    Strong  motivation for Thailand to try to stay off the banned travel list.  I dont trust any government except Singapore and S korea seem to report every detail. 

  13. So if this is just like the risk from normal flu why did Thailand's  Ministry of Health decree that all doctors and dental  offices pre-screen patients near the "door!" and not treat anyone who has traveled from  risky countries within the last 14 days.  ( Travel questions and check temperature which we know means nothing)  I don't have any links to my sources but this is FACT! The word went out Friday!!

  14. They say the safest thing in Bear country is to go with someone who runs slower than yourself.  Too bad this virus is different than a bear because it will not stop when it catches the naysayers they will just help spread it to the rest of us smart people. I wonder what the age and schooling and upbringing of all you naysayers is?  Hopefully you are mostly aging people who will soon go the way of the dinosaurs. 

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