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Posts posted by Elkski

  1. Did and health  official or hospital staff get invited to this money meeting?  What about factory owners in chonburi.  I thought Sean Barry was the factory heart of Thailand?  So let's just disrupt the last remaining money producing heart of Thailand.  Shirley they see how obvious this looks to everyone Chinese and Thai and  all foreigners alike. Just what my impression is from going to Thailand for the last three and a half years all you see is greed in everyone's eyes

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Lingba said:

    all good points but I think its a bit of a brain overload for them to deal with....right now all they are worried about is their tourist numbers and money...forget about protecting the population

    It's sad when  lining your  coffers with $$$$ clouds your mind.  It seems so many government and business  leaders around the World feel now is the guild rush to set their families up for eternity. 

    Thailand  has done this to themselves and taken the easy road of tourism at all costs.  They relegated a major part of the economy to service jobs. 

    Easy $$$ more important  than corruption ,Education, sustainability.

    I'm sure our elected jaunta thinks short term-- keep the trough full just a little  longer.

    It would be political suicide to shut off immigration from China  but it could have made a big difference.   Let's hope in next 2 weeks those infected dont show as infecting locals. 

    I cant imagine the burden on all health care workers and police and airport workers.  I could see 3-4 cases in CM, BKK, pattaya, or Phuket really hurting tourism from the west.    I more I'm reading a out china and how 1.6 billion people live the more I understand who they are as humans. 


  3. Who pays for sick people's hospital Bill's?  I hope  it turns out  to be s dude but the real news  I gathered from many social  media sources  is very grim.  Even possible this was a level 4 facility leak.  The first case was Dec 1.  No official  admission until December 31.  50- 70 mil in lockdown.

    RO of 2+, death rate of 4%-?, super spreaders observed, human to human confirmed, 39 healthy male succumbed, asymptomatic carriers. 

    Some claiming the death toll is of by a factor of 10+.  This could get ugly.  

  4. Its prefab buildings  for a quick  hospital.   Probably come with medical gear and bed and linens like that giant cruise ship that's being built. But still requires  a big power drop and water and sewar system.  Sad part is its needed.  

    Sounds like CCP blocked and withheld information for first 3-4 weeks on this including arresting some who posted about this new sickness.  I don't think WHO has caught on yet.  I thought the twitter post by the Harvard  epidemiologist  was good.  So many unknowns but the RO of even 2.5 is 2 times  the flu  and sars was like .75 so 3.8 is 8 times  wars plus he felt it was way to late for containment.   If you read it correctly the mathematical models show that containment is one of the most important things to prevent the initial Spike.  He basically said oh my God the cat is out of the bag and we have no vaccine and the kill rate is pretty high as well as the high RO.  One of the initial cases infected 14 people including medical staff. So this virus has what is called Super shredder patients.   I do realize the common flu kills many people each day and I will keep that in mind and I hope this blows over with minimal impact

      But 40 million in lock down?? There was also a CNN reporter who talked about how they snuck out in the early morning hours because they had eight hour notice of the quarantine and they flew out with many thousands and thousands of people. 

    If you saw some of the videos with what looks like 500 people in the hallways of a hospital willing to stand there to try to get served yelling and screaming some of them falling down they weren't faking their symptoms so they could be in the last place you would go to prevent infection.  These cities are all many times bigger than Bangkok how many hospitals does Bangkok have so how many hospitals had panicking people coming in like this?  

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  5. My post #79 lit the serious fuse on this virus outbreak.   It looks like more collaborative information from people on the front lines is getting out of China via VPN. 

    I wanted to say I want to retract 1 thing I said.  I said it was airborne.  That is not verified at this time.  It is human to human which means maybe  cough and sneezing droplets are required.   

     several people have joked about the man who said he had all the symptoms as well as pneumonia and tubal drainage.    Perhaps he had it.  Perhaps I had it.  It's not like  doctors are doing a DNA test on everyone with  flu symptoms during flu season.   I didnt even go see a doctor but I did post a thread.  My  lung  sputum and nasal drainage remained clear so I didnt start the zpack I always carry with me.  Any more blocking of my lungs and I would have gone to a hospital. I had travel insurance.    I dont enjoy an abdominal workout from coughing my guts out for 2 days. 

    I traveled through  PVG Shanghai Dec 25 arriving BKk 2:00 am 26th.  There was a crude thermal monitoring station set up then.  

    This seems to be a serious matter and joking seems rather  childish and maybe regrettable in the future. 

    I did seem to fully recover but in BKK going from sweaty walks to chilly BTS how does one tell if they have a slight fever.  I did seem to have a tickle cough return about 10 days later for 3-4 days but it seems ok now.   My flight had 98% chinese on it from PVG to Seattle on jan 21st and I was surprised at how few masks.  Seemed less mask wearers than a normal Asian  flight.  Landed in Seattle where the 1st USA case had arrived 2 days earlier  and no thermal scan.  So I dont trust any government.    it seems to me basic thermal imaging should be a permanent fixture at all airport departure and arrival points and not a reactionary Half Baked camera on a tripod like Thailand had on dec 26.  

    Wu Han is a city with 11 million people they must have dozens of hospitals there. I know I've watched videos and read  where they referred to at least Hospital number 5. If that one medical workers crying report after her shift with so many people dying was accurate with each of the ten doctors seeing  a hundred patients that's a thousand cases if they all had it. That's in one Hospital in one day and the current official report is around 1400 cases total worldwide. My math Wizardry  has declined quite a bit but I'm not stupid. 

    And I also cringed at the snoty looking fingerprint pads.  Take wipes along.  

    I see  a model above a few posts saying Twitter posts have been deleted? I try to never include a link through Twitter.   I delete the twitter <deleted> on the end so it's a url link.  I did include a twitter handle in my post #79 I would be severely <deleted> if that's "ALSO" censored  or not allowed here ???

    What type of Twitter posts are not allowed on this site?. I think in a medical crisis like this in a communist  country it's a great example of where Twitter and other social media are the only news outlets that people can trust to get reliable up-to-date information. 

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  6. No departures ever had a thermal scan area on 21st.  Bkk, pvg- Shanghai, Seattle.    And Seattle had no check on arrival and this was  after first case showed  up there.  It's obvious the world is not prepared for this kind of thing even after the SARS lesson.  Upon entry on the 26th of December there was an area where they had a camera on tripods with a lady looking at the screen the little 3 by 3 inch LCD screen behind the camera that was the thermal imaging check in  Thailand swampy on arrival. 

    Surprisingly few people were wearing masks in Shanghai Airport  but I was the whole trip back to USA because of all the coughing people.   

  7. Cash  vouchers?  This sounds of such desperation.  How will this look to  the chinese?   It's now free visa and w give you some cash to spend.  We really love you in our country? Or have many ways to bend you over? Free visa could  lower a trip  cost.   So tax  payers lose but hotels make more?  Maybe hotels need to pay for this free Visa. 

    I don't mind the Chinese so much but they do not want to talk to a western person I think they are worried their English is not very good.  They do talk loud and make crowded groups everywhere but I'm seeing more couples and small groups. I only come to Thailand two or three months a year so I don't have 100% prospective. I do have a bad line cutting encounter multiple times per week from Chinese people including at the immigration lines and just everywhere.  Just this week on my return waiting for the passport check on departure a couple of Chinese the lady tried to get in my line right next to me so we were three of breast and her husband was in the other line and she tried to decide which line was faster but her husband was not happy with this but finally after 10 minutes she went back over to his line which probably was progressing faster. The lady to my left who even had some people behind her that we're friends was trying to cut in front of me as the line came down to one single line. Or at least putting pressure on to me and invading my space which maybe is just normal for them. Many of these Chinese women look very cute and dressed very nice and their husbands are somewhat chubby and out of shape probably from being overworked and eating to much.  Or Chinese  gals marry for money  like thai.  


    I agree with everyone that Thailand needs to fix its product first.  It's broken. Trash, air pollution, dirty  beaches, greedy people are not even hiding this anymore.  the more tourists you bring over now the more negative impressions are going to go back and taint the chinese well long into the future.    I do think TAT has it right on one account.   China is a good tourist draw because they are used to dirty air and crowds and dirty streets and Shanghai is only a 3 hour flight.  

  8. As we can see we would  get as many opinions as professional  economists  who tried.  Lack of good numbers and spending habits means this a butt guess at best.  I can say I'm seeing lots more independent Chinese couples and small groups all over.   At the airport 21st  the line for vat refunds was 150 m long and the number of boxes going home on luggage carts  was massive.  Yiu never see western people shipping so much loot home.  I just wish the Chinese were more friendly, didnt logjam sidewalks and airport walkways and didnt talk so loudly on the phone or with their  friends.    But I think they are here to stay.  But the pollution needs to be less than where they live.  

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