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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. I dont Believe these numbers 60-69 25? Thats every 2 weeks. Im surely 5+ times average.
  2. Lesson to be learned is dont be dame size or smaller than your partner. Duh It sounds creepy outting them on. Just the thought that they fit! But i can imagine his sister and him having a fun rime of it. But not 300! Who buys the gf 300 things?
  3. A joke? But its believable in thailand and would be typical AN news.
  4. As far as tiling goes. I use a ledger board on the wall and start on row #2. Then patch , waterproof, the screw holes and then do the floor and then the last lower row of wall tile. Much less change of floor tile damage. But you do need to protect the waterproof material thats in the floor. Of course all change of plane joints need a flexible joint not grout. If you do the floor first one drop of a tool could chip a tile. Removing a chipped tile will most likely damage the drainage plane material. Big difference in most of USA is that the structure is not 100% cement. We rely on a real water barrier on the walls and floor that are connected to the drain assembly. Some use waterproof paint on coatings but i use the Schluter ditra membrane type material and integral drains. All cement products are permeable. Epoxy grout is very good but cracks in all grouts and sealants will occur. I see signs of water seepage from the bathroom above in many condos and hotels in Thailand where they set tile directly on cement thinking its somehow waterproof.
  5. You can see why most Thailand build blogs suggest to be onsite most days. Thet can get a bunch done in one day. Meaning they can hide lots of shoddy workmanship. Your builder is a saint and should get lots of falang business from this thread. That must have neen real disappointing to have the ac lines so low and that ceiling under the beams. Totally different looks. Where or how do you think those features didnt get communicated to the installers? It seems like the ceiling guy would surely look to the drawings? I can see these aircin guys running things the easiest way. And to think this is the guest house! Excellent info and blog
  6. It sure looks like a smaller serving. But unless its quoted by weight what yiu foung to expect? I got real angry and loud one time in the food court at terminal 21 when my plate didn't look anything like the picture. Thai people need to learn to complain and do it loudly. Why didn't the owner just admit that portion looks small. Maybe state they will weigh all portions going forward. Going to a negative reviewers residence is creepy and wrong amd an admission of guilt! The power of social media is forcing a mindset change. Even for the dinosaurs or apes.
  7. It is a crazy sky high valuation for Tesla. Larger than a big group of car companies. More and more teslas are now parked waiting for parts. I read that the build quality is poor . My 91 F250 runs great, looks like crap but Thai wife is proud to be seen in it. Parts are readily available and i can do most work myself. Just wait until non Tesla service personal start getting killed by the dangers of working near these batteries. There are a few YouTube channels showing these non Tesla supported repair places showing how dangerous and hard it is to open up these structural batteries. I should also add . How is the USA or the rhe World ever going to get enough charging stations much less the grid capacity to charge all these EVs? Look at these 6,9, 12, 18 bay gas stations. With lines like Costco, takes average of 5 mins to fill up gas tanks not 45 mins. So we need 10 times more charging stations than gas pumps. Never going to happen. I saw a recent government meeting where i think a GOP member asked the head of the federal dept that sho6ukd know, how much electricity is currently needed for evs and the future and he had no answer.
  8. I forgot to add that Elon blocked the account of the young man who was tracking his movements. And he says he is for free speech except when it harms his ego. The latest. https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-lawsuit-cchd-twitter-x-hate-speech-extremism-434a80631f9e76833ee30387c04dd290?ref=biztoc.com
  9. The last couple pages seem to have got off track. I recall a time in my early 20s thinking well dressed fit and beautiful 40 yr olds were where it was at. I lived in Dallas tx, unfortunately they had have an interest in me but i also didn't pursue them. When i was 14-16 I thought 18 year olds were the hottest women. I never would have thought about dating someone 15-20 yesrs younger until I started traveling to Thailand. In Thailand I've seen the older guys out with an attractive girl 30-50 years younger it seemed. Obviously they both felt there was a reason to be together. Money or whatever. As long as the girl is legal who am I to judge? I myself have felt it was wrong when their age was nearing my daughter's. Love is love but I think anyone who doesn't take advantage of the acceptability in SEAsia of 10-20 year age gaps is crazy. About this primal stuff. Maybe it is genetic that some women are caring and men are the hunters. I would have been a good provider in cave man days not because a need to he a provider but I am a good hunter Men are more visual , at least I am. I need certain visual things or lack of some for my primal to be fully engaged. I love smooth dark complexions, strong lean backs and square shoulders, a thin waist. I don't like toothpick legs because I'm getting old and want her to carry a big share of the meat off the mountain. I don't like surgical enhancements. To each his own.
  10. Love him and hate him. I like space x. But is it skynet? While I wasn't one to jump into ev's. I will be quite disappointed with Elon if the low milage on a xharge turns out to be true. Plus that he had a group set up to cancel people's milage complaints. He obviously smoked a fat dubby when he offered 44 billion for twitter. Real stupid he didn't have some bot count backout clause. What kind of respect does a guy get when he thinks he can just put up a sign in a big building. You know the sign company and his underlings told him they needed to get a permit . But his power made them do illegal actions. Similar followers as a current indicted person. . I've also read about his texas boring company wanting to dump waste water directly into a river. In Texas you can do as you please with your land but there is some controversy about his boring company's property. He has dripped from a star to my sus list . I do love his canada shirt statement. It shows he is kinky and sees things differently.
  11. Seems hard6cto know how many are missing. I doubt there is insurance if it wasn't permitted yet sad. Who will rebuild all those structures fone and the damaged ones.
  12. Such Petty banter. I got my ppl in less than 20 hours in my logs. I doubt its hard to go fly a few hours a month when its one of your Hobby's and you have the money. It would be the way to travel in Thailand. Dont all drug runners know how to fly? For sure a publicity stunt.
  13. Tired of the same ol? Gents trying to get one last fun one in before the votes matter.
  14. Corruption. So no other entrance? Will the building just fall down? Seems like should be several people losing everything and jail terms of 20 years+
  15. Sad situation in Thailand. I hope more international condemnation comes
  16. This happening would be quite a wrinkle in ones plans. Carry on.
  17. Would the World be a better place without any religion? No religious wars. All that tax free property would lower my taxes if they paid like all of us.
  18. What i dont understand is why do the faithful care what people think? Why di they need to make laws to support their beliefs?
  19. It does seem unfair to not give the same to each person no matter where they choose to live. But once passed I dont see any support to change it back.
  20. Just had to read this headline. How does this work as a chasity device? Does it have a cage thats not shown? Kinda hard to imagine how they got a saw blade in there. One cut and then they opened the ring? Whatever floats your boat no dissing from me.
  21. Maybe the thai deserve this. Didnt they vote for this new travesty of a constitution? I was in country reading this constitution in that paper that can't be mentioned. It was no secret how bad it was.
  22. Your a math wiz. My wife watches Thai people eat too dont know if they banter is clever or not.
  23. Follow. He didn't have to 20000 baht?
  24. Problem for me for last week's. S21 ultra. Newsletter links work but links below threads don't. Good thing is it reduces my wasted time reading about hopeless Thailand
  25. Hard to imagine the pain and dread going through this trauma. Couldn't that have bought new screws in 37 years? Punitive damages should be 100 mil baht minimum. Her damages should be 30 mil baht
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