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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Class! Class! Class!
  2. Cute feet might not be on the menu often. Let's take a poll! Issan wife its a no here.
  3. Does that mean your bucket list is narrow banded?
  4. Good part of a chapter for a book.
  5. Do I get a medal for fir 21 days living like a village person. Luckily weed could get delivered in 2 days
  6. I find it sad that the OP is so uneducated he cant tell for sure what his plumbing is doing. Or fix it himself. If a supply pipe is going to neighbors then he is using your water.
  7. I think the speed at screwing is a personal thing and it doesn't effect the outcum much.
  8. I would be interested in links to articles on how safe long term storage is on SSD drives. I just bought 2. A 1 tb and a 2tb samsung T7 they were 65$ and 125$ . I bought to take off some of our photos on our samsung phones. These plug right into the phones and backup was super fast. They are super small.
  9. Hopefully the oublic is smart enough to realize that they were oaying the cops. Because overloaded trucks famous roads, get involved in accidents and diverts government $ to rebuilding roads causing dust, slowdowns and accidents.
  10. Christie actually is the only gop candidate that talks a good talk.
  11. I do believe that entire Coast line was mangroves in the past.
  12. Will be interesting to hear of the charges. Without contracts hmmm
  13. 30 yesr law professor Lawrence Tribe plus a conerservative ex Republican lawyer who has worked in the white house under many presidents are also of the opinion 14/3 applies. Forget his name. The supreme court will need to decide this case. The crooked court.
  14. Hate ro rain on your hard work but you absolutely dont know what your doing. That floor looks terrible. No way are all those batches going to adhere to to each other or the floor. You've really created a mess. There are products called SLC self leveling compounds. You mix and pour in one quick continuous pour. Its expensive . You need spiked shoes and a Spike roller. There is a min amd max thickness allowed and a primer is required. You could also consider a dry mud bed. Minimum 3/4" its a mix of sand and cement water, Barely balls up when you sqeeze it. You must wet the dry cement pad first. Scree it really flat. Oh my. Im being polite
  15. This thread prompted me to check airfare and cimpare to last year. Last year we go RT fare of 780$ lax-bkk dec 6- jan 20th which was actually a bery low price compared to 2016-2019. These dates, for years, have seemed to be just in front and back of high sesson rates. Currently on same korean air these flights are 1370$ a hefty chunk of change for 2. Luckily we dont have plans for Thailand this high season. Im rhink a clean beach relaxed area in Mexico to show my Thai wife how <deleted>ty Thailand is
  16. Us technician types commonly bypass safety fearures to work on equipment. Sometimes you must see it running to see the problem.
  17. I want a rshirt with his criminal number and " Guilty AF" "Lock him up"
  18. Trump's long family history of racial discrimination was published and known before 2016. So its fitting that a Black, woman will be adding decades to his prison sentence. His other judges wont be so nice. I still vant believe he has so many brainwashed.
  19. There are lots of unsafe equipment around the World. That feed tray is 4 meters high so no cover needed he was do8ng maintenance. Many times maintenance personnel work on running machines. Just the thought of being grabbed and seeing and feeling your body getting pulled in with no escape makes me feel ill. RIP
  20. Gonna get me a tshirt. With Guilty AF on it and his mug shot. Seems I recall Trump posted someones picture with a target on it ???? once. Maybe i add that.
  21. The protesters need to converse energy until the masses have had a chance to talk about this farse with family. When is next travel home holiday? Maybe the Budda day in October.
  22. No cabinets, less places for a bomb to hide. Some house in the village got a night delivery.
  23. So tourists matter rhan they want to admit. Seems they need tj be thinking of quality servicecand experience for the tourists. And that more of the World wa5ches Thailand in the news and this election fiasco does not help for investors of tourists that stay longer then 10 days.
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