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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Sounds like AI writing.
  2. Interesting to learn about the stunt team and those engineered poles they did the stunts on. They trusted science the first go.
  3. You guys making me wish I had spent more time in bars than I did in my visits. Amazing that Aussie could buy such a nice looking roommate.
  4. Half of these comments are why it's so good that humans don't live to long. F trump and anyone who would vote for him.
  5. 20 kids but what about the umpteen thousands of deaths in the road each year. Don't just talk about buses. Talk about all the causes of road fatalities. Tackle the top 5 causes of deaths. First step is helmets on motorcycles. 2 passenger max. Seat belts, infant Carriers. Some people are going to be walking and pissed.
  6. What is the elevation of suk and thong lor?
  7. In fact auction off the privilege to light a bus on fire. I would travel 13 k km to do this if I won.
  8. Public punishment matching what the victims endured. Sounds like 5 buses can be used for all the crooks involved.
  9. No one has mentioned what I believe is the real visa killer. Looks. Is she attractive and fit? Does she still have it? And could she earn income in the sex industry?
  10. "International tourists generally welcome a firmer baht against the dollar, which helps them better manage their spending in Thailand," she said. TIT
  11. I would think this is tolerated in Thailand more than most places. I think you have to tell her and talk about sti prevention, limits, etc. but I think your not an evil person or lack love for thinking like male of this species.
  12. They eat the pigs, they eat the pigs of the people who Live there
  13. I vote to ban this and several breeds plus hold owners criminally libel. What a horrible way to exit this life.
  14. So that is ,.05. Pretty low level. Same as my state. Some states are .08. they say a 43kg woman will fail .05 after one glass of wine. Average 85kg male after 2 strong beers. Losing your license to drive us a serious thing here in USA. But in Thailand I'm sure people will just keep driving.
  15. Ex navy seal team 6 lives across the street. How can he watch Fox and be a trump man? I know he has a horrible car crash almost died and brain injuries and that is my only explanation why a military person of even 4 years could support trump. Much less a 20 year vet. The left has many hunters and marksmen albeit probably more no gun owners than the right.
  16. Taylor would win and would do a good job. It's not a 1 person job. Lots of intelligent advisors surround the president. US is only messed up in the fact trump has revealed the poor education level and racism that wasn't in your face.
  17. How would you like one of those gals as a GF?
  18. Rain gets my lady in the mood. It's romantic. I need to see the video to truly judge art or pornography
  19. I don't think so. Hey you only paid for short time. Well let's get this party started. 40 min video. The tuk tuk guys need to buy the video and post on PH.
  20. How much in advance was this drug screen announced?
  21. Taylor will be just fine. She had to say something. Through AI her likeness has been used to fake a trump endorsement. Any half intelligent American would have to agree that JDVance attacks on childless car women was not a smart move. Pretty much solidifies him as the worse VP pick ever by the Worst ex president ever.
  22. Elon owns a information, news organization. I believe There are legal rules on what he can say politically.
  23. You pay before getting it up?
  24. My wife was a dental receptionist for 20 years. They dislike Indian customers because always arguing and asking for a discount. And some smelling so bad or using so much scent it fumigated the waiting room. If I get bad BO she says I smell like India man. I've smelled my share of this in Thailand and here in the US.
  25. I agree with this except pootin has many ways to harm US. Public support could crumble for any support so I think it's best to support their in house long range missile manufacturer.
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